Covven is a decentralized social network application built on the Binance Smart Chain. Using it's own native token to reward users for their contents, content creators on Covven are in complete control of their data and each user profile is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT).
Unlike most other decentralized social network applications, Covven implements "Engagement Rewards" to users who engage with creator's contents within the "Acceptable Reward Criteria". When users engage with posts and comments, users get to decide the payout of those posts. This way, quality content creation is rewarded by other users.
The economic model and the tokenomics of Covven is being designed for a sustainable reward mechanism. Covven leverages and customizes the Lens Protocol's social graph.
See the live application here: Live Version
- LensHub: "0x1C0328cC3CE6B111455cABee83B30B0331Be2382" Explore on BSC Scan
- FollowNFT: "0xBEf57D662972B07E4926ed091805A9C0dbdfCB83", Explore on BSC Scan
- CollectNFT: "0x3B4Fa1A2Ae775303F520c8Ee924b033e138D14Cd", Explore on BSC Scan
- Corporate entities control major social media sites, and a small group of people within these companies sets the rules of engagement.
- This has raised concerns about free speech and censorship among users.
- Invasive advertising by centralized networks and the risk to privacy.
- Covven is a A decentralized social network which allows users more control.
- This application is censorship resistant, gives ownership to users over personal data, and improved control over user-generated content.
- Instead of invasive advertisement, Covven promotes new forms of monetization to manage liquidity pool for incentivization.
- Binance Smart Chain
- Solidity
- React/Redux
- JavaScript
- Typescript
- Hardhat
- Ethers
- Quicknode
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
Follow the simple intructions below to explore the application either on the live version or locally on your computer.
See the live application here: Live Version
- Metamask wallet (Connected to the BSC testnet network)
- You must have node installed on your computer. Download Node.js
- Metamask wallet (Connected to the BSC testnet network)
- Go to the "Code" section of this repository and press the green button that says "Code". Copy the URL or the SSH key.
- Go to the terminal and run:
git clone
The URL or SSH are the links copied from the step above.
- If you don't have git installed, you can download this project and unzip it.
- Go to the "Code" tab and click on "Downlaod Zip"
- Change directory into the folder the application is saved. From the terminal, run:
cd directory
Where "directory" is the name of the folder.
- Once you have the local copy in your desired folder, go back to your terminal and run:
npm install
This command installs all the dependencies of the application.
To open up the application in your browser, run:
npm start
The application should open up at http://localhost:3000/
NB: This is only an MVP, most part of the application are still being actively developed so placeholders are still being used in some parts of the website given the limited time. Significant development effort is expected to continue (including deploying to the mainnet) after the Hackathon.
- Click the "wallet" icon to connect a metamask wallet. (Only metamask is currently supported).
- Click on "Sign up" to create a profile.
- After creating a profile, every other standard social network activities are the same. Creating a post, commenting, liking, mirror a post (equivalence of retweeting), e.t.c
- Create a profile.
- Publish a post (text, image).
- Mirror (Share) a post.
- Like a post.
- Comment on a post.
- Follow a profile.
- Sustainable economic model to incentivize the following activities:
- Content creation
- Content engagements (likes, mirror)
- Complete social graph implementation
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Lens Protocol