Heroes of the Ancients is a DotA2 mod, heavily inspired by Heroes of the Storm, from Blizzard Entertainment.
- (Click to play video)
- "Haunted Mines" - a complete playable map.
- Heavy Teamcombat (All teamplayers share the same level)
- Dynamic Events
- No items, no gold
- Opening/Closing the mines
- Wizard health drops
- Moon wells to restore hp/mp of your hero
- Bandit Squads, groups of monsters which are for the fight winner to capture
- Lookouts, which grant large map vision once captured
- "Fast Travel" ability for faster movement
- "Teleport Scroll" ability to homebase across the map
- Hide in high grass from your enemies to plan deadly attacks or heal yourself up
- Towers have ammo limitations
- Gates protect you from taking damage
The goal of those ideas, is heavy team combat, with, in ideal case, no long routes to go, and a lot of action for the players.
All these core features, except dynamic events, are already implemented in the mod, and work in their basic form.
Just subscribe on the mod page, and then play it through the Dota2 Arcade platform :) http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=618565450
If you have any issues, which are not already covered in this readme, feel free to report them here.
- Gameplay Balancing
- Fixing Disconnects, Gameplay issues.
Thanks for your interest in this mod.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
Character screen is based on the work by DoctorGester: https://github.com/DoctorGester/crumbling-island-arena
I use barebones for code functionality https://github.com/bmddota/barebones