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Neotokyo server-side Sourcemod plugins

nt_selfmute: Allows muting player locally (finally), dampens memory leaks by setting sv_alltalk 1 and using overrides to control voice broadcasting. Requires funvotes-NT to work properly!

funvotes-NT: stock Sourcemod script with an added forward to keep track of !votealltalk.

nt_ghostcapsfx: special effects on ghost cap or end of round (ghost explodes, can also damage player) and various added sound effects while carried (requires nt_ghostcap 1.6!).

nt_jumpsounds: adds a different jumping sound effect to each class, can enable additional custom sounds too.

nt_weapontweaks: prevents SRS quick switch exploit, adds recoil, screen shaking and randomized tracers to some guns.

nt_specvisions: adds vision modes availability to spectators and dead players.

nt_specbinds: binds number keys to 10 alive players for convenient camera switching.

nt_restartfix: Agiel's plugin, rewritten to handle neo_restart_this 2 which resets only current round, reverting player scores as well.

nt_slowmotion: simulates slow motion effect once last man standing dies.

nt_supportknife: gives a knife to support classes on player spawn, and switches back to first weapon slot.

nt_cyborgvision: !vision to disable cyborg vision (which is enabled by default).

nt_console: !console to open console, and kill command blocker.

nt_randomserverpassword: sets a random password on request (public command) and resets to the default password (line 66) after the last player quits the game.

nt_unstuck: !stuck command to nudge a player in a given direction.

nt_entitytools: various tools to manipulate entities in game. Allows Admins to spawn props. Mostly for testing purposes.

nt_props: allows player to spawn various props depending on their score.

nt_sniper_laser: adds laser beam and laser dot to sniper rifles.

nt_highlights: highlights player_hurt events for spectators by tracing coloured beams matching damage done.

nt_pain_sfx: sound effects emitted when a player gets hurt.

nt_cloak: adds a one-time use cloak for support class, which gets turned off as soon as the player gets damaged.

nt_ghostpos: anti-griefing measure that checks for ghost position on certain maps, teleports it back to valid coordinates + anti ghost-hopping.

nt_visualmarker: places a marker in the world to indicate a point of interest to your team mates, like a spotted opponent.

nt_detpack_tweaks: destructible detpacks, invisible at a distance, remote can be dropped on death, detpack can be retrieved with +use and dropped on death.

nt_visionglow: places a glowing halo on player's head when using a vision mode.

nt_gmute: blocks haters and toxic players from communicating with less weird people.

Donger model here:

Funvotes-NT: Modified Sourcemod default "funvote" plugin with a specific neotokyo public vote to restart the game. Obsolete (merged in nt_votes.sp for nt_teamdeathmatch)

Notes: SourceMod offsets are often wrong for Neotokyo, which makes it very hard to troubleshoot and develop plugins for it.


Sourcemod plugins specific to Neotokyo:Source






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