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g7fernandes committed Dec 10, 2019
1 parent 131b1ff commit c86e1de
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Showing 4 changed files with 44 additions and 35 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion comp_FT.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -760,7 +760,10 @@ subroutine comp_FT(GField,Hfield,theta,Tor,pr,mesh,malha,propriedade,r_cut,domx,
[(x1(1)-x2(1)) - (rs1+rs2)*coss, (x1(2)-x2(2)) - (rs1+rs2)*sine]/r

aux3 = (1/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)) * (epsil * (A * sin(alpha * gamma) + 1)* &
((6 * beta * B * sigma**6 * cos(beta * gamma))/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**7 - (12 * beta * B * sigma**12 * cos(beta * gamma))/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**13) + alpha * A * epsil * cos(alpha * gamma) * (sigma**12/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**12 - sigma**6/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**6))
((6 * beta * B * sigma**6 * cos(beta * gamma))/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**7 &
- (12 * beta * B * sigma**12 * cos(beta * gamma))/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**13) + &
alpha * A * epsil * cos(alpha * gamma) * (sigma**12/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**12 - &
sigma**6/(B * sin(beta * gamma) + r)**6))

fric_term = (fric_term1+fric_term2)/2
if (fric_term > 0) then
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,13 @@
@author: gabriel

from evtk.hl import pointsToVTK
from evtk.hl import pointsToVTK
from pyevtk.hl import pointsToVTK
print("You need to install the pyevtk package for python!")
import numpy as np
import csv, os, shutil
import configparser
Expand Down
62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions lennard.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ function comp_K(malha,domx,domy,s_cells,propriedade,np,id,t) result(K)

end function comp_K

subroutine corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
subroutine corr_K(malha,domx,domy,ccells,hcells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
use linkedlist
use mod1
use data
Expand All @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ subroutine corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedad
type(prop_grupo), allocatable,dimension(:),intent(in) :: propriedade
real(dp),intent(in) :: Td_hot, Td_cold !energia cinética
real(dp) :: T_hot, T_cold,K,kb = 1.38064852E-23, betac, betah
integer, intent(in) :: domx(2),domy(2), cold_cells(4), hot_cells(4)
integer, intent(in) :: domx(2),domy(2), ccells(4), hcells(4)
type(container), allocatable,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: malha
type(data_ptr) :: ptr
type(list_t), pointer :: node
Expand All @@ -654,14 +654,14 @@ subroutine corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedad

!calcula temperatura atual
! T = (2/(Nf*kb))*Ekin com Nf = número de graus de liberadade
T_hot = comp_K(malha,domx,domy,hot_cells,propriedade,np,id,t)
T_cold = comp_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,propriedade,np,id,t)
T_hot = comp_K(malha,domx,domy,hcells,propriedade,np,id,t)
T_cold = comp_K(malha,domx,domy,ccells,propriedade,np,id,t)

betac = sqrt(Td_cold/T_cold)
betah = sqrt(Td_hot/T_hot)
do i = domy(1),domy(2)
do j = domx(1),domx(2)
if (j >= cold_cells(1) .and. j <= cold_cells(2) .and. i >= cold_cells(3) .and. i <= cold_cells(4)) then
if (j >= ccells(1) .and. j <= ccells(2) .and. i >= ccells(3) .and. i <= ccells(4)) then
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
ptr = transfer(list_get(node), ptr)
Expand All @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ subroutine corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedad
end if
node => list_next(node)
end do
else if (j >= hot_cells(1) .and. j <= hot_cells(2) .and. i >= hot_cells(3) .and. i <= hot_cells(4)) then
else if (j >= hcells(1) .and. j <= hcells(2) .and. i >= hcells(3) .and. i <= hcells(4)) then
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
ptr = transfer(list_get(node), ptr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ subroutine comp_xT(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,Tor,theta,omega, dx_max,
real(dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: Tor, omega
character(4), intent(in) :: wall
type(data_ptr) :: ptr
logical :: auxl ! variavel auxiliar lógica
logical :: auxl, laux ! variavel auxiliar lógica
real(dp) :: x(2),m, dx(2),rs
real(dp), save :: MI !Mi momento de inercia (1/2)m*r^2 para discos
real(dp), intent(in) :: icell(:), jcell(:)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3581,7 +3581,7 @@ subroutine comp_xT(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,Tor,theta,omega, dx_max,
end subroutine comp_xT

! atualiza posições
subroutine comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,domy,wall,mic,id,np,xih,xic,cold_cells,hot_cells)
subroutine comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,domy,wall,mic,id,np,xih,xic,ccells,hcells)
use linkedlist
use mod1
use data
Expand All @@ -3594,7 +3594,7 @@ subroutine comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,d
type(container), allocatable,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: malha
! integer, intent(inout) :: mic(:)
integer :: i,j,k, cell(2), status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), count, destD,dx1,dx2,dy1,dy2
integer, intent(in) :: N,mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), cold_cells(4), hot_cells(4)
integer, intent(in) :: N,mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), ccells(4), hcells(4)
integer, intent(inout) :: mic(:,:)
type(list_t), pointer :: node, previous_node
real(dp), intent(in) :: dt, t, xih, xic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3779,7 +3779,7 @@ subroutine comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,d
if (propriedade(ptr%p%grupo)%x_lockdelay > t) ptr%p%flag = .false.

! Termostato quente
if (j >= hot_cells(1) .and. j <= hot_cells(2) .and. i >= hot_cells(3) .and. i <= hot_cells(4)) then
if (j >= hcells(1) .and. j <= hcells(2) .and. i >= hcells(3) .and. i <= hcells(4)) then
if (ptr%p%flag) then
dx(1) = dt*ptr%p%v(1)*(1-dt*xih/2) + ptr%p%F(1)*dt**2/(2*m)
dx(2) = dt*ptr%p%v(2)*(1-dt*xih/2) + ptr%p%F(2)*dt**2/(2*m)
Expand All @@ -3788,7 +3788,7 @@ subroutine comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,d
dx = [0,0]
end if
!Termostato frio
else if (j >= cold_cells(1) .and. j <= cold_cells(2) .and. i >= cold_cells(3) .and. i <= cold_cells(4)) then
else if (j >= ccells(1) .and. j <= ccells(2) .and. i >= ccells(3) .and. i <= ccells(4)) then
if (ptr%p%flag) then
dx(1) = dt*ptr%p%v(1)*(1-dt*xic/2) + ptr%p%F(1)*dt**2/(2*m)
dx(2) = dt*ptr%p%v(2)*(1-dt*xic/2) + ptr%p%F(2)*dt**2/(2*m)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4671,7 +4671,7 @@ subroutine comp_vT(malha,mesh,dt,t,omega,Tor,propriedade,domx,domy,id)
end do
end subroutine comp_vT

subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih, xic, Td_hot, Td_cold, hot_cells, cold_cells)
subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih, xic, Td_hot, Td_cold, hcells, ccells)
use linkedlist
use mod1
use data
Expand All @@ -4681,7 +4681,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih,
type(prop_grupo), allocatable,dimension(:),intent(in) :: propriedade
type(container), allocatable,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: malha
integer :: i,j, bsh(4)
integer, intent(in) :: mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), cold_cells(4), hot_cells(4), np
integer, intent(in) :: mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), ccells(4), hcells(4), np
type(list_t), pointer :: node
real(dp), intent(in) :: dt, t, Mc, Td_hot, Td_cold
type(data_ptr) :: ptr
Expand All @@ -4702,7 +4702,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih,

do i = (domy(1)+bsh(3)), (domy(2)+bsh(4))
do j = (domx(1)+bsh(1)), (domx(2)+bsh(2))
if (j >= hot_cells(1) .and. j <= hot_cells(2) .and. i >= hot_cells(3) .and. i <= hot_cells(4)) then
if (j >= hcells(1) .and. j <= hcells(2) .and. i >= hcells(3) .and. i <= hcells(4)) then
! Termostato afeta QUENTE
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
Expand All @@ -4726,7 +4726,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih,
end do

! Termostato afeta FRIO
else if (j >= cold_cells(1) .and. j <= cold_cells(2) .and. i >= cold_cells(3) .and. i <= cold_cells(4)) then
else if (j >= ccells(1) .and. j <= ccells(2) .and. i >= ccells(3) .and. i <= ccells(4)) then
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
ptr = transfer(list_get(node), ptr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4783,7 +4783,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy,Mc, xih,
! molecular simulation pag. 52, 101 do pdf
end subroutine comp_v_thermo_pred

subroutine comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, hot_cells, cold_cells)
subroutine comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, hcells, ccells)
use linkedlist
use mod1
use data
Expand All @@ -4792,7 +4792,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, h
type(prop_grupo), allocatable,dimension(:),intent(in) :: propriedade
type(container), allocatable,dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: malha
integer :: i,j, bsh(4)
integer, intent(in) :: mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), cold_cells(4), hot_cells(4) !,id
integer, intent(in) :: mesh(2),domx(2),domy(2), ccells(4), hcells(4) !,id
type(list_t), pointer :: node
real(dp), intent(in) :: dt, t
type(data_ptr) :: ptr
Expand All @@ -4808,7 +4808,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, h

do i = (domy(1)+bsh(3)), (domy(2)+bsh(4))
do j = (domx(1)+bsh(1)), (domx(2)+bsh(2))
if (j >= hot_cells(1) .and. j <= hot_cells(2) .and. i >= hot_cells(3) .and. i <= hot_cells(4)) then
if (j >= hcells(1) .and. j <= hcells(2) .and. i >= hcells(3) .and. i <= hcells(4)) then
! Termostato afeta QUENTE
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
Expand All @@ -4829,7 +4829,7 @@ subroutine comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, h
end do

! Termostato afeta FRIO
else if (j >= cold_cells(1) .and. j <= cold_cells(2) .and. i >= cold_cells(3) .and. i <= cold_cells(4)) then
else if (j >= ccells(1) .and. j <= ccells(2) .and. i >= ccells(3) .and. i <= ccells(4)) then
node => list_next(malha(i,j)%list)
do while (associated(node))
ptr = transfer(list_get(node), ptr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5312,7 +5312,7 @@ program main
real(dp),parameter :: PI = 3.1415927, kb = 1.38064852E-23
! Variáveis
integer :: N,Ntype,i=1, nimpre,j = 1, ii, quant = 0,mesh(2), cont = 1, aux1 = 0,cont2 = 1,domx(2), domy(2), aux3, num_rot, pa
integer :: subx, suby, NMPT, j2, cold_cells(4), hot_cells(4), nimpre_init, cpu_countrate,ic1, force_lingradT, aux4, domx_aux(2)
integer :: subx, suby, NMPT, j2, ccells(4), hcells(4), nimpre_init, cpu_countrate,ic1, force_lingradT, aux4, domx_aux(2)
integer, target :: k
real(dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: v, x, celula, rFUp !força n e n+1, velocidades e posições, [r*F, potencial e momento]
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: aux5,omega,theta,Tor,icell,jcell, nxv, nxv_send, nRfu, nRfu_send !dimensões das celulas e vetor de resultado pra imprimir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5439,8 +5439,8 @@ program main
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%Mc", Mc)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%Td",Td)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%temp_Td",temp_Td)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%cold_cells",cold_cells)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%hot_cells",hot_cells)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%cold_cells",ccells)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%hot_cells",hcells)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%Td_cold",Td_cold)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%Td_hot",Td_hot)
call CFG_get(my_cfg,"global%force_lingradT",force_lingradT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5644,8 +5644,8 @@ program main
call MaxwellBoltzmann(malha,mesh,vd,propriedade)
end if
! adicionamos uma celula para corrigir o fato de estarmos usando fantasmas
cold_cells = cold_cells + 1
hot_cells = hot_cells + 1
ccells = ccells + 1
hcells = hcells + 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6037,7 +6037,7 @@ program main
if (Td > 0) then
call corr_Kglobal(malha,domx,domy,Td,propriedade, np,id,t)
else if (Td_cold > 0) then
call corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
call corr_K(malha,domx,domy,ccells,hcells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
end if
! j2 = j2 + 1
end if
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6214,8 +6214,8 @@ program main
end if
end if
if (Td > 0) then
hot_cells = [mesh(1)/2 +1 , mesh(2), 1, mesh(2)]
cold_cells = [1, mesh(1)/2, 1, mesh(2)]
hcells = [mesh(1)/2 +1 , mesh(2), 1, mesh(2)]
ccells = [1, mesh(1)/2, 1, mesh(2)]
Td_cold = Td
Td_hot = Td
end if
Expand All @@ -6230,19 +6230,19 @@ program main
! que o processo vai cuidar (subdivisões)

call comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,domy,wall,mic,id,np,xih,xic,cold_cells,hot_cells) ! altera posição
call comp_x_thermo(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,domy,wall,mic,id,np,xih,xic,ccells,hcells) ! altera posição

call walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id,mic) ! altera posição e malha

call comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy, Mc, xih, xic, Td_hot, Td_cold, hot_cells, cold_cells)
call comp_v_thermo_pred(malha,mesh,dt,t,np,propriedade,domx,domy, Mc, xih, xic, Td_hot, Td_cold, hcells, ccells)

call comp_F_thermo(GField, mesh,malha,propriedade,rcut,domx,domy,ids,id,wall,t) !altera força

call comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, hot_cells, cold_cells)
call comp_v_thermo_corr(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy, xih, xic, hcells, ccells)

t = t + dt
cont2 = cont2+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6469,7 +6469,7 @@ program main
if (Td > 0) then
call corr_Kglobal(malha,domx,domy,Td,propriedade, np,id,t)
else if (Td_cold > 0) then
call corr_K(malha,domx,domy,cold_cells,hot_cells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
call corr_K(malha,domx,domy,ccells,hcells,Td_hot,Td_cold,propriedade, np,id,t)
end if
! j2 = j2 + 1
end if
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion saida.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ subroutine vec2csv(v,n,d,prop,step,t,nimpre,start,concat0)
real(dp), save :: timep, etc, dtimepp
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt5 = '(f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt6 = '(i10, ", ",i10, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt7 = '(f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt7 = &
'(f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'

laux = .false.
if (present(concat0)) laux = concat0
Expand Down

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