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Syntax Translations! Experimental Features! Bug Fixes!

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@darbyjack darbyjack released this 28 Jan 18:18
· 132 commits to master since this release


  • Implemented the ability to create translations for syntaxes used in commands (all of these are found in the lang files) : msg, name, player, amount, guild, new-name, motd, prefix, vault-number, arena, position, code, uses, language, new-backend
  • Added support for 1.19.3
  • Added a configuration option to enable Unicode / UTF-8 support for the SQL backends
  • Implemented a new section for experimental features. Please read the description them first and MAKE A BACKUP FIRST before enabling them. The first experimental feature implemented is using member skull textures in the guild members gui

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed /guild arena list not properly mapping the names to display to the end user
  • Fixed a couple situations where a player would not be removed from the guil/ally chat
  • Fixed a couple situations where interacting with bank balance could allow for very long decimal amounts
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with claims in terms of their Y level on specific versions of Minecraft
  • Fixed a locale issue for the rounding of decimals and guild bank balance based on where the server was hosted
  • Fixed the Win/Loss Ratio placeholders throwing errors in certain situations. For guilds to be counted as valid here, they must have at least one win and one loss


  • The config setting "settings.syntax-name" has been migrated to the translation files to follow the new translation syntaxes
  • Removed the "carry-over" option from tiers as it caused some confusion on how it actually functioned