A Yeoman generator to scaffold a simple c64 basic v2 project. Designed to be used with c64basicv2 Visual Studio Code Extension or standalone.
First, install Yeoman and generator-c64basicv2 using npm and Node.js:
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-c64basicv2
Then generate your new project:
mkdir myC64Project
cd myC64Project
yo c64basicv2
generator-c64basicv2 creates the following folder structure:
\ -> root dir
\bin -> converted programs
\d64 -> d64 disk
\src -> source programs
------ helloworld.prg
generator-c64basicv2 gives you three bash scripts to convert and run c64 basic v2 programs. To use these script install Vice
run.sh: to run a prg using Vice (x64sc)
SOURCE=$(echo $1)
FILENAME=$(echo ${SOURCE##*/})
petcat -w2 -o ./bin/$FILENAME -- $1
x64sc ./bin/$FILENAME
run this script using the command:
bash run.sh src/helloworld.prg
convertAll.sh: to convert all the prg (src folder) between ASCII, PETSCII and tokenized BASIC.
for filename in ./src/*.prg; do
SOURCE=$(echo $filename)
echo $SOURCE
DEST=$(echo ${SOURCE##*/})
echo $DEST
petcat -w2 -o ./bin/$DEST -- $SOURCE
created64.sh: to create a d64 image disk containing all the converted prg
c1541 -format "diskname,1" d64 ./d64/diskname.d64
for filename in ./bin/*.prg; do
SOURCE=$(echo $filename)
echo $SOURCE
DEST=$(echo ${SOURCE##*/})
echo $DEST
c1541 ./d64/diskname.d64 -write $filename $DEST