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Merge pull request cms-sw#1940 from TaiSakuma/metdev-70X-140102_01
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Reco cleanups -- Prepare to delete METProducer
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ktf committed Jan 13, 2014
2 parents 1b2bed1 + 97bf2ae commit 01a31bb
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Showing 5 changed files with 10 additions and 465 deletions.
14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions CommonTools/ParticleFlow/python/GeneratorTools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,19 +18,13 @@

genMetTrue = cms.EDProducer("METProducer",
genMetTrue = cms.EDProducer("GenMETProducer",
src = cms.InputTag("genParticlesForMETAllVisible"), ## Input product label

METType = cms.string('GenMET'), ## Output MET type

alias = cms.string('GenMETAllVisible'), ## Alias for FWLite

noHF = cms.bool(False), ## do not exclude HF

onlyFiducialParticles = cms.bool(False), ## Use only fiducial GenParticles
globalThreshold = cms.double(0.0), ## Global Threshold for input objects

InputType = cms.string('CandidateCollection') ## Input product type

usePt = cms.bool(True), ## using Pt instead Et
applyFiducialThresholdForFractions = cms.bool(False),

genMetTrueSequence = cms.Sequence(
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224 changes: 2 additions & 222 deletions DQM/DataScouting/test/HLTvsRECOstudies/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9435,122 +9435,12 @@
MinE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
triggerType = cms.int32( 85 )
process.hltMet = cms.EDProducer( "METProducer",
resolutionsEra = cms.string( "Spring10" ),
HB_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
EE_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
jdpt9 = cms.vdouble( 0.843, 0.885, 1.245, 1.665, 1.944, 1.981, 1.972, 2.875, 3.923, 7.51 ),
jdpt8 = cms.vdouble( 0.889, 0.939, 1.166, 1.365, 1.553, 1.805, 2.06, 2.22, 2.268, 2.247 ),
jdpt7 = cms.vdouble( 1.094, 1.139, 1.436, 1.672, 1.831, 2.05, 2.267, 2.549, 2.785, 2.86 ),
jdpt6 = cms.vdouble( 1.213, 1.298, 1.716, 2.015, 2.191, 2.612, 2.863, 2.879, 2.925, 2.902 ),
jdpt5 = cms.vdouble( 1.049, 1.149, 1.607, 1.869, 2.012, 2.219, 2.289, 2.412, 2.695, 2.865 ),
jdpt4 = cms.vdouble( 0.85, 0.961, 1.337, 1.593, 1.854, 2.005, 2.209, 2.533, 2.812, 3.047 ),
jdpt3 = cms.vdouble( 0.929, 1.04, 1.46, 1.74, 2.042, 2.289, 2.639, 2.837, 2.946, 2.971 ),
jdpt2 = cms.vdouble( 0.841, 0.937, 1.316, 1.605, 1.919, 2.295, 2.562, 2.722, 2.943, 3.293 ),
jdpt1 = cms.vdouble( 0.718, 0.813, 1.133, 1.384, 1.588, 1.841, 2.115, 2.379, 2.508, 2.772 ),
jdpt0 = cms.vdouble( 0.749, 0.829, 1.099, 1.355, 1.584, 1.807, 2.035, 2.217, 2.378, 2.591 ),
HE_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.3, 0.05 ),
process.hltMet = cms.EDProducer( "CaloMETProducer",
alias = cms.string( "RawCaloMET" ),
HF_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.05022 ),
InputType = cms.string( "CandidateCollection" ),
HE_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
HB_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
EE_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.2, 0.03, 0.0050 ),
noHF = cms.bool( False ),
PF_PhiResType2 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
PF_PhiResType3 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
HF_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.82, 0.09 ),
resolutionsAlgo = cms.string( "AK5PF" ),
PF_PhiResType6 = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_PhiResType7 = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_PhiResType4 = cms.vdouble( 0.0028, 0.0, 0.0022 ),
PF_PhiResType5 = cms.vdouble( 0.1, 0.1, 0.13 ),
ptresolthreshold = cms.double( 10.0 ),
METType = cms.string( "CaloMET" ),
EB_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.2, 0.03, 0.0050 ),
PF_PhiResType1 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
globalThreshold = cms.double( 0.3 ),
EB_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.00502 ),
src = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForAll" ),
jdphi9 = cms.vdouble( 0.062, 0.059, 0.053, 0.047, 0.042, 0.045, 0.036, 0.032, 0.034, 0.044 ),
jdphi8 = cms.vdouble( 0.059, 0.057, 0.051, 0.044, 0.038, 0.035, 0.037, 0.032, 0.028, 0.028 ),
jdphi4 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.042, 0.043, 0.042, 0.038, 0.036, 0.036, 0.033, 0.031, 0.031 ),
jdphi3 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.043, 0.044, 0.043, 0.041, 0.039, 0.039, 0.036, 0.034, 0.031 ),
jdphi2 = cms.vdouble( 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.038, 0.036, 0.035, 0.034, 0.033 ),
jdphi1 = cms.vdouble( 0.034, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.034, 0.031, 0.03, 0.029, 0.027 ),
jdphi0 = cms.vdouble( 0.034, 0.034, 0.034, 0.034, 0.032, 0.031, 0.028, 0.027, 0.027, 0.027 ),
jdphi7 = cms.vdouble( 0.077, 0.072, 0.059, 0.05, 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.039, 0.037, 0.031 ),
jdphi6 = cms.vdouble( 0.084, 0.08, 0.072, 0.065, 0.066, 0.06, 0.051, 0.049, 0.045, 0.045 ),
jdphi5 = cms.vdouble( 0.069, 0.069, 0.064, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.049, 0.043, 0.039, 0.04 ),
HO_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.3, 0.0050 ),
HO_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_EtResType5 = cms.vdouble( 0.41, 0.52, 0.25 ),
PF_EtResType4 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.1, 0.0 ),
PF_EtResType7 = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
PF_EtResType6 = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
PF_EtResType1 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
calculateSignificance = cms.bool( False ),
PF_EtResType3 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
PF_EtResType2 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
usePt = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
onlyFiducialParticles = cms.bool( False ),
vertexRho = cms.double( 2.0 ),
eVetoDeltaPhi = cms.double( 100.0 ),
PFClustersHCAL = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHCAL" ),
PFClustersHFHAD = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHFHAD" ),
dupMinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
chi2_tight_max = cms.double( 5.0 ),
vertexZ = cms.double( 15.0 ),
nLayersTight = cms.int32( 0 ),
vertexNdof = cms.int32( 4 ),
ptErr_max = cms.double( 0.2 ),
corner = cms.double( 1.479 ),
PFClustersECAL = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterECAL" ),
eta_max = cms.double( 2.65 ),
muonInputTag = cms.InputTag( "muons" ),
eVetoDeltaCotTheta = cms.double( 100.0 ),
maxd0cut = cms.double( 0.3 ),
PFClustersHFEM = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHFEM" ),
d0cutb = cms.double( 0.5 ),
checkTrackPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
usePFClusters = cms.bool( False ),
vertexMaxDZ = cms.double( 0.2 ),
deltaRShower = cms.double( 0.01 ),
chi2_max = cms.double( 5.0 ),
maxpt_eta25 = cms.double( 0.0 ),
track_algos = cms.vint32( ),
ptErr_tight_max = cms.double( 0.2 ),
maxTrackAlgo = cms.int32( 8 ),
nLayers = cms.int32( 0 ),
correctShowerTracks = cms.bool( False ),
vetoDuplicates = cms.bool( False ),
pt_max = cms.double( 100.0 ),
radius = cms.double( 130.0 ),
nhits_tight_min = cms.double( 9.0 ),
beamSpotInputTag = cms.InputTag( "offlineBeamSpot" ),
dupDCotTh = cms.double( 6.0E-4 ),
usedeltaRRejection = cms.bool( False ),
trackInputTag = cms.InputTag( "generalTracks" ),
dupDPhi = cms.double( 0.03 ),
electronInputTag = cms.InputTag( "gsfElectrons" ),
tcmetDepValueMap = cms.InputTag( 'muonTCMETValueMapProducer','muCorrData' ),
d0cuta = cms.double( 0.015 ),
hOverECut = cms.double( 0.1 ),
electronVetoCone = cms.bool( True ),
muonDepValueMap = cms.InputTag( 'muonMETValueMapProducer','muCorrData' ),
metInputTag = cms.InputTag( "met" ),
usePvtxd0 = cms.bool( False ),
vertexInputTag = cms.InputTag( "offlinePrimaryVertices" ),
zdist = cms.double( 314.0 ),
nhits_min = cms.double( 6.0 ),
eVetoDeltaR = cms.double( 0.015 ),
maxpt_eta20 = cms.double( 100.0 ),
pt_min = cms.double( 1.0 ),
rf_type = cms.int32( 0 ),
nMinOuterHits = cms.int32( 2 ),
track_quality = cms.vint32( 2 ),
isCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
eVetoMinElectronPt = cms.double( 10.0 )
process.hltMET65 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloMET",
saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12737,122 +12627,12 @@
minRBXHits = cms.int32( 999 ),
maxNumRBXs = cms.int32( 2 )
process.hltMetClean = cms.EDProducer( "METProducer",
resolutionsEra = cms.string( "Spring10" ),
HB_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
EE_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
jdpt9 = cms.vdouble( 0.843, 0.885, 1.245, 1.665, 1.944, 1.981, 1.972, 2.875, 3.923, 7.51 ),
jdpt8 = cms.vdouble( 0.889, 0.939, 1.166, 1.365, 1.553, 1.805, 2.06, 2.22, 2.268, 2.247 ),
jdpt7 = cms.vdouble( 1.094, 1.139, 1.436, 1.672, 1.831, 2.05, 2.267, 2.549, 2.785, 2.86 ),
jdpt6 = cms.vdouble( 1.213, 1.298, 1.716, 2.015, 2.191, 2.612, 2.863, 2.879, 2.925, 2.902 ),
jdpt5 = cms.vdouble( 1.049, 1.149, 1.607, 1.869, 2.012, 2.219, 2.289, 2.412, 2.695, 2.865 ),
jdpt4 = cms.vdouble( 0.85, 0.961, 1.337, 1.593, 1.854, 2.005, 2.209, 2.533, 2.812, 3.047 ),
jdpt3 = cms.vdouble( 0.929, 1.04, 1.46, 1.74, 2.042, 2.289, 2.639, 2.837, 2.946, 2.971 ),
jdpt2 = cms.vdouble( 0.841, 0.937, 1.316, 1.605, 1.919, 2.295, 2.562, 2.722, 2.943, 3.293 ),
jdpt1 = cms.vdouble( 0.718, 0.813, 1.133, 1.384, 1.588, 1.841, 2.115, 2.379, 2.508, 2.772 ),
jdpt0 = cms.vdouble( 0.749, 0.829, 1.099, 1.355, 1.584, 1.807, 2.035, 2.217, 2.378, 2.591 ),
HE_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.3, 0.05 ),
process.hltMetClean = cms.EDProducer( "CaloMETProducer",
alias = cms.string( "RawCaloMET" ),
HF_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.05022 ),
InputType = cms.string( "CandidateCollection" ),
HE_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
HB_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
EE_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.2, 0.03, 0.0050 ),
noHF = cms.bool( False ),
PF_PhiResType2 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
PF_PhiResType3 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
HF_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.82, 0.09 ),
resolutionsAlgo = cms.string( "AK5PF" ),
PF_PhiResType6 = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_PhiResType7 = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_PhiResType4 = cms.vdouble( 0.0028, 0.0, 0.0022 ),
PF_PhiResType5 = cms.vdouble( 0.1, 0.1, 0.13 ),
ptresolthreshold = cms.double( 10.0 ),
METType = cms.string( "CaloMET" ),
EB_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.2, 0.03, 0.0050 ),
PF_PhiResType1 = cms.vdouble( 0.0020 ),
globalThreshold = cms.double( 0.3 ),
EB_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.00502 ),
src = cms.InputTag( "hltHcalTowerNoiseCleaner" ),
jdphi9 = cms.vdouble( 0.062, 0.059, 0.053, 0.047, 0.042, 0.045, 0.036, 0.032, 0.034, 0.044 ),
jdphi8 = cms.vdouble( 0.059, 0.057, 0.051, 0.044, 0.038, 0.035, 0.037, 0.032, 0.028, 0.028 ),
jdphi4 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.042, 0.043, 0.042, 0.038, 0.036, 0.036, 0.033, 0.031, 0.031 ),
jdphi3 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.043, 0.044, 0.043, 0.041, 0.039, 0.039, 0.036, 0.034, 0.031 ),
jdphi2 = cms.vdouble( 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 0.038, 0.036, 0.035, 0.034, 0.033 ),
jdphi1 = cms.vdouble( 0.034, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.035, 0.034, 0.031, 0.03, 0.029, 0.027 ),
jdphi0 = cms.vdouble( 0.034, 0.034, 0.034, 0.034, 0.032, 0.031, 0.028, 0.027, 0.027, 0.027 ),
jdphi7 = cms.vdouble( 0.077, 0.072, 0.059, 0.05, 0.045, 0.042, 0.039, 0.039, 0.037, 0.031 ),
jdphi6 = cms.vdouble( 0.084, 0.08, 0.072, 0.065, 0.066, 0.06, 0.051, 0.049, 0.045, 0.045 ),
jdphi5 = cms.vdouble( 0.069, 0.069, 0.064, 0.058, 0.053, 0.049, 0.049, 0.043, 0.039, 0.04 ),
HO_EtResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.3, 0.0050 ),
HO_PhiResPar = cms.vdouble( 0.02511 ),
PF_EtResType5 = cms.vdouble( 0.41, 0.52, 0.25 ),
PF_EtResType4 = cms.vdouble( 0.042, 0.1, 0.0 ),
PF_EtResType7 = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
PF_EtResType6 = cms.vdouble( 0.0, 1.22, 0.05 ),
PF_EtResType1 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
calculateSignificance = cms.bool( False ),
PF_EtResType3 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
PF_EtResType2 = cms.vdouble( 0.05, 0.0, 0.0 ),
usePt = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
onlyFiducialParticles = cms.bool( False ),
vertexRho = cms.double( 2.0 ),
eVetoDeltaPhi = cms.double( 100.0 ),
PFClustersHCAL = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHCAL" ),
PFClustersHFHAD = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHFHAD" ),
dupMinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
chi2_tight_max = cms.double( 5.0 ),
vertexZ = cms.double( 15.0 ),
nLayersTight = cms.int32( 0 ),
vertexNdof = cms.int32( 4 ),
ptErr_max = cms.double( 0.2 ),
corner = cms.double( 1.479 ),
PFClustersECAL = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterECAL" ),
eta_max = cms.double( 2.65 ),
muonInputTag = cms.InputTag( "muons" ),
eVetoDeltaCotTheta = cms.double( 100.0 ),
maxd0cut = cms.double( 0.3 ),
PFClustersHFEM = cms.InputTag( "particleFlowClusterHFEM" ),
d0cutb = cms.double( 0.5 ),
checkTrackPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
usePFClusters = cms.bool( False ),
vertexMaxDZ = cms.double( 0.2 ),
deltaRShower = cms.double( 0.01 ),
chi2_max = cms.double( 5.0 ),
maxpt_eta25 = cms.double( 0.0 ),
track_algos = cms.vint32( ),
ptErr_tight_max = cms.double( 0.2 ),
maxTrackAlgo = cms.int32( 8 ),
nLayers = cms.int32( 0 ),
correctShowerTracks = cms.bool( False ),
vetoDuplicates = cms.bool( False ),
pt_max = cms.double( 100.0 ),
radius = cms.double( 130.0 ),
nhits_tight_min = cms.double( 9.0 ),
beamSpotInputTag = cms.InputTag( "offlineBeamSpot" ),
dupDCotTh = cms.double( 6.0E-4 ),
usedeltaRRejection = cms.bool( False ),
trackInputTag = cms.InputTag( "generalTracks" ),
dupDPhi = cms.double( 0.03 ),
electronInputTag = cms.InputTag( "gsfElectrons" ),
tcmetDepValueMap = cms.InputTag( 'muonTCMETValueMapProducer','muCorrData' ),
d0cuta = cms.double( 0.015 ),
hOverECut = cms.double( 0.1 ),
electronVetoCone = cms.bool( True ),
muonDepValueMap = cms.InputTag( 'muonMETValueMapProducer','muCorrData' ),
metInputTag = cms.InputTag( "met" ),
usePvtxd0 = cms.bool( False ),
vertexInputTag = cms.InputTag( "offlinePrimaryVertices" ),
zdist = cms.double( 314.0 ),
nhits_min = cms.double( 6.0 ),
eVetoDeltaR = cms.double( 0.015 ),
maxpt_eta20 = cms.double( 100.0 ),
pt_min = cms.double( 1.0 ),
rf_type = cms.int32( 0 ),
nMinOuterHits = cms.int32( 2 ),
track_quality = cms.vint32( 2 ),
isCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
eVetoMinElectronPt = cms.double( 10.0 )
process.hltMETClean25 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloMET",
saveTags = cms.bool( True ),
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6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions ElectroWeakAnalysis/Utilities/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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from RecoMET.METProducers.METSigParams_cfi import *

distpfMet = cms.EDProducer("METProducer",

distpfMet = cms.EDProducer("PFMETProducer",
src = cms.InputTag("distortedPFCand"),
METType = cms.string('PFMET'),
alias = cms.string('PFMET'),
noHF = cms.bool(False),
globalThreshold = cms.double(0.0),
InputType = cms.string('PFCandidateCollection'),
calculateSignificance = cms.bool(True)
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions ElectroWeakAnalysis/Utilities/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,8 @@
# Form Track Corrected MET

disttcMet = cms.EDProducer("METProducer",
src = cms.InputTag("towerMaker"), #This parameter does not get used for TCMET
METType = cms.string('TCMET'),
disttcMet = cms.EDProducer("TCMETProducer",
alias = cms.string('TCMET'),
noHF = cms.bool(False),
globalThreshold = cms.double(0.0),
InputType = cms.string('CaloMET:Electron:Muon:Track'), #This parameter does not get used for TCMET
electronInputTag = cms.InputTag("gsfElectrons"),
muonInputTag = cms.InputTag("distortedMuons"),
trackInputTag = cms.InputTag("generalTracks"),
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