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Clint Savage edited this page Oct 18, 2011 · 1 revision

How to edit the Wiki

The GoOSe Project currently uses github to store its documentation in a wiki format. There are a few ways to work with the GoOSe wiki. All wiki edits are in reStructured Text (rst), please follow this standard while editing wiki pages.

Edit using git and a text editor

  1. Git clone the wiki component of this repo to your machine:

    git clone [email protected]:gooseproject/

  2. Make your edits. You should use the extension '.rst' for your documents, and refer to them in links without the extension:

    [ [ description | page_name ] ]
  3. Git commit and push your changes:

    git commit -am "some changes"
    git push origin master

Edit using the web interface

Point the browser to the wiki page to edit, click the 'edit' button and make changes.
