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g7fernandes committed Sep 24, 2019
2 parents fef77a8 + 0b700d5 commit f83c843
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Showing 2 changed files with 132 additions and 53 deletions.
156 changes: 107 additions & 49 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,15 +34,17 @@ def autocorr(x):
return r, lag

# sort the particles into regions
def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
def density_map(x, dimx ,div,ini,fim):
# input: x: array (1D) of positions in one diraction
# dimx: dimension of the region in the diraction of the divison
# div: number of divisions
# initial position: ini
# final position: fin
# outut: y: list of arrays that contains the indices of the particles that are in a region that is the position in the array
div = int(dimx/div)
xp = x // div # This gives the location of each particle
dmap = [[] for _ in range(div)]
for i in range(len(x)):
for i in range(ini,fim):
return dmap

Expand All @@ -52,14 +54,25 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
print("Choose a folder there the results are contained:\nNo | Folder")
for a in range(len(dirlist)):
print("{} | {}\n".format(a,dirlist[a]))
a = int(input("Enter the number of the folder\n"))
a = 0 #int(input("Enter the number of the folder\n"))
res_dir = dirlist[a]

# Read the configuration file
config = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/settings.txt')
dimx = float(config['global']['dimX'].split()[0])
dimy = float(config['global']['dimY'].split()[0])
n_files = int(config['out_files']['out_files'].split()[0])
ntype = int(config['global']['Ntype'].split()[0])
t_fim = float(config['global']['t_fim'].split()[0])
dt = float(config['global']['dt'].split()[0])
quant = []
m = []
for i in range(ntype):

Vol = dimx*dimy

# Open the zipped files
Expand All @@ -69,51 +82,70 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):

len_list_files = len(zip_positions.namelist()) # number of files (steps)

div = input("Enter in how many regions the region of calculus will be divided in the x diraction [1]: ")
div = 8 #input("Enter in how many regions the region of calculus will be divided in the x diraction [1]: ")
if div == '':
div = 1
div = int(div)

nesb = 500 #int(input("Enter the number of assembles in which this simulation will be divided:\n"))

periodic = True #('y' == input("Were the boundaries periodic? [y/n]\n"))
if periodic:
len_list_files = len(zip_rfup.namelist())
mic = 0
ini = 0
fim = quant[0]
if ntype > 0:
vpg = np.zeros((len_list_files,quant[1],2)) #velocidade das particulas grandes

# len_list_files = 2000
# nesb = 100

esb_len = int(len_list_files/nesb) # length of each ensamble
KE = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))
tauk = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))
tauxyp = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))
msq = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))
tauyxp = np.zeros((len_list_files,div))

nesb = int(input("Enter the number of assembles in which this simulation will be divided:\n"))
periodic = ('y' == input("Were the boundaries periodic? [y/n]\n"))
esb_len = int(len_list_files/nesb) # length of each ensamble
mic = 0
print("Reading files...")
if pbar:
bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=(len_list_files))
for step in range(1,len_list_files):
esb = step//esb_len
if periodic:
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["micx","micy","RxFy","RyFx","u","m","K"])
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["micx","micy","RxFy","RyFx","u","K"])
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["RxFy","RyFx","u","m","K"])
rfup = pd.read_csv('rF_u_P.csv.'+str(step)), header=None, names = ["RxFy","RyFx","u","K"])
pos = pd.read_csv("position.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["x","y"])
vel = pd.read_csv("velocity.csv."+str(step)), header=None, names = ["v_x", "v_y"])
dmap = density_map(pos['x'],dimx,div,ini,fim)

dmap = density_map(pos['x'],dimx,div)

if ntype > 0:
vpg[step,:,:] = vel.loc[quant[0]:quant[1]+quant[0]-1,['v_x','v_y']]
# Depende da região, terá um for
if step%esb_len == 1: # se step == inicio do ensamble
r0 = pos[['x','y']] # um r0 por ensamble
lp = dmap # salva as partículas numa daterminada região
# if periodic:
# mic = rfup[["micx", "micy"]].to_numpy()*np.array([dimx, dimy])
if periodic:
r0 = pos[['x','y']] + rfup[["micx", "micy"]].to_numpy()*np.array([dimx, dimy]) # um r0 por ensamble
lp = dmap # salva as partículas numa daterminada região
r0 = pos[['x','y']] # um r0 por ensamble
lp = dmap # salva as partículas numa daterminada região
if periodic:
mic = rfup[["micx", "micy"]].to_numpy()*np.array([dimx, dimy])

# Separar aqui por região

for i in range(div):

#mesmas particulas
# msq[step,i] = np.mean(np.sum(np.square(pos.loc[lp[i],['x','y']] + mic[lp[i],:] - r0.loc[lp[i]]),axis=1))
msq[step,i] = np.mean(np.sum(np.square(pos.loc[lp[i],['x','y']] + mic[lp[i],:] - r0.loc[lp[i]]),axis=1))
# diferentes particulas
KE[step,i] = np.mean(rfup.loc[dmap[i],'K'])
tauk[step,i] = np.sum(vel.loc[dmap[i],'v_x'] * vel.loc[dmap[i],'v_y'] * rfup.loc[dmap[i],'m'])/Vol
tauk[step,i] = np.sum(vel.loc[dmap[i],'v_x'] * vel.loc[dmap[i],'v_y'] * m[0])/Vol
tauxyp[step,i] = np.sum(rfup.loc[dmap[i],'RxFy'])/Vol
tauyxp[step,i] = np.sum(rfup.loc[dmap[i],'RyFx'])/Vol

Expand All @@ -125,30 +157,37 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
# Calculamos t * viscosidade*2*kT/Vol. kT = KE

etat_kk = np.zeros(esb_len)
etat_kp1 = np.zeros(esb_len)
etat_pp1 = np.zeros(esb_len)
etat_kp2 = np.zeros(esb_len)
etat_pp2 = np.zeros(esb_len)
etat_kk = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_kp1 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_pp1 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_kp2 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_pp2 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_fit1 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
etat_fit2 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
msq_fit = np.zeros((esb_len,1))
msq2 = np.zeros((esb_len,1))

if (div > 1):
overdiv = np.zeros((div,2))
overdiv = np.zeros((div,3))

for i in range(div):
etat_kk = 0*etat_kk
etat_kp1 = 0*etat_kp1
etat_pp1 = 0*etat_pp1
etat_kp2 = 0*etat_kp2
etat_pp2 = 0*etat_pp2
msq2 = 0*msq2
for ii in range(1,esb_len): # ao longo de cada ensemble
for j in range(nesb): # ao longo dos ensambles
start = j*esb_len
fin = j*esb_len + ii
etat_kk[ii] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])**2
etat_kp1[ii] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])*np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin,i])
etat_pp1[ii] += np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin,i])**2
etat_kp2[ii] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])*np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin,i])
etat_pp2[ii] += np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin,i])**2
etat_kk[ii,0] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])**2
etat_kp1[ii,0] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])*np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin,i])
etat_pp1[ii,0] += np.trapz(tauxyp[start:fin,i])**2
etat_kp2[ii,0] += np.trapz(tauk[start:fin,i])*np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin,i])
etat_pp2[ii,0] += np.trapz(tauyxp[start:fin,i])**2

# Viscosidade * t

Expand All @@ -159,29 +198,35 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
etat_pp2 = (etat_pp2 * Vol / (2*kT[i]))/nesb

# Para descobrir fazemos um curve fit linear no último terço de pontos
t = np.linspace(0,esb_len-1, esb_len)
eta_kk = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kk[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],1)
eta_kp1 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kp1[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],1)
eta_pp1 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_pp1[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],1)
eta_kp2 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kp2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],1)
eta_pp2 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_pp2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],1)
t = np.linspace(0,esb_len-1, esb_len)*dt
eta_kk = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kk[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)
eta_kp1 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kp1[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)
eta_pp1 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_pp1[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)
eta_kp2 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_kp2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)
eta_pp2 = np.polyfit(t[int(esb_len/2):esb_len],etat_pp2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)

# # Calcula a Difusividade
# D = np.polyfit(t,msq,1)
for j in range(nesb):
start = j*esb_len
fin = (j+1)*esb_len
msq2[:,0] += msq[start:fin,i]
msq2 = msq2/nesb

D = np.polyfit(np.arange(0, len(msq2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0]),1)*dt,msq2[int(esb_len/2):esb_len,0],1)
overdiv[i,2] = D[0]/4

print("Region: {}\n".format(i))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,3)
# axs[1,0].figure()

# # Plota a difusividade
# axs[1,0].scatter(t,msq[:,i])
# axs[1,0].plot(t,t*D[0] + D[1],'k')
# axs[1,0].title('Mean square displacement')
# props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
# string = "D = {}".format(D[0]/4)
# print(string + "\n")
# axs[1,0].text(0.95,0.05,string, transform=axs[1,0].transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom', bbox=props)

# Plota a difusividade
msq_fit[:,0] = np.arange(0, len(msq2),1)*dt*D[0]
axs[0].scatter(np.arange(0, len(msq2),1) ,msq2)
axs[0].plot(np.arange(0, len(msq2),1) ,msq_fit,'k')
axs[0].set_title('Mean square displacement')
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
string = "D = {}".format(D[0]/4)
print(string + "\n")
axs[0].text(0.95,0.05,string, transform=axs[0].transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom', bbox=props)

# Plota as viscosidades usando taupxy

Expand All @@ -194,10 +239,12 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
axs[1].plot(t, t*eta_kp1[0] + etat_kp1[1],'b')
axs[1].plot(t, t*eta_pp1[0] + etat_pp1[1],'r')

axs[1].plot(t, t*(eta_kk[0] + eta_kp1[0] + eta_pp1[0] ) + etat_kk[1] + etat_kp1[1] + etat_pp1[1],'k',linewidth=2, label='t*eta')
etat_fit1[:,0] = t*(eta_kk[0] + eta_kp1[0] + eta_pp1[0] ) + etat_kk[1] + etat_kp1[1] + etat_pp1[1]
axs[1].plot(t,etat_fit1[:,0],'k',linewidth=2, label='t*eta')
axs[1].set_title("Viscosity using tau_yx")

props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5)
string = "etaxy = {:.3}".format(eta_kk[0]+eta_kp1[0]+eta_pp1[0])
overdiv[i,0] = eta_kk[0]+eta_kp1[0]+eta_pp1[0]
Expand All @@ -213,6 +260,7 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
axs[2].plot(t, t*eta_kp2[0] + etat_kp2[1],'b')
axs[2].plot(t, t*eta_pp2[0] + etat_pp2[1],'r')

etat_fit2[:,0] = t*(eta_kk[0] + eta_kp2[0] + eta_pp2[0] ) + etat_kk[1] + etat_kp2[1] + etat_pp2[1]
axs[2].plot(t, t*(eta_kk[0] + eta_kp2[0] + eta_pp2[0] ) + etat_kk[1] + etat_kp2[1] + etat_pp2[1],'k',linewidth=2, label='t*eta')
axs[2].set_title("Viscosity using tau_xy.")
Expand All @@ -225,10 +273,20 @@ def density_map(x, dimx ,div):
print("\nCom tau_x]yx: \neta_kk = {}\neta_kp = {}\neta_pp = {}\neta = {}\n".format(eta_kk[0],eta_kp2[0],eta_pp2[0], eta_kk[0]+eta_kp2[0]+eta_pp2[0]))

fig.suptitle("Region {}".format(i))
t = t.reshape((len(t),1))
csv_out = pd.DataFrame(data=np.concatenate((etat_kk,etat_kp1,etat_pp1,etat_fit1,etat_kp2,etat_pp2, etat_fit2, msq2, msq_fit,t),axis=1), columns=["eta_kk","eta_kp_xy","eta_pp_xy","fit_eta_xy","eta_kp_yx","eta_pp_yx","fit_eta_yx","msq","msq_fit","t"])

plt.title('Over the positions')
plt.title('eta Over the positions')

plt.title('Dif Over the positions')
29 changes: 25 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import numpy as np
import tecplot as tp
import pandas as pd
from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color, LinePattern, AxisTitleMode
from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color,Units, LinePattern, AxisTitleMode
import sys
# if '-c' in sys.argv:
# tp.session.connect()
Expand All @@ -12,8 +12,29 @@
csv_input = pd.read_csv('Distributions.csv')
hl = list(csv_input) #headers list

zonas = \
[['A','neon_3sep_stat'], \
['B','carlos_2sep_stat'], \
['C','neon4sep_stat'], \
['D','kubuntu_3sep_stat'], \
['E','kubuntu_5sep_stat'], \
['F','suse_6sep_stat'], \
['G','rafa_3sep_stat'], \
['H','carlos_4sep_stat'], \
['I','rafa_4sep_stat'], \
['J','kubuntu_4sep_stat'], \
['K','rafa_6sep_stat'], \
['L','suse_3sep_stat'], \
['M','rafa_5sep_stat'], \
['N','carlos_3sep_stat'], \
['O','kubuntu_7_sep_stat'], \
['P','suse_7sep_STAT'], \

for i in range(len(hl)):
print("{} | {}\n".format(i,hl[i]))
print("{} | {} | {}\n".format(i,[zonas[j][0] for j in range(len(zonas)) if zonas[j][1] == hl[i]][0],hl[i]))
linhas = input("Entre os numeros dos dados que quer plotar separados por espaço:\n").split()
linhas = [int(x) for x in linhas]

Expand All @@ -23,8 +44,8 @@
frame.width = 11
dataset = frame.create_dataset("Data", ['x', 'y'])
for dado in linhas:
col = hl[dado]
x = csv_input[col].to_numpy()
col = [zonas[j][0] for j in range(len(zonas)) if zonas[j][1] == hl[dado]][0]
x = csv_input[hl[dado]].to_numpy()
zone = dataset.add_ordered_zone(col, len(x))
zone.values('x')[:] = np.linspace(0,1,len(x))
zone.values('y')[:] = x
Expand Down

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