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Revert "Merge PR #653 from webwarrior-ws/partial-functions-value-squa…
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This reverts commit fcf9213 temporarily,
because it caused a regression in the rule that we caught when trying to
rebase PR #668 (it crashes FSharpLint when trying to use FSharpLint on
  • Loading branch information
knocte committed Jan 13, 2024
1 parent 9ca55c9 commit b69b24b
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Showing 2 changed files with 43 additions and 239 deletions.
255 changes: 43 additions & 212 deletions src/FSharpLint.Core/Rules/Conventions/NoPartialFunctions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ open FSharpLint.Framework.Ast
open FSharpLint.Framework.Rules
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax

type Config = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,18 +70,16 @@ let private partialFunctionIdentifiers =
("List.pick", Function "List.tryPick")
] |> Map.ofList

/// List of tuples (fully qualified instance member name, namespace, argument compiled type name, replacement strategy)
let private partialInstanceMemberIdentifiers =
// see
("Option.Value", Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Core", "option`1", PatternMatch)
("Map.Item", Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Collections", "FSharpMap`2", Function "Map.tryFind")
("List.Item", Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Collections", "list`1", Function "List.tryFind")
("List.Head", Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Collections", "list`1", Function "List.tryHead")
("Option.Value", PatternMatch)
("Map.Item", Function "Map.tryFind")
("List.Item", Function "List.tryFind")
("List.Head", Function "List.tryHead")

// As an example for future additions (see commented Foo.Bar.Baz tests)
//("Foo.Bar.Baz", None, "string", PatternMatch)
//("Foo.Bar.Baz", PatternMatch)
] |> Map.ofList

let private checkIfPartialIdentifier (config:Config) (identifier:string) (range:Range) =
if List.contains identifier config.AllowedPartials then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,180 +110,56 @@ let private checkIfPartialIdentifier (config:Config) (identifier:string) (range:
TypeChecks = []

let rec private tryFindTypedExpression (range: Range) (expression: FSharpExpr) =
let tryFindFirst exprs =
exprs |> Seq.choose (tryFindTypedExpression range) |> Seq.tryHead
if expression.Range = range then
Some expression
match expression with
| FSharpExprPatterns.AddressOf(lvalueExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range lvalueExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.AddressSet(lvalueExpr, rvalueExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range lvalueExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range rvalueExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.Application(funcExpr, _typeArgs, argExprs) ->
(funcExpr :: argExprs) |> tryFindFirst
| FSharpExprPatterns.Call(objExprOpt, _memberOrFunc, _typeArgs1, _typeArgs2, argExprs) ->
(List.append (Option.toList objExprOpt) argExprs) |> tryFindFirst
| FSharpExprPatterns.Coerce(_targetType, inpExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range inpExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.FastIntegerForLoop(startExpr, limitExpr, consumeExpr, _isUp, _, _) ->
[ startExpr; limitExpr; consumeExpr ] |> tryFindFirst
| FSharpExprPatterns.ILAsm(_asmCode, _typeArgs, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.ILFieldGet (objExprOpt, _fieldType, _fieldName) ->
objExprOpt |> Option.bind (tryFindTypedExpression range)
| FSharpExprPatterns.ILFieldSet (objExprOpt, _fieldType, _fieldName, valueExpr) ->
objExprOpt |> Option.bind (tryFindTypedExpression range) |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range valueExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.IfThenElse (guardExpr, thenExpr, elseExpr) ->
[ guardExpr; thenExpr; elseExpr ] |> tryFindFirst
| FSharpExprPatterns.Lambda(_lambdaVar, bodyExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.Let((_bindingVar, bindingExpr, _), bodyExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range bindingExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.LetRec(recursiveBindings, bodyExpr) ->
|> Seq.choose (fun (_, expr, _) -> tryFindTypedExpression range expr)
|> Seq.tryHead
|> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewArray(_arrayType, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewDelegate(_delegateType, delegateBodyExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range delegateBodyExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewObject(_objType, _typeArgs, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewRecord(_recordType, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewAnonRecord(_recordType, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewTuple(_tupleType, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.NewUnionCase(_unionType, _unionCase, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.Quote(quotedExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range quotedExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.FSharpFieldGet(objExprOpt, _recordOrClassType, _fieldInfo) ->
objExprOpt |> Option.bind (tryFindTypedExpression range)
| FSharpExprPatterns.AnonRecordGet(objExpr, _recordOrClassType, _fieldInfo) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range objExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.FSharpFieldSet(objExprOpt, _recordOrClassType, _fieldInfo, argExpr) ->
objExprOpt |> Option.bind (tryFindTypedExpression range) |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range argExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.Sequential(firstExpr, secondExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range firstExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range secondExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.TryFinally(bodyExpr, finalizeExpr, _, _) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range finalizeExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.TryWith(bodyExpr, _, _, _catchVar, catchExpr, _, _) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range catchExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.TupleGet(_tupleType, _tupleElemIndex, tupleExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range tupleExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.DecisionTree(decisionExpr, decisionTargets) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range decisionExpr
|> Option.orElse (decisionTargets |> Seq.choose (fun (_, expr) -> tryFindTypedExpression range expr) |> Seq.tryHead)
| FSharpExprPatterns.DecisionTreeSuccess (_decisionTargetIdx, decisionTargetExprs) ->
tryFindFirst decisionTargetExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.TypeLambda(_genericParam, bodyExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.TypeTest(_ty, inpExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range inpExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.UnionCaseSet(unionExpr, unionType, unionCase, unionCaseField, valueExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range unionExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range valueExpr)
| FSharpExprPatterns.UnionCaseGet(unionExpr, _unionType, _unionCase, _unionCaseField) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range unionExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.UnionCaseTest(unionExpr, _unionType, _unionCase) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range unionExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.UnionCaseTag(unionExpr, _unionType) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range unionExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.ObjectExpr(_objType, baseCallExpr, overrides, interfaceImplementations) ->
let interfaceImlps = interfaceImplementations |> List.collect snd
baseCallExpr :: (List.append overrides interfaceImlps |> Seq.cast<FSharpExpr> |> Seq.toList)
|> tryFindFirst
| FSharpExprPatterns.TraitCall(_sourceTypes, _traitName, _typeArgs, _typeInstantiation, _argTypes, argExprs) ->
tryFindFirst argExprs
| FSharpExprPatterns.ValueSet(_valToSet, valueExpr) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range valueExpr
| FSharpExprPatterns.WhileLoop(guardExpr, bodyExpr, _) ->
tryFindTypedExpression range guardExpr |> Option.orElse (tryFindTypedExpression range bodyExpr)
| _ -> None

let private getTypedExpressionForRange (checkFile:FSharpCheckFileResults) (range: Range) =
let expressions =
match checkFile.ImplementationFile with
| Some implementationFile ->
let rec getExpressions declarations =
seq {
for declaration in declarations do
match declaration with
| FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.Entity(entity, subDecls) ->
yield! getExpressions subDecls
| FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue(_,_,body) ->
yield body
| _ -> ()

getExpressions implementationFile.Declarations
| None -> Seq.empty

|> Seq.choose (tryFindTypedExpression range)
|> Seq.tryHead

let private matchesBuiltinFSharpType (typeName: string) (fsharpType: FSharpType) : Option<bool> =
let matchingPartialInstanceMember =
|> List.tryFind (fun (memberName, _, _, _) -> memberName.Split('.').[0] = typeName)

match matchingPartialInstanceMember with
| Some(_, typeNamespace, compiledTypeName, _) ->
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.Namespace = typeNamespace
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.CompiledName = compiledTypeName)
|> Some
| None -> None
let private isNonStaticInstanceMemberCall (checkFile:FSharpCheckFileResults) names range:(Option<WarningDetails>) =

let private isNonStaticInstanceMemberCall (checkFile:FSharpCheckFileResults) names lineText (range: Range) :(Option<WarningDetails>) =
let typeChecks =
|> Map.toList
|> (fun replacement ->
match replacement with
| (fullyQualifiedInstanceMember, _, _, replacementStrategy) ->
| (fullyQualifiedInstanceMember, replacementStrategy) ->
if not (fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Contains ".") then
failwith "Please use fully qualified name for the instance member"
let nameSegments = fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Split '.'
let instanceMemberNameOnly = Array.last nameSegments
let isSourcePropSameAsReplacementProp = List.tryFind (fun sourceInstanceMemberName -> sourceInstanceMemberName = instanceMemberNameOnly) names
match isSourcePropSameAsReplacementProp with
| Some _ ->
let typeName = fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Substring(0, fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Length - instanceMemberNameOnly.Length - 1)
let typeName = fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Substring(0, fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Length - instanceMemberNameOnly.Length - 1)
let partialAssemblySignature = checkFile.PartialAssemblySignature

let instanceIdentifier =
(fun sourceInstanceMemberName -> sourceInstanceMemberName <> instanceMemberNameOnly)

let instanceIdentifierSymbol =
let maybeSymbolUse =
range.EndColumn - ((String.concat "." names).Length - instanceIdentifier.Length),
List.singleton instanceIdentifier)
match maybeSymbolUse with
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as symbol -> Some symbol
| _ -> None
| _ -> None

match instanceIdentifierSymbol with
| Some identifierSymbol ->
let typeMatches =
let fsharpType = identifierSymbol.FullType
match matchesBuiltinFSharpType typeName fsharpType with
| Some value -> value
| None -> identifierSymbol.FullType.TypeDefinition.FullName = typeName
let isEntityOfType (entity:FSharpEntity) =
match entity.TryFullName with
| Some name when name = typeName -> true
| _ -> false

let entityForType =
if partialAssemblySignature.Entities.Count > 1 then
Seq.tryFind isEntityOfType partialAssemblySignature.Entities
Some partialAssemblySignature.Entities.[0]

match entityForType with
| Some moduleEnt ->
let getFunctionValTypeName (fnVal:FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue) =
let fsharpType = fnVal.FullType
match typeName with
| "Option" ->
// see
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.Namespace = Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Core"
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.CompiledName = "option`1"
| "Map" ->
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.Namespace = Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Collections"
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.CompiledName = "FSharpMap`2"
| "List" ->
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.Namespace = Some "Microsoft.FSharp.Collections"
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.CompiledName = "list`1"
| _ -> fnVal.FullName = typeName

let typeMatches = moduleEnt.MembersFunctionsAndValues.Any(Func<FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue, bool>(getFunctionValTypeName))
if typeMatches then
match replacementStrategy with
| PatternMatch ->
Expand All @@ -307,42 +180,6 @@ let private isNonStaticInstanceMemberCall (checkFile:FSharpCheckFileResults) nam
| None -> None
| Some instanceMember -> instanceMember

let private checkMemberCallOnExpression
(checkFile: FSharpCheckFileResults)
(flieContent: string)
(range: Range)
(originalRange: Range): array<WarningDetails> =
match getTypedExpressionForRange checkFile range with
| Some expression ->
|> List.choose (fun (fullyQualifiedInstanceMember, _, _, replacementStrategy) ->
let typeName = fullyQualifiedInstanceMember.Split(".").[0]
let fsharpType = expression.Type

let matchesType =
match matchesBuiltinFSharpType typeName fsharpType with
| Some value -> value
| None ->
&& fsharpType.TypeDefinition.FullName = typeName

if matchesType then
match replacementStrategy with
| PatternMatch ->
Some { Range = originalRange
Message = String.Format(Resources.GetString "RulesConventionsNoPartialFunctionsPatternMatchError", fullyQualifiedInstanceMember)
SuggestedFix = None
TypeChecks = (fun () -> true) |> List.singleton }
| Function replacementFunctionName ->
Some { Range = originalRange
Message = String.Format(Resources.GetString "RulesConventionsNoPartialFunctionsReplacementError", replacementFunctionName, fullyQualifiedInstanceMember)
SuggestedFix = Some (lazy ( Some { FromText = (ExpressionUtilities.tryFindTextOfRange originalRange flieContent).Value ; FromRange = originalRange; ToText = replacementFunctionName }))
TypeChecks = (fun () -> true) |> List.singleton }
|> List.toArray
| None -> Array.empty

let private runner (config:Config) (args:AstNodeRuleParams) =
match (args.AstNode, args.CheckInfo) with
| (AstNode.Identifier (identifier, range), Some checkInfo) ->
Expand All @@ -353,17 +190,11 @@ let private runner (config:Config) (args:AstNodeRuleParams) =
| Some partialIdent ->
partialIdent |> Array.singleton
| _ ->
let lineText = args.Lines.[range.EndLine - 1]
let nonStaticInstanceMemberTypeCheckResult = isNonStaticInstanceMemberCall checkInfo identifier lineText range
let nonStaticInstanceMemberTypeCheckResult = isNonStaticInstanceMemberCall checkInfo identifier range
match nonStaticInstanceMemberTypeCheckResult with
| Some warningDetails ->
warningDetails |> Array.singleton
| _ -> Array.Empty()
| (Ast.Expression(SynExpr.DotGet(expr, _, SynLongIdent(_identifiers, _, _), _range)), Some checkInfo) ->
let originalRange = expr.Range
let expr = ExpressionUtilities.removeParens expr

checkMemberCallOnExpression checkInfo args.FileContent expr.Range originalRange
| _ -> Array.empty

let rule config =
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,33 +62,6 @@ module Program =
Assert.IsTrue(this.ErrorExistsAt(7, 34))
this.AssertErrorWithMessageExists("Consider using pattern matching instead of partial function/method 'Option.Value'.")

member this.``No error for calling Value on ref type (regression)``() =
namespace Foo
module Program =
let foo = None
let bar = ref 0
let printFoo() =
System.Console.WriteLine (bar.Value.ToString())""")

Assert.IsTrue this.NoErrorsExist

member this.``Error for Option.Value (List.tryHead test case)``() =
namespace Foo
module Program =
let foo = []
let printFoo() =
System.Console.WriteLine ((List.tryHead foo).Value.ToString())""")

Assert.IsTrue this.ErrorsExist
Assert.IsTrue(this.ErrorExistsAt(7, 34))
this.AssertErrorWithMessageExists("Consider using pattern matching instead of partial function/method 'Option.Value'.")

member this.``No error for value property in DU``() =
Expand Down

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