- Requirement 1 : Read and print data
Town and road data can be correctly read and outputed to the terminal. Passes all tests with no diff issues and correct styling. Peer programmed.
- Requirement 2 : Shortest Paths
findShortestPath() method implemented to calculate shortest traversals and output them to the terminal. Passes all tests with no diff issues and correct stylings. Completed by Elijah Opoku-Nyarko with later revisions by Jake Colbert.
- Requirement 3 : Upgrading
minSpan() method implemented to find ideal connections for faster traversals and output recomendations to the terminal. Passes most tests with occasional error and correct stylings. Completed by Elijah Opoku-Nyarko with later revisions by Jake Colbert.
- Requirement 4 : Worst-Case Analysis of Bridge Collapse
removeBridges() method implemented to find towns that would form isolated groups on bridge collapse. Passes all tests with some diff issues regarding ordering and correct stylings. Completed by Elijah Opoku-Nyarko with output revisions by Jake Colbert.
- Requirement 5 : Articulation Points
articulationPoints() method implemented to find points of the graph at which their destruction would disconnect the province graph. Passes all tests with no diff issues and correct stylings. Completed by Jake Colbert.
A make test-all
target has been implemented to return "Passed!" if no errors are caught when running other tests. On run, "--- ---" will be displayed to indicate which test was running upon crash. Any test error will likely result from differences in the project5.out file and the respective test.out file. View test.diff to see their differences.