This is the official implementation for "Towards Integration of Discriminability and Robustness for Document-Level Relation Extraction" (EACL 2023, Main Conference).
If you find our work helpful for your research, please cite our paper:
title = "Towards Integration of Discriminability and Robustness for Document-Level Relation Extraction",
author = "Jia Guo and Stanley Kok and Lidong Bing",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
year = "2023"
>> conda create -n pemscl python==3.7.4
>> conda activate pemscl
>> conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
Other dependencies:
- tqdm==4.61.1
- transformers==4.8.2
- ujson==4.0.2
- numpy==1.19.4
- apex==0.1
- opt-einsum==3.3.0
The expected folder structure is:
|-- dataset
| |-- docred
| | |-- train_annotated.json
| | |-- dev.json
| | |-- test.json
| |-- re-docred
| | |-- train_annotated.json
| | |-- dev.json
| | |-- test.json
|-- meta
| |-- rel2id.json
|-- codes
|-- scripts
|-- results
|-- logs
|-- checkpoints
>> cd scripts
>> sh # for the DocRED dataset
>> sh # for the Re-DocRED dataset
You can evaluate your saved checkpoint by replacing the --save_path
argument with the --load_path
argument. Our trained models pemscl-docred
and pemscl-re-docred
can be found here.
We refer to the codes of ATLOP. Thanks for their contributions.