VIS commissioning handbook
The most updated version of the PDF can be viewed here. Hosting PDF files on Github can be troublesome at times (difficult to merge). We might consider removing this file from the repository later. Please use the JGWDoc link below to get the PDF from JGWDoc server.
This is a document with suspension commissioning tasks described in detail, as in, mathematical/theoretical/code/procedure details. We sincerely hope that this document can serve as a handbook/guideline for suspension commissioning, and as an educational document for people, who want/need to participate in suspension commission activities, to know more about the activities.
This document is dynamic, and it should be, as we get input and suggestions from people. With that said, if you have an opinion on particular tasks or methods described in this document or suspension commissioning in general, feel free to sumbit an issue here. Alternatively, you can contact the maintainer (Terrence for now) via any communication channels (emails, slack, whatever). We will update the document accordingly.
As we all know, people have taken different approaches for suspensions commissioning in the past. And, there were not enough communications between subgroups/people on how suspensions should be configured. With this repository, we hope to create an open environment for people to exchange ideas regarding suspension commissioning. And, we wish the document to be filled with ideas and methods that we all agree on, so all of us will commit to follow this document when participating commissioning activities.