Helper functions for building machine learning pipelines from exploration to production.
- treegoat
- analytics: functions to analyse data (e.g. comparing to a label, histograms...)
- model_inspection: functions to explore a built model (e.g. looking at the rules of a decision tree with graphviz)
- pipelines: inheritable classes to ease wrapping models in a production pipeline (e.g. building a text classification pipeline by inheriting the nlp pipline only requires defining a build function with the keras model)
- preprocessing: scikit-learn like transformers (with fit_transform and transform methods) to transform data before feeding a model
- utils: various functions useful in other parts of this library (e.g. loading GloVe word embeddings)
- tests
- one test package per sub treegoat package
- one test module per module
- ...
Build only the keras model and have the text formatting / tokenizing done behind the hood.
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras import Model
from treegoat.pipelines import nlp_pipeline
class ClassificationModel(nlp_pipeline.TextClassificationPipeline):
def build(self) -> Model:
"""Builds and returns the Keras classification model.
The model is a CNN LSTM with the attention mechanism. It can integrate pre-trained word embeddings.
Loss is categorical cross-entropy and the Adam algorithm is used to minimize it. The accuracy on
the training data is recorded at each epoch.
:return: Keras model
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(self.sequence_length,))
# Pre-trained embeddings
if self.embeddings is not None:
vector_dim = self.embeddings.shape[1]
representation = layers.Embedding(
trainable=False)(inputs) # The embedding weights will remain fixed as there isn't much data per class
assert self.vector_dim is not None, "If not using pretrained embeddings, an embedding dimension has " \
"to be provided."
embedded = layers.Embedding(
trainable=True)(inputs) # In this case there are no pre-trained embeddings so training is required
conv = layers.Conv1D(filters=32, kernel_size=3, padding='same', activation='relu')(embedded)
pool = layers.MaxPooling1D(pool_size=2)(conv)
pool = layers.BatchNormalization()(pool)
recurrent = layers.LSTM(units=100, return_sequences=True)(pool)
# compute importance for each step (attention mechanism)
attention = layers.Dense(1, activation='tanh')(recurrent)
attention = layers.Flatten()(attention)
attention = layers.Activation('softmax')(attention)
attention = layers.RepeatVector(100)(attention)
attention = layers.Permute([2, 1])(attention)
# Complete text representation
representation = layers.Multiply()([recurrent, attention])
embedded = layers.Flatten()(representation)
# Classify
classification = layers.Dense(10, activation="relu")(embedded)
classification = layers.Dense(self.label_dim, activation="softmax")(classification)
# Create the model
model = Model([inputs], classification)
# Compile
model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["acc"])
return model
pipeline = ClassificationModel(sequence_length=15,
embeddings_dim=50), y, batch_size=1, **any_other_args)
- x is a pandas DataFrame
- y is a pandas Series (labels will be one-hot encoded)
- any other arguments (e.g. batch size) will be passed to the keras fit method
n_splits = 2
scores =[0].loc[:, "text"], training_set[1], batch_size=1, n_splits=n_splits)
This will return the fitted model if the fit method has been called or the cv method has been called with "refit=True". Otherwise, it will create a new instance of the model using the build method that has been custom-defined.
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- numpy
- pyspark
- tensorflow
Running with pytest, go to the root and run:
python -m pytest tests