Simple parser for redis url. It supports sentinel urls for ioredis
const parseRedisUrl = require('parse-redis-url-simple')
// Defaults to localhost:6379/0
//=> [{host: 'localhost', port: 6379, database: '0', password: undefined}]
//=> [{host: 'localhost', port: 6379, database: '0', password: undefined}]
// But you can change databases by adding a path
//=> [{host: 'localhost', port: 6379, database: '1', password: undefined}]
// Many instances
//=> [{host: '', port: 39143, database: '0', password: undefined},
//=> {host: '', port: 39143, database: '0', password: undefined}]
// And even add passwords
parseRedisUrl('redis://[email protected]:39143/')
parseRedisUrl('redis://:[email protected]:39143/')
//=> [{host: '', port: 39143, database: '0', password: 'n9y25ah7'}]
// If you add a username, it's ignored
parseRedisUrl('redis://user:[email protected]:39143/')
//=> [{host: '', port: 39143, database: '0', password: 'hunter2'}]
// For sentinels: just set parameter sentinel=true
parseRedisUrl(',,', sentinel=true)
//=> [{host: '', port: 39143},{host: '', port: 39143},{host: '', port: 39143}]
Could be found here:
- tests: the set of unit tests.
All implementations
are not maintained or not for production use. It looks they were implemented only for testing purposes. Usually there have been more than one redis server in production. Moreover sometimes it is implemented via cluster or sentinel.