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Modified scripts for the trend plots and factorized one script
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venturia committed Dec 14, 2013
1 parent b8ac052 commit b82592a
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Showing 5 changed files with 276 additions and 124 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions DQM/SiStripMonitorSummary/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@

if [[ $2 == '' || $3 != '' ]]
echo "This script accepts exactly 2 command line arguments"
echo "Invoke it in this way:"
echo " Path fileNameTemplate"
echo " Path: name of the path where the files are"
echo " fileNameTemplate: prefix of the bad channel log file name before the run number (without _ )"
echo "Exiting."
exit 1
fi $1 QualityLog $2 $1
125 changes: 1 addition & 124 deletions DQM/SiStripMonitorSummary/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,128 +46,5 @@ else
exit 1

export workdir=/afs/$DBName/$DBAccount/DBTagCollection/$monitoredVariable/$DBTag/$baseDir /afs/$DBName/$DBAccount/DBTagCollection/$monitoredVariable/$DBTag $baseDir $baseName

if [[ !( -d $workdir ) ]]
echo "Directory $workdir does not exist!"
echo "Exiting."
exit 1

# Name of file to be skipped from loop (contains no real data)
export badFileName=${baseName}1.txt

# [Temporary] text file with summary data for each iteration step
export outFileTK=./TrackerSummary.txt

# File with output histograms
export outRootFileTK=./TrackerSummary.root

# File with prettier plots
export outRootPlotsTK=./TrackerPlots.root

#if [[ -f $outFileTK ]]
# echo "ERROR: txt output file already exists. Exiting."
# exit 1;

#if [[ -f $outRootFileTK ]]
# then
# echo "ERROR: root output file already exists. Exiting."
# exit 1;

# Use the root installation defined above
#source ${ROOTSYS}/bin/

# In order to make the for loop work properly, I insert underscores here, and transform them to spaces afterwards
for partName0 in Tracker TIB TID TOB TEC TIB_Layer_1_ TIB_Layer_2_ TIB_Layer_3_ TIB_Layer_4_ TID+_Disk_1_ TID+_Disk_2_ TID+_Disk_3_ TID-_Disk_1_ TID-_Disk_2_ TID-_Disk_3_ TOB_Layer_1_ TOB_Layer_2_ TOB_Layer_3_ TOB_Layer_4_ TOB_Layer_5_ TOB_Layer_6_ TEC+_Disk_1_ TEC+_Disk_2_ TEC+_Disk_3_ TEC+_Disk_4_ TEC+_Disk_5_ TEC+_Disk_6_ TEC+_Disk_7_ TEC+_Disk_8_ TEC+_Disk_9_ TEC-_Disk_1_ TEC-_Disk_2_ TEC-_Disk_3_ TEC-_Disk_4_ TEC-_Disk_5_ TEC-_Disk_6_ TEC-_Disk_7_ TEC-_Disk_8_ TEC-_Disk_9_ ;
# Change underscores to spaces, and add a colon at the end
partName=`echo $partName0 | sed s/_/\ /g | sed s/$/:/g`
if [[ $partName0 == "Tracker" || $partName0 == "TIB" || $partName0 == "TID" || $partName0 == "TOB" || $partName0 == "TEC" ]] ;
subDetName=`echo $partName | awk '{print $1}'`
partType=`echo $partName | awk '{print $2}'`
partNumber=`echo $partName | awk '{print $3}'`
touch $outFileTK
echo Processing subDetName $subDetName, partType $partType, partNumber $partNumber

for fileName in `ls $workdir` ;
# This has not any real data
if [[ $fileName != "${baseName}1.txt" ]] ;
if [[ $fileName =~ "^${baseName}" && $(( `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'` - 51 )) > 0 ]] ; # File name must start with this string and must have at least that many lines
# Extract run number from first row of file
# AV runNumber of line definition changed to be less dependent on the details of the log file
# runNumber=`head -n 1 "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $6}'`
# line=`head -n 52 $workdir/$fileName | tail -n 44 | grep "$partName" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`
runNumber=`grep "New IOV" "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $6}'`
line=`grep -A 10000 "Global Info" $workdir/$fileName | grep -B 10000 Detid | grep "$partName" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`
# echo $line
# echo $fileName
nBadModulesTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $1'}`
# # If we have bad modules, check how many fibers they have
# if [[ $nBadModulesTK > '0' ]] ;
# then
# nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK=0;
# for fiber in `tail +57 $workdir/$fileName | grep -v TIB | grep -v TID | grep -v TOB | grep -v TEC | awk 'NF>0' | awk '$2>0 {print $4}'` ;
# do
# if [[ $fiber != 'x' ]] ;
# then
# let nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK++;
# fi
# done
# let nBadModulesWithTwoFibersTK=$nBadModulesTK-$nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK
# let nBadFibersFromModulesTK=$nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK*3+$nBadModulesWithTwoFibersTK*2
# nAllBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $3'}`
# let nBadFibersTK=$nAllBadFibersTK-$nBadFibersFromModulesTK
# else
# # We don't have bad modules: all bad fibers are tagged individually
# nBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $3'}`
# nAllBadFibersTK=$nBadFibersTK
# fi
nAllBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
nAllBadAPVsTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
let nBadAPVsFromFibersTK=$nAllBadFibersTK*2
let nBadAPVsTK=$nAllBadAPVsTK-$nBadAPVsFromFibersTK
nAllBadStripsTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
let nBadStripsFromAPVsTK=$nAllBadAPVsTK*128;
let nBadStripsTK=$nAllBadStripsTK-$nBadStripsFromAPVsTK
echo $runNumber $nBadModulesTK $nAllBadFibersTK $nAllBadAPVsTK $nBadStripsTK $nBadStripsFromAPVsTK $nAllBadStripsTK >> $outFileTK
elif [[ $fileName =~ "^${baseName}" && $(( 52 - `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'` )) > 0 ]] ;
echo "*** ERROR! Skipping file: $fileName because it is blank or has too few lines!"
echo "*** Number of lines in the file =" `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "*** The execution will continue without that IOV."
if [[ -f tmp.txt ]] ;
# echo "Temporary file tmp.txt exists! remove it and retry!"
# exit 1
rm tmp.txt;
# Remove last newline from file, otherwise the macro will read twice the last line
cat $outFileTK | awk '{if(NR>1)print l;l=$0};END{if(NR>=1)printf("%s",l);}' > tmp.txt
mv tmp.txt $outFileTK
# Now we have the file with all the data for the given partName. Process it with the ROOT macro
makeTKTrend $outFileTK $outRootFileTK $subDetName $partType $partNumber
rm $outFileTK

# Run a macro that creates prettier plots
if [[ -f $outRootFileTK ]] ;
makePlots $outRootFileTK $outRootPlotsTK
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions DQM/SiStripMonitorSummary/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@

if [[ $3 == '' || $4 != '' ]]
echo "This script accepts exactly 3 command line arguments"
echo "Invoke it in this way:"
echo " Path dirName fileNameTemplate"
echo " Path: name of the path where the files are"
echo " dirName: name of the directory where the log files are. Usually QualityLog"
echo " fileNameTemplate: prefix of the log file name"
echo "Exiting."
exit 1

# The script accepts 4 command line parameters:
# Example: cms_orcoff_prod
export Path=$1
export baseDir=$2
export baseName=$3

export workdir=$Path/$baseDir

if [[ !( -d $workdir ) ]]
echo "Directory $workdir does not exist!"
echo "Exiting."
exit 1

# Name of file to be skipped from loop (contains no real data)
export badFileName=${baseName}1.txt

# [Temporary] text file with summary data for each iteration step
export outFileTK=./TrackerSummary.txt

# File with output histograms
export outRootFileTK=./TrackerSummary.root

# File with prettier plots
export outRootPlotsTK=./TrackerPlots.root

#if [[ -f $outFileTK ]]
# echo "ERROR: txt output file already exists. Exiting."
# exit 1;

#if [[ -f $outRootFileTK ]]
# then
# echo "ERROR: root output file already exists. Exiting."
# exit 1;

# Use the root installation defined above
#source ${ROOTSYS}/bin/

# In order to make the for loop work properly, I insert underscores here, and transform them to spaces afterwards
for partName0 in Tracker TIB TID TOB TEC TIB_Layer_1_ TIB_Layer_2_ TIB_Layer_3_ TIB_Layer_4_ TID+_Disk_1_ TID+_Disk_2_ TID+_Disk_3_ TID-_Disk_1_ TID-_Disk_2_ TID-_Disk_3_ TOB_Layer_1_ TOB_Layer_2_ TOB_Layer_3_ TOB_Layer_4_ TOB_Layer_5_ TOB_Layer_6_ TEC+_Disk_1_ TEC+_Disk_2_ TEC+_Disk_3_ TEC+_Disk_4_ TEC+_Disk_5_ TEC+_Disk_6_ TEC+_Disk_7_ TEC+_Disk_8_ TEC+_Disk_9_ TEC-_Disk_1_ TEC-_Disk_2_ TEC-_Disk_3_ TEC-_Disk_4_ TEC-_Disk_5_ TEC-_Disk_6_ TEC-_Disk_7_ TEC-_Disk_8_ TEC-_Disk_9_ ;
# Change underscores to spaces, and add a colon at the end
partName=`echo $partName0 | sed s/_/\ /g | sed s/$/:/g`
if [[ $partName0 == "Tracker" || $partName0 == "TIB" || $partName0 == "TID" || $partName0 == "TOB" || $partName0 == "TEC" ]] ;
subDetName=`echo $partName | awk '{print $1}'`
partType=`echo $partName | awk '{print $2}'`
partNumber=`echo $partName | awk '{print $3}'`
touch $outFileTK
echo Processing subDetName $subDetName, partType $partType, partNumber $partNumber

for fileName in `ls $workdir` ;
# This has not any real data
if [[ $fileName != "${baseName}1.txt" ]] ;
if [[ $fileName =~ "^${baseName}" && $(( `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'` - 51 )) > 0 ]] ; # File name must start with this string and must have at least that many lines
# Extract run number from first row of file
# AV runNumber of line definition changed to be less dependent on the details of the log file
# runNumber=`head -n 1 "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $6}'`
# line=`head -n 52 $workdir/$fileName | tail -n 44 | grep "$partName" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`
runNumber=`grep "New IOV" "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $6}'`
line=`grep -A 10000 "Global Info" $workdir/$fileName | grep -B 10000 Detid | grep "$partName" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`
# echo $line
# echo $fileName
nBadModulesTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $1'}`
# # If we have bad modules, check how many fibers they have
# if [[ $nBadModulesTK > '0' ]] ;
# then
# nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK=0;
# for fiber in `tail +57 $workdir/$fileName | grep -v TIB | grep -v TID | grep -v TOB | grep -v TEC | awk 'NF>0' | awk '$2>0 {print $4}'` ;
# do
# if [[ $fiber != 'x' ]] ;
# then
# let nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK++;
# fi
# done
# let nBadModulesWithTwoFibersTK=$nBadModulesTK-$nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK
# let nBadFibersFromModulesTK=$nBadModulesWithThreeFibersTK*3+$nBadModulesWithTwoFibersTK*2
# nAllBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $3'}`
# let nBadFibersTK=$nAllBadFibersTK-$nBadFibersFromModulesTK
# else
# # We don't have bad modules: all bad fibers are tagged individually
# nBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk {'print $3'}`
# nAllBadFibersTK=$nBadFibersTK
# fi
nAllBadFibersTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`
nAllBadAPVsTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $3}'`
let nBadAPVsFromFibersTK=$nAllBadFibersTK*2
let nBadAPVsTK=$nAllBadAPVsTK-$nBadAPVsFromFibersTK
nAllBadStripsTK=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'`
let nBadStripsFromAPVsTK=$nAllBadAPVsTK*128;
let nBadStripsTK=$nAllBadStripsTK-$nBadStripsFromAPVsTK
echo $runNumber $nBadModulesTK $nAllBadFibersTK $nAllBadAPVsTK $nBadStripsTK $nBadStripsFromAPVsTK $nAllBadStripsTK >> $outFileTK
elif [[ $fileName =~ "^${baseName}" && $(( 52 - `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'` )) > 0 ]] ;
echo "*** ERROR! Skipping file: $fileName because it is blank or has too few lines!"
echo "*** Number of lines in the file =" `wc -l "$workdir/$fileName" | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "*** The execution will continue without that IOV."
if [[ -f tmp.txt ]] ;
# echo "Temporary file tmp.txt exists! remove it and retry!"
# exit 1
rm tmp.txt;
# Remove last newline from file, otherwise the macro will read twice the last line
cat $outFileTK | awk '{if(NR>1)print l;l=$0};END{if(NR>=1)printf("%s",l);}' > tmp.txt
mv tmp.txt $outFileTK
# Now we have the file with all the data for the given partName. Process it with the ROOT macro
makeTKTrend $outFileTK $outRootFileTK $subDetName $partType $partNumber
rm $outFileTK

# Run a macro that creates prettier plots
if [[ -f $outRootFileTK ]] ;
makePlots $outRootFileTK $outRootPlotsTK

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