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calculo coeficientes em py
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g7fernandes committed Jul 15, 2019
1 parent 67426e2 commit 7a5f369
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Showing 5 changed files with 737 additions and 1 deletion.
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import configparser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from glob import glob
import time
import curses # para progressbar

def integral(F,i,j,dt):
# sh = np.shape(F)
I = np.trapz(F[i,j,:],dx=dt)
# I = np.zeros((sh[0],sh[1]))
# xi = [-np.sqrt(3/5), 0, np.sqrt(3/5)]
#xp = np.linspace(0, dt*sh[2], sh[2])
#w = [5/9, 8/9, 5/9]
# for i in range(sh[0]):
# for j in range(sh[1]):
# for s in range(sh[2]-1):
# I[i,j] += 0.5*(dt)*( \
# w[0]*np.interp( dt*xi[0]/2 + ((s+1)*dt+s*dt)/2 , xp, F[i,j,:]) + \
# w[1]*np.interp( dt*xi[0]/2 + ((s+1)*dt+s*dt)/2 , xp, F[i,j,:]) + \
# w[2]*np.interp( dt*xi[0]/2 + ((s+1)*dt+s*dt)/2 , xp, F[i,j,:]) \
# )
return I

def progressbar(step,total,message, stdscr):
# usar import curses
# inicializar uma strig vazia fora do loop para stdcr
if step == 0:
stdscr = curses.initscr()
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, message + "|" + " "*20 + "| {} %".format(0))
return stdscr
elif step < total-1:
a = int(20*step/total)
b = 20-a
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, message + "|" + "#"*a + " "*b + "| {} %".format(5*a))
return stdscr
a = int(20*step/total)
b = 20-a
stdscr.addstr(0, 0, message + "|" + "#"*a + " "*b + "| {} %".format(5*a))
return "0"

dirname = os.getcwd() #os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
dirlist = glob(dirname + "/*/")
print("Choose a folder there the results are contained:\nNo | Folder")
for a in range(len(dirlist)):
print("{} | {}\n".format(a,dirlist[a]))
a = int(input("Enter the number of the folder\n"))
res_dir = dirlist[a]

config = configparser.ConfigParser() + 'settings.txt')
N = int(config['global']['N'].split()[0])
dimx = float(config['global']['dimX'].split()[0])
dimy = float(config['global']['dimY'].split()[0])
n_files = int(config['out_files']['out_files'].split()[0])

ntype = int(config['global']['Ntype'].split()[0])
t_fim = float(config['global']['t_fim'].split()[0])
dt = float(config['global']['dt'].split()[0])
F = np.array([0,0])
quant = []
sigma = []
epsilon = []
rs = [] # raio sólido
mass = []
tipo = [0]*N

dt = t_fim/n_files

a = input("Enter the subdomains mesh dimensions.\n")
a = a.split()
mesh = np.array([int(a[0]), int(a[1])])
a = input("Enter a location. xmin xmax ymin ymax\n")
if a == '':
region = [0, mesh[0], 0, mesh[1]]
region = [int(x) for x in a.split()]

Vol = (dimx/mesh[0])*(dimy/mesh[1]) # volume dos elementos da malha
for i in range(ntype):
j,k = 0,0
for i in range(len(quant)):
for j in range(quant[i]):
tipo[j+k] = i

k = sum(quant[0:i+1])
tipo = pd.DataFrame(tipo, columns=["tipo"]) # numero id da partícula

hx = dimx/mesh[0]
hy = dimy/mesh[1]

nsteps = n_files # int(input('Enter the number of steps:\n'))

density_map = np.zeros((mesh[0],mesh[1], nsteps+1))
r = np.zeros((mesh[0],mesh[1],nsteps+1))

mqd = np.zeros(nsteps)

step = 0
n1,n2 = 0,0
stdscr = 's' #para barra de progresso
sample_list = []
r0 = []
r1 = []
r = np

while step <= nsteps:

particle_map = [[[] for _ in range(mesh[1])] for _ in range(mesh[0])]
#stdscr = progressbar(step,nsteps,'Computing:',stdscr)
pos = pd.read_csv(res_dir+"position.csv."+str(step), header=None, names = ["x","y"])
vel = pd.read_csv(res_dir+"velocity.csv."+str(step), header=None, names = ["v_x", "v_y"])
n = [x for x in range(len(pos))]
n = pd.DataFrame(n, columns=["n"]) # numero id da partícula
pos_vel = pd.concat([n,pos,vel,tipo],axis=1)

for nn in range(len(pos_vel)):
xp = int(pos_vel.loc[nn,'x']//hx)
yp = int(pos_vel.loc[nn,'y']//hy)
if xp == mesh[0]:
xp = xp - 1
if yp == mesh[1]:
yp = yp - 1
particle_map[xp][yp].append( pos_vel.loc[nn,'n'] )
density_map[xp,yp,step] += 1

if (step == 0):
for i in range(region[0],region[1]):
for j in range(region[2],region[3]):
for nn in range(len(particle_map[i][j])):
n1 = particle_map[i][j][nn]
r0.append([pos_vel.loc[n1,'x'], pos_vel.loc[n1,'y']])
r0 = np.array(r0)
r1 = np.zeros( (len(sample_list),2) )
desv = np.zeros((len(particle_map[i][j]),nsteps))
for nn in range(len(sample_list)):
n1 = sample_list[nn]
r1[nn,:] = [pos_vel.loc[n1,'x'], pos_vel.loc[n1,'y']]
r1 = np.array(r1) - r0
desv[:,step-1] = np.sqrt(r1[:,0]**2 + r1[:,1]**2)

# mqd[step-1] += ((r1[0] - r0[nn,0])**2 + (r1[1] - r0[nn,1])**2)
step += 1

mqd = np.sum(desv**2,axis=0)/len(sample_list)

plt.xlabel('time steps x ....')


2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lennard.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ program main
type(CFG_t) :: my_cfg
character(5) :: particle
character(4) :: wall
character(11) :: nome,arquivox, arquivov = '%' !nome de partícula deve ter até 11 caracteres
character(20) :: nome,arquivox, arquivov = '%' !nome de partícula deve ter até 20 caracteres
type(string) :: part_nomes(10) ! vetor de strings
character(1) :: optio
type(data_ptr) :: ptr !integer,pointer :: ptr,ptrn
Expand Down
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# #!/usr/bin/env python3
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# """
# Created on Sun Jan 27 22:47:50 2019

# Este programa é para colocar as partículas em seus lugares iniciais

# @author: gabriel
# """

# import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from random import randint

# arquivo1 = 'pequeno.csv'

# N = 400
# L1 = 200
# L2 = 200
# spac = 0.999*((L1*L2)/(N))**0.5
# d1 = int(L1/spac)
# d2 = int(L2/spac)
# N = d1*d2
# N1 = N*2
# # Posição das partículas
# p1 = np.zeros([N1,2])

# #posição de referência
# refe = np.array([0.01,0.01])
# print("d1*spac = {}, L1 = {}, d2*spac = {}, L2 = {}\n".format(d1*spac+refe[0],L1, d2*spac+refe[1], L2))
# print("N = {}, spac = {}\n".format(N*2,spac))
# cont = 0

# for i in range(d1):
# for j in range(d2):
# p1[cont,:] = [i*spac+refe[0],j*spac+refe[1]]
# cont = cont+1
# refe = np.array([1199.9,599.9])

# with open(arquivo1,'w') as file:
# for i in range(N1):
# file.write('{},{}\n'.format(p1[i,0],p1[i,1]))

# plt.scatter(p1[:,0],p1[:,1], label='pequeno')

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Jan 27 22:47:50 2019
Este programa é para colocar as partículas em seus lugares iniciais
@author: gabriel

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from random import randint

Ntot = 0
arquivo1 = 'bin_peq1.csv'

N = 200
L1 = 200
L2 = 200
spac = 0.999*((L1*L2)/(N))**0.5
d1 = int(L1/spac)
d2 = int(L2/spac)
N = d1*d2
Ntot = N + Ntot
# Posição das partículas
p1 = np.zeros([N,2])

#posição de referência
refe = np.array([0.01,0.01])
print("d1*spac = {}, L1 = {}, d2*spac = {}, L2 = {}\n".format(d1*spac+refe[0],L1, d2*spac+refe[1], L2))
print("N1 = {}, spac = {}\n".format(N,spac))
cont = 0

for i in range(d1):
for j in range(d2):
p1[cont,:] = [i*spac+refe[0],j*spac+refe[1]]
cont = cont+1

with open(arquivo1,'w') as file:
for i in range(N):

plt.scatter(p1[:,0],p1[:,1], label='pequeno1')

arquivo1 = 'bin_peq2.csv'

N = 200
L1 = 200
L2 = 200
spac = 0.999*((L1*L2)/(N))**0.5
d1 = int(L1/spac)
d2 = int(L2/spac)
N = d1*d2
Ntot = N + Ntot
# Posição das partículas
p1 = np.zeros([N,2])

#posição de referência
refe = np.array([0.01+spac/2,0.01+spac/2])
print("d1*spac = {}, L1 = {}, d2*spac = {}, L2 = {}\n".format(d1*spac+refe[0],L1, d2*spac+refe[1], L2))
print("N2 = {}, spac = {}\n".format(N,spac))
cont = 0

for i in range(d1):
for j in range(d2):
p1[cont,:] = [i*spac+refe[0],j*spac+refe[1]]
cont = cont+1

with open(arquivo1,'w') as file:
for i in range(N):

print('Ntot = {}'.format(Ntot))
plt.scatter(p1[:,0],p1[:,1], label='pequeno2')

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