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g7fernandes committed Aug 17, 2019
1 parent 0a71d32 commit b575a8e
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Showing 4 changed files with 90 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ result
115 changes: 80 additions & 35 deletions lennard.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -664,8 +664,7 @@ function comp_fric(r,v,fric_term) result(f)
real(dp) :: f(2)

f = (fric_term/(r(1)**2 + r(2)**2))*(v(1)*r(1)+v(2)*r(2))*[r(1),r(2)]
end function comp_fric

end function comp_fric

! atualiza forças
subroutine comp_F(GField, mesh,malha,propriedade,r_cut,domx,domy, ids, id, t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2118,7 +2117,7 @@ subroutine comp_v(malha,mesh,dt,t,propriedade,domx,domy)
end do
end subroutine comp_v

subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id,mic)
use linkedlist
use mod1
use data
Expand All @@ -2136,6 +2135,7 @@ subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
integer, intent(in) :: mesh(:), np, subx, suby
type(data_ptr) :: ptr,ptrn
integer, intent(in) :: domx(2), domy(2), id
integer,allocatable,dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: mic

north = wall(1:1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2191,6 +2191,7 @@ subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
ptr = transfer(list_get(node), ptr)
if (.not. ptr%p%flag) then
ptr%p%x(2) = -icell(mesh(2)+1) + ptr%p%x(2)
mic(ptr%p%n,2) = mic(ptr%p%n,2) + 1
call list_change(previous_node,malha(2,j)%list)
node => list_next(previous_node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2265,6 +2266,7 @@ subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
if (.not. ptr%p%flag) then
ptr%p%x(2) = icell(mesh(2)+1) + ptr%p%x(2)
! print*,ptr%p%n
mic(ptr%p%n,2) = mic(ptr%p%n,2) - 1
call list_change(previous_node,malha(mesh(2)+1,j)%list)
node => list_next(previous_node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2338,6 +2340,7 @@ subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
! print*, "n", ptr%p%x
if (.not. ptr%p%flag) then
ptr%p%x(1) = ptr%p%x(1) + jcell(mesh(1)+1)
mic(ptr%p%n,1) = mic(ptr%p%n,1) - 1
call list_change(previous_node,malha(i,mesh(1)+1)%list)
node => list_next(previous_node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2407,6 +2410,7 @@ subroutine walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id)
! print*, "n", ptr%p%x
if (.not. ptr%p%flag) then
ptr%p%x(1) = ptr%p%x(1) - jcell(mesh(1)+1)
mic(ptr%p%n,1) = mic(ptr%p%n,1) + 1
call list_change(previous_node,malha(i,2)%list)
node => list_next(previous_node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2548,7 +2552,7 @@ program main
real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: icell,jcell, nxv, nxv_send, nRfu, nRfu_send !dimensões das celulas e vetor de resultado pra imprimir
real(dp) :: t=0,t_fim,dt,printstep, sigma, epsil, rcut,aux2,start = 0,finish,Td,kb = 1.38064852E-23,vd(2)
real(dp) :: GField(2), temp_Td(3), dimX, dimY, dx_max, Td_hot, Td_cold
integer,allocatable :: interv(:), interv_Td(:), grupo(:), rcounts(:), displs(:) !, mic(:,:), mic_rcv(:) ! mic são vetores para contar quantas vezes atravessou a borda periodica
integer,allocatable :: interv(:), interv_Td(:), grupo(:), rcounts(:), displs(:), mic(:,:), mic_trf(:) ! mic são vetores para contar quantas vezes atravessou a borda periodica
type(container), allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: malha
type(prop_grupo),allocatable,dimension(:) :: propriedade
type(list_t), pointer :: node
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2669,11 +2673,10 @@ program main
allocate(LT%lstrdb_N(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_S(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_E(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_W(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_D(NMPT*6), &
LT%lstrint_N(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_S(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_E(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_W(NMPT*4), LT%lstrint_D(NMPT*4))

!if (wall == 'pppp') then
! allocate(mic(N))
! mic = 0
! if (id == 0) allocate(mic_rcv(N))
!end if
if (wall(1:2) == 'pp' .or. wall(3:4) == 'pp') then
mic = 0
end if

! allocate(nxv(N*5),nxv_send(N*5))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2963,28 +2966,32 @@ program main
end if

if (print_TC == 1) then
call system('mkdir temp2')
if (wall(1:2) == 'pp' .or. wall(3:4) == 'pp') then
end if
if (id == 0) call system('mkdir temp2')
end if

do while (t_fim > t)
! print*, "L 1990"
!print*, "L 1990"
call comp_F(GField, mesh,malha,propriedade,rcut,domx,domy,ids,id,t) !altera Força
! IDS são os ids das regiões vizinhas, vetor(4) int posições,
! DOMX e DOMY são vetores(2) int com o domínio (quat. de celulas)
! que o processo vai cuidar (subdivisões)
! print*, "L 1702", id
! call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
! print*, "L 1999", id
!print*, "L 1999", id
! if (id == 0) print*, "TEMPO", t, '<<<<<<<<<<', id, i
call comp_x(icell,jcell,malha,N,mesh,propriedade, dx_max,t,dt,ids,LT,domx,domy,wall,id, np) ! altera posição
! print*, "L 2002", id
!print*, "L 2002", id
! if (id == 0) read(*,*)
! call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

call walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id) ! altera posição e malha
call walls(icell,jcell,mesh,malha,domx,domy,wall,subx,suby,np,id,mic) ! altera posição e malha

! print*, "L 1714", id
!print*, "L 1714", id
! if (id == 0) read(*,*)
! call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call comp_F(GField, mesh,malha,propriedade,rcut,domx,domy,ids,id,t) !altera força
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3054,11 +3061,15 @@ program main

if (print_TC == 1) then
if ((wall(1:2) == 'pp' .or. wall(3:4) == 'pp') .and. id /= 0) then
mic_trf(1:N) = mic(:,1)
mic_trf(N+1:2*N) = mic(:,2)
end if

nRfu = 0.0_dp

call comp_pot(mesh,malha,propriedade,rcut,domx,domy, ids, id, t, nRfu)

!! print*, "LINKED 2 VEC, id", id, "aux1", aux1
if (np > 1) then ! paralelo
aux3 = 1
do ii = 1,N
Expand All @@ -3080,39 +3091,73 @@ program main
end do
! print*, "displs", displs
end if
! if (id == 0) then
! print*, "L 3099"
! read(*,*)
! end if
! call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

! MPI_GATHERV (sbuf, scount, stype, rbuf, rcounts, displs, rtype, root, comm, ierr)
call MPI_GATHERV(nRfu_send, aux1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, nRfu, rcounts, &

end if
! print*, "AA"

if (id == 0) then
do ii = 0, N-1
! print*, [nRfu(ii*6+2),nRfu(ii*6+3),nRfu(ii*6+4),nRfu(ii*6+5),nRfu(ii*6+6)]
rFUp(int(nRfu(ii*6+1)),:) = [nRfu(ii*6+2),nRfu(ii*6+3),nRfu(ii*6+4),nRfu(ii*6+5),nRfu(ii*6+6)]
end do
! print*, "AAA"
call vec2csv(rFUp,N,5,'rF_u_P',j,t,nimpre,start)
if ((wall(1:2) == 'pp' .or. wall(3:4) == 'pp') .and. np > 1) then
! tag = 1
if (id == 1) then
tag = 10
call MPI_SEND(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (id == 0) then
tag = 10
call MPI_RECV(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,1,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
mic(:,1) = mic(:,1) + mic_trf(1:N)
mic(:,2) = mic(:,2) + mic_trf(N+1:2*N)
end if
call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (id == 2) then
tag = 20
call MPI_SEND(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (id == 0) then
tag = 20
call MPI_RECV(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,2,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
mic(:,1) = mic(:,1) + mic_trf(1:N)
mic(:,2) = mic(:,2) + mic_trf(N+1:2*N)
end if
call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
if (id == 3) then
tag = 30
call MPI_SEND(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,0,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
end if
if (id == 0) then
tag = 30
call MPI_RECV(mic_trf,2*N,MPI_integer,3,tag,MPI_COMM_WORLD,status,ierr)
mic(:,1) = mic(:,1) + mic_trf(1:N)
mic(:,2) = mic(:,2) + mic_trf(N+1:2*N)
end if
call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
end if

if (id == 0) then
if (wall(1:2) == 'pp' .or. wall(3:4) == 'pp') then
do ii = 0, N-1
rFUp(int(nRfu(ii*6+1)),:) = &
[real(mic(ii,1),kind(0.d0)),real(mic(ii,2),kind(0.d0)),nRfu(ii*6+2), &
end do
call vec2csv(rFUp,N,7,'rF_u_P',j,t,nimpre,start)
do ii = 0, N-1
rFUp(int(nRfu(ii*6+1)),:) = [nRfu(ii*6+2),nRfu(ii*6+3),nRfu(ii*6+4),nRfu(ii*6+5),nRfu(ii*6+6)]
end do
call vec2csv(rFUp,N,5,'rF_u_P',j,t,nimpre,start)
end if
end if
! print*, "B"
! read(*,*)
! deallocate(nRfu,nRfu_send,rFUp)
! print*, "C"
end if
allocate(LT%lstrdb_N(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_S(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_E(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_W(NMPT*6),LT%lstrdb_D(NMPT*6), &
LT%lstrint_N(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_S(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_E(NMPT*4),LT%lstrint_W(NMPT*4), LT%lstrint_D(NMPT*4))
j = j+1
end if
i = i+1
! print*, "L 1754 >", id
! if (id == 0) read(*,*)
! call MPI_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
! print*, t
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions saida.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ subroutine vec2csv(v,n,d,prop,step,t,nimpre,start)
real(dp), save :: timep, etc, dtimepp
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt5 = '(f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt6 = '(f5.0, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'
character(LEN=*),parameter :: fmt7 = '(f5.0, ", ",f5.0, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16, ", ",f32.16 )'

write(passo,'(i0)') step
if (d <= 3) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,7 +46,12 @@ subroutine vec2csv(v,n,d,prop,step,t,nimpre,start)
do i = 1,n
write(10,fmt6) v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3),v(i,4),v(i,5),v(i,6)
end do
else if (d == 7) then
do i = 1,n
write(10,fmt6) v(i,1),v(i,2),v(i,3),v(i,4),v(i,5),v(i,6)
end do
end if


Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions settings.ini
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Os outros parâmetros são adimensionais. Checar anotações.txt T' = T*k_b/epsilon
# Argonio: epsilon/kb = 120K, sigma = 0.341nm
nimpre = 5000 # quntidade de saidas
nimpre = 50 # quntidade de saidas
N = 2000 # número de partículas
Ntype = 1 # número de tipos de partícula
t_fim = 50 # tempo de execução
t_fim = 2 # tempo de execução
nimpre_init = 0 # começa a simular a partir no tempo referente ao snapshot (nimpre).
dt = 0.0001 # passo de tempo
dimX = 2000 # Dimensões da região de cálculo
Expand Down

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