A medium-sized modern header only library of selected datastructures, algorithms, machinelearning topics and utilities. This collection is built for educational purposes and for use in non-essential projects.
Documentation is provided in-header.
While I am not an expert in datastructures nor C++, I am still aiming for reference type implementations in terms of efficiency and interface.
The general namespace is cxstructs
Note: Some datastructures are outdated
1. Contents
2. Usage Guide
3. Installation
4. Library Notes
5. Contributing
6. Resources
Note: These are old benchmarks
vector | Stack | HashMap | StackHashMap | HashSet | LinkedList | Queue | DeQueue | |
std:: | 0.81 | 0.52 | 0.51 | 0.5 | 0.52 | 0.71 | 0.46 | 0.57 |
cxstructs:: | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.0 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
- Performance
- every cxstruct is natively implemented (no adapters) at the lowest level
- Custom Allocator
- per default uses the faster CXPoolAllocator
- can be disabled individually via the last template option
- Standard Interface
- cxstructs follow a similar interface to stl containers
- but each cxstruct has added utility methods
- Documentation
- all cxstructs and cxalgos come with full method and class docs
- Testing
- every cxstruct has lots of tests (removed in release)
- Debug Symbols
- custom assert macros (cxassert.h) only compiled in debug mode
- Accessibility
- the source code is clean to read and nicely formatted
- Cross-Compiler
- C++20 >= required
- the library is tested on Linux(gcc), Windows(MSCV 17.0 (2022), mingw-gcc(13.1), zig)
HashGrid: Very fast cache friendly implementation
SmallVector: Vector with configurable stack based storage buffer
BitMask: various bit mask container
StackVector: stack container with std::vector interface
StackHashMap: (yes :) stack container with std::unordered map interface
PriorityQueue: using binary heap
- Vector(vec):
- Matrix(mat): flattened float array, lots of methods
- Row(row): compile-time sized, non-mutable container
- Pair: static container for two types
- Trie: limited to ASCII (128)
- Stack:
- HashMap: using separate chaining with LinkedLists with static buffer
- HashSet: using separate chaining with LinkedLists with static buffer
- Linked List:
- Double Linked List:
- Queue: using circular array
- DeQueue: using circular array
- Binary Tree:
- QuadTree: allows custom Types with x() and y() getters
- Geometry(Rect,Circle,Point): standard efficient 2D shapes
- FeedForwardNeuralNetwork(FNN): implemented using matrices(default) and without, switch:
#define CX_LOOP_FNN
- k-Nearest Neighbour(k-NN2D,k-NNXD): 2D works with a QuadTree,
- Word2Vec: simple word to vector network (WIP)
- Sorting: QuickSort, MergeSort, Bubblesort, Bogosort, Selectionsort
- Search: Binary Search (recursive and non-recursive),
- Graph Traversal: DepthFirstSearch (on 2d-vector as adjacency matrix),
- MathFunctions: Integrals,
- PatterMatching: Brute-Force, KMP, Boyer-Moore
- Misc: Maze generator(simple)
cxassert: custom assertions with optional text
cxbits: bit operations on numbers for embedding and retrieving information
cxio: simple, readable and symmetric file io format
cxmath: activation functions,distance functions, next_power_of_2, square root
cxstring: operations on strings
cxtime: simple time measurements with multiple time points and formats
cxtips: collection of helpful resources and personal guidelines with examples
- cxgraphics: simple native windowing and graphics output header
Short explanation of advanced use cases.
Use the last template option to specify wether to use the allocator or not cxstruct<Type,false>
Generally use the CXAllocator if you use the cxstruct for longer and as a standalone.
In turn, generally do not use it if it's a temporary or fixed size structure
In case of slower performance just switch to the other.
Takes either matrices or vectors as input. In both ways every row is interpreted as a separate input.
- The k-NN will per default not duplicate any data (or make lookup tables) and only works on references
- this allows for large datasets but might be slower
In order to allow for a multitude of data, k-NN has a generic interface.
There is an abstract base class which you can use but really any type works for as long as it has those basic getter
functions. You can define your categories as you like.
2D Example:
enum Category { A, B, C };
struct DataPoint : public DataPoint_<Category> {
Category category;
float x_;
float y_;
DataPoint(float x, float y, Category category) : x_(x), y_(y), category(category) {}
float x() const final { return x_; }
float y() const final { return y_; }
Category getCategory() final { return category; }
float getWeight() const override { return 0; }
Multidimensional Example:
Simply add these lines around your build target in your CMakeLists.txt. This will automatically download the newest version and add them to your includes.
FetchContent_Declare(cxstructs GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/gk646/cxstructs.git)
#add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_FILES})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE cxstructs)
Or manually download the source and include the include directory.
Download the source and add the include directory to your build system include path.
for all headers- internal:
is used to hide helper methods or structscxtests
used to hide tests
typedef uint_fast32_t uint_32_cx;
typedef int_fast32_t int_32_cx;
typedef int_fast32_t int_32_cx;
#define CX_LOOP_FNN
to use the FNN without matrix calculations (slower)CX_ASSERT(expr,msg)
enhanced assertion with optional textCX_WARNING(expr,msg)
similar to CX_ASSERT but doesn't abort
to your CMake options to build an executable target from the src/ directory.
You can then add a main.cpp and test any changes.
Run tests by #include "CXTests.h"
and calling test_all
Feel free to contribute!
Inside Code Youtube Channel provides excellent videos on datastructures. (used for PriorityQueue)
Initially I made all the cxstructs with automatic shrinking when reaching a min_size as I thought the STL containers are in fact doing that
- turns out they don't, and it was the reason I didn't beat them yet in performance
The CX_ASSERT macro is inspired by the video "How I use C++;a line-by-line code review" by Strager