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[feat] move generic cookbook into named-routes
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MangoIV committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 23f6c39 commit 2a52a01
Showing 5 changed files with 184 additions and 339 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ packages:
223 changes: 0 additions & 223 deletions doc/cookbook/generic/Generic.lhs

This file was deleted.

25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions doc/cookbook/generic/generic.cabal

This file was deleted.

271 changes: 182 additions & 89 deletions doc/cookbook/named-routes/NamedRoutes.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
# Record-based APIs: the nested case
# Record-based APIs

*Available in Servant 0.19 or higher*

Servant offers a very natural way of constructing APIs with nested records, called `NamedRoutes`.
Servant offers a very natural way of constructing APIs with records and nested records.

This cookbook explains how to implement such nested-record-based-APIs using
`NamedRoutes` through the example of a Movie Catalog.
If you don't need the nested aspect of the record-based API, you might want to look at [Record-based
APIs: the simple case](../generic/Generic.html) cookbook
which covers a simpler implementation in which every endpoint is on the same
This cookbook explains how to implement APIs using records.

First, we start by constructing the domain types of our Movie Catalog.
After, we show you how to implement the API type with the NamedRoutes records.
@@ -19,45 +14,110 @@ However, it should be understood that this cookbook does _not_ dwell on the
built-in servant combinators as the [Structuring APIs](<../structuring-apis/StructuringApis.html>)
cookbook already covers that angle.

## Motivation: Why would I want to use records over the `:<|>` operator?

## Boilerplate time!
With a record-based API, we don’t need to care about the declaration order of the endpoints.
For example, with the `:<|>` operator there’s room for error when the order of the API type

First, let’s get rid of the extensions and imports boilerplate in order to focus on our new technique:
type API1 = "version" :> Get '[JSON] Version
:<|> "movies" :> Get '[JSON] [Movie]
does not follow the `Handler` implementation order
apiHandler :: ServerT API1 Handler
apiHandler = getMovies
:<|> getVersion
GHC can and will scold you with a very tedious message such as :
• Couldn't match type 'Handler NoContent'
with 'Movie -> Handler NoContent'
Expected type: ServerT MovieCatalogAPI Handler
Actual type: Handler Version
:<|> ((Maybe SortBy -> Handler [Movie])
:<|> ((MovieId -> Handler (Maybe Movie))
:<|> ((MovieId -> Movie -> Handler NoContent)
:<|> (MovieId -> Handler NoContent))))
• In the expression:
getMovieHandler :<|> updateMovieHandler :<|> deleteMovieHandler
In an equation for 'server':
= versionHandler
getMovieHandler :<|> updateMovieHandler :<|> deleteMovieHandler
226 | server = versionHandler
On the contrary, with the record-based technique, we refer to the routes by their name:
data API mode = API
{ list :: "list" :> ...
, delete :: "delete" :> ...
and GHC follows the lead:
• Couldn't match type 'NoContent' with 'Movie'
Expected type: AsServerT Handler :- Delete '[JSON] Movie
Actual type: Handler NoContent
• In the 'delete' field of a record
In the expression:
{get = getMovieHandler movieId,
update = updateMovieHandler movieId,
delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId}
In an equation for 'movieHandler':
movieHandler movieId
= MovieAPI
{get = getMovieHandler movieId,
update = updateMovieHandler movieId,
delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId}
252 | , delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId
So, records are more readable for a human, and GHC gives you more accurate error messages, so
why ever look back? Let's get started!
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON, ToJSON )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) )
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( run )
import Servant ( NamedRoutes
, Handler, serve )
import Servant.API (Capture, Delete, Get, Put, QueryParam, ReqBody
, JSON, NoContent (..)
, FromHttpApiData (..),ToHttpApiData(..)
, (:>) )
import Servant.API.Generic ( (:-) )
import Servant.Client ( AsClientT, ClientM, client
, (//), (/:) )
import Servant.Client.Generic ()
import Servant.Server ( Application )
import Servant.Server.Generic ( AsServer )
<summary>The boilerplate required for both the nested and flat case</summary>
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generically (..))
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Servant
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Client.Generic
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Generic
## Domain context
Now that we’ve handled the boilerplate, we can dive into our Movie Catalog domain.
## Domain context
Consider a `Movie` constructed from a `Title` and a `Year` of publication.
@@ -68,58 +128,60 @@ data Movie = Movie
, year :: Year
deriving stock Generic
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via Generically Movie
type MovieId = String
type Title = String
type MovieId = Text
type Title = Text
type Year = Int
Let’s forget about the deriving stuff for now and think about the API that we want to make.
To proceed, let us think about the API we want to build:
"version" -> Get Version
api "list" -> Get [Movie] ?sortBy= Title | Year (sort by the Title or the Year)
\ /
"movies" Get Movie
\ /
Capture MovieId - Put Movie
Delete MovieId
"version" ───► Get Version
"movies" ──┬─► "list" ────────────► Get [Movie] ?sortBy=(Title|Year)
└─► Capture MovieId ─┬─► Get Movie
├─► Put Movie
└─► Delete Movie
In this example, we create a very simple endpoint for the Version,
and several complex endpoints that use nested records for the CRUD part of the movie.
So, the URLs would look like
So, flattening this out, the URLs a client may call are:
- GET /version
- GET /movies/list?sortby=Title
- GET /movies/<MovieId>/
- PUT /movies/<MovieId>/
- DELETE /movies/<MovieId>
- `GET /version`
- `GET /movies/list?sortby=<title>`
- `GET /movies/:MovieId`
- `PUT /movies/:MovieId`
- `DELETE /movies/:MovieId`
### API Type
Now that we have a very clear idea of the API we want to make, we need to transform it into usable Haskell code:
Now that we have a clear idea of the API we want to make, we need to transform it into usable Haskell code, for that, let us first
create a `Generic` record type that will hold our Api:
data API mode = API
{ version :: mode :- "version" :> Get '[JSON] Version
, movies :: mode :- "movies" :> NamedRoutes MoviesAPI
} deriving stock Generic
type Version = String -- This will do for the sake of example.
type Version = Text -- this will do for the sake of example.
Here, we see the first node of our tree. It contains the two branches “version” and “movies” respectively:
The “version” branch is very simple and self-explanatory.
The “movies” branch will contain another node, represented by another record (see above). That is why we need the `NameRoutes` helper.
The “version” branch reads as follows: "instantiated ad a `mode`, the record field with the name `version` holds a route that needs
to match the prefix `"version"` and returns a `Version`, serialized as a `JSON` upon issing a `Get` request.
The “movies” branch will contain another node, represented by another record (see above). That is why we need the `NameRoutes` helper,
`:>` would normally expect another "standard" `API` tree (the ones with the `:<|>` operator) and `NamedRoutes` gets us one of these
when passing a record.
@@ -129,29 +191,30 @@ Let's jump into the "movies" subtree node:
data MoviesAPI mode = MoviesAPI
{ list :: mode :- "list" :> QueryParam "SortBy" SortBy :> Get '[JSON] [Movie]
, movie :: mode :- Capture "movieId" MovieId :> NamedRoutes MovieAPI
} deriving stock Generic
data SortBy = Year | Title
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- ... and the boilerplate to allow for usage as a query param:
instance ToHttpApiData SortBy where
toQueryParam Year = "year"
toQueryParam Title = "title"
instance FromHttpApiData SortBy where
parseQueryParam "year" = Right Year
parseQueryParam "title" = Right Title
parseQueryParam param = Left $ param <> " is not a valid value"
parseQueryParam param = Left $ param <> " is not a valid SortBy"
So, remember, this type represents the `MoviesAPI` node that we’ve connected earlier to the main `API` tree.
In this subtree, we illustrated both an endpoint with a **query param** and also, a **capture** with a subtree underneath it.
So, let's go deeper into our API tree.
The first branch is done, now, let's also implement the second one as follows:
data MovieAPI mode = MovieAPI
@@ -161,9 +224,7 @@ data MovieAPI mode = MovieAPI
} deriving stock Generic
As you can see, we end up implementing the deepest routes of our API.
Small detail: as our main API tree is also a record, we need the `NamedRoutes` helper.
Small detail: as our main API tree is also a record, we need the `NamedRoutes` helper (to obtain the API proper)
To improve readability, we suggest you create a type alias:
@@ -178,14 +239,19 @@ Let's make a server and a client out of it!
As you know, we can’t talk about a server, without addressing the handlers.
First, we take our handlers…
First, we build our handlers (mind that we're cheating a bit, obviously, the `moviesDB` in reality
would have to be part of some state, such that we can modify it, additionally, making it a list is not
very wise in terms of performance)
versionHandler :: Handler Version
versionHandler = pure "0.0.1"
movieListHandler :: Maybe SortBy -> Handler [Movie]
movieListHandler _ = pure moviesDB
movieListHandler (Just sortBy) = do
let p = case sortBy of {Year -> (.year); Title -> (.title)}
pure $ sortOn p moviesDB
movieListHandler Nothing = pure moviesDB

moviesDB :: [Movie]
moviesDB =
@@ -195,11 +261,7 @@ moviesDB =

getMovieHandler :: MovieId -> Handler (Maybe Movie)
getMovieHandler requestMovieId = go moviesDB
go [] = pure Nothing
go (m : _ms) | movieId m == requestMovieId = pure $ Just m
go (_m : ms) = go ms
getMovieHandler requestMovieId = find (\movie -> movie.movieId == requestMovieId) moviesDB

updateMovieHandler :: MovieId -> Movie -> Handler NoContent
updateMovieHandler requestedMovieId newMovie =
@@ -236,25 +298,24 @@ movieHandler mId = MovieAPI
, delete = deleteMovieHandler mId
As you might have noticed, we build our handlers out of the same record types we used to define our API: `MoviesAPI` and `MovieAPI`. What kind of magic is this ?
Finally, we can run the server and connect the API routes to the handlers as usual:
Finally, we can run the server and connect the API routes to the handlers, using the convenient `genericServe` function
api :: Proxy MovieCatalogAPI
api = Proxy
main :: IO ()
main = run 8081 app
app :: Application
app = serve api server
app = genericServe server
Yay! That’s done and we’ve got our server!
## The Client
## Clients and Links
The client, so to speak, is very easy to implement:
The clear advantage of record-based generics approach, is that
we can get safe links and clients very conveniently. We don't need to define endpoint types,
as field accessors work as proxies - let's demonstrate that with a client:
movieCatalogClient :: API (AsClientT ClientM)
@@ -282,7 +343,39 @@ deleteMovie :: MovieId -> ClientM NoContent
deleteMovie mId = movieCatalogClient // movies // movie /: mId // delete
Done! We’ve got our client!
Done! We’ve got our client, now let's turn to the links:
-- a single link:
versionLink :: Link
versionLink = fieldLink version
-- links for the entire route:
routesLinks :: API (AsLink Link)
routesLinks = allFieldLinks
## Using record-based APIs together with a custom monad
If your app uses a custom monad, here's how you can combine it with
-- for some custom Environment
data HandlerEnv = MkHandlerEnv
type AppM = ReaderT HandlerEnv Handler
-- we need to provide a natural transformation
nt :: AppCustomState -> (forall a. AppM a -> Handler a)
nt s x = runReaderT x s
-- which we can then use in `genericServeT`
appMyMonad :: AppCustomState -> Application
appMyMonad state = genericServeT (nt state) recordMyMonad
There is also a combinator for serving with a `Context`, `genericServeWithContextT`.
## Conclusion
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion doc/cookbook/named-routes/cookbook-named-routes.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ executable cookbook-named-routes
, servant
, servant-client
, servant-client-core
, servant-server
, servant-server
, transformers
, text
, wai >=3.2
, warp >=3.2

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