Puppet module to install and manage components of Cloudera's Distribution (CDH) for Apache Hadoop.
This repository works with CDH5. For CDH4, use the cdh4
NOTE: The main puppet-cdh repository is hosted in WMF Gerrit at operations/puppet/cdh.
Installs HDFS, YARN, Hive, Pig, Sqoop (1), Oozie and Hue. Note that, in order for this module to work, you will have to ensure that:
- Java version 7 or greater is installed
- Your package manager is configured with a repository containing the Cloudera 5 packages.
- In general, services managed by this module do not subscribe to their relevant config files. This prevents accidental deployments of config changes. If you make config changes in puppet, you must apply puppet and then manually restart the relevant services.
- This module has only been tested using CDH 5.0.1 on Ubuntu Precise 12.04.2 LTS
- Zookeeper is not puppetized in this module, as Debian/Ubuntu provides a different and suitable Zookeeper package. To puppetize Zookeeper Servers, See the puppet-zookeeper module.
Clone (or copy) this repository into your puppet modules/cdh directory:
git clone git://github.com/wikimedia/puppet-cdh.git modules/cdh
Or you could also use a git submodule:
git submodule add git://github.com/wikimedia/puppet-cdh.git modules/cdh
git commit -m 'Adding modules/cdh as a git submodule.'
git submodule init && git submodule update
All Hadoop enabled nodes should include the cdh::hadoop
class my::hadoop {
class { 'cdh::hadoop':
# Logical Hadoop cluster name.
cluster_name => 'mycluster',
# Must pass an array of hosts here, even if you are
# not using HA and only have a single NameNode.
namenode_hosts => ['namenode1.domain.org'],
datanode_mounts => [
# You can also provide an array of dfs_name_dirs.
dfs_name_dir => '/var/lib/hadoop/name',
node 'hadoop-client.domain.org' {
include my::hadoop
This will ensure that CDH5 client packages are installed, and that Hadoop related config files are in place with proper settings.
The datanode_mounts parameter assumes that you want to keep your DataNode and YARN specific data in subdirectories in each of the mount points provided.
class my::hadoop::master inherits my::hadoop {
include cdh::hadoop::master
node 'namenode1.domain.org' {
include my::hadoop::master
This installs and starts up the NameNode. If using YARN this will install and set up ResourceManager and HistoryServer. If using MRv1, this will install and set up the JobTracker.
class my::hadoop::worker inherits my::hadoop {
include cdh::hadoop::worker
node 'datanode[1234].domain.org' {
include my::hadoop::worker
This installs and starts up the DataNode. If using YARN, this will install and set up the NodeManager. If using MRv1, this will install and set up the TaskTracker.
For detailed documentation, see the CDH5 High Availability Guide.
This puppet module only supports Quorum-based HA storage using JournalNodes. It does not support NFS based HA.
Your JournalNodes will be automatically configured based on the value of
. When cdh::hadoop
is included,
if the current hostname or IP address matches a value in the $journalnode_hosts
array, then cdh::hadoop::journalnode
will be included.
Before applying cdh::hadoop::journalnode
, make sure the
is partitioned and mounted on each of the hosts
in journalnode_hosts
When setting up a new cluster, you should ensure that your JournalNodes are up and running before your NameNodes. When the NameNode is formatted for the first time, it will talk to the JournalNodes and tell them to initialize their shared edits directories. If you are adding HA to an existing cluster, you will need to initialize your JournalNodes manually. See section below on how to do this.
You'll need to set two extra parameters on the cdh::hadoop
class on all
your hadoop nodes, as well as specify the hosts of your standby NameNodes.
class my::hadoop {
class { 'cdh::hadoop':
cluster_name => 'mycluster',
namenode_hosts => [
journalnode_hosts => [
datanode_mounts => [
dfs_name_dir => ['/var/lib/hadoop/name', '/mnt/hadoop_name'],
node 'hadoop-client.domain.org' {
include my::hadoop
Note the differences from the non-HA setup:
- Multiple
have been given. You will need to includecdh::hadoop::namenode::standby
on your standby NameNodes. journalnode_hosts
have been specified.
On your standby NameNodes, instead of including cdh::hadoop::master
include cdh::hadoop::namenode::standby
class my::hadoop::master inherits my::hadoop {
include cdh::hadoop::master
class my::hadoop::standby inherits my::hadoop {
include cdh::hadoop::namenode::standby
node 'namenode1.domain.org' {
include my::hadoop::master
node 'namenode2.domain.org' {
include my::hadoop::standby
Including cdh::hadoop::namenode::standby
will bootstrap the standby
NameNode from the primary NameNode and start the standby NameNode service.
When are setting up brand new Hadoop cluster with HA, you should apply your puppet manifests to nodes in this order:
- JournalNodes
- Primary Hadoop master node (active NameNode)
- StandBy NameNodes
- Worker nodes (DataNodes)
Go through all of the same steps as described in the above section. Once all of your puppet manifests have been applied (JournalNodes running, NameNodes running and formatted/bootstrapped, etc.) you can initialize your JournalNodes' shared edit directories.
# Shutdown your HDFS cluster. Everything will need a
# restart on order to load the newly applied HA configs.
# (Leave the JournalNodes running.)
# On your hadoop master node:
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager stop
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode stop
# On your hadoop worker nodes:
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode stop
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager stop
# Now run the following commands on your primary active NameNode.
# initialize the JournalNodes' shared edit directories:
sudo -u hdfs /usr/bin/hdfs namenode -initializeSharedEdits
# Now restart your Hadoop master services
# On your hadoop master node:
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode start
sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager start
# Now that your primary NameNode is back up, and
# JournalNodes have been initialized, bootstrap
# your Standby NameNode(s). Run this command
# on your standby NameNode(s):
sudo -u hdfs /usr/bin/hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby
# On your hadoop worker nodes:
sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager start
sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode start
When there are multiple NameNodes and automatic failover is not configured (it is not yet supported by this puppet module), both NameNodes start up in standby mode. You will have to manually transition one of them to active.
# on your hadoop master node:
sudo -u hdfs /usr/bin/hdfs haadmin -transitionToActive <namenode_id>
will be the first entry in the $namenode_hosts
with dot ('.') characters replaced with dashes ('-'). E.g. namenode1-domain-org
class { 'cdh::hive':
metastore_host => 'hive-metastore-node.domain.org',
zookeeper_hosts => ['zk1.domain.org', 'zk2.domain.org'],
jdbc_password => $secret_password,
Include the same cdh::hive
class as indicated above, and then:
class { 'cdh::hive::master': }
By default, a Hive metastore backend MySQL database will be used. You must
separately ensure that your $metastore_database (e.g. mysql) package is installed.
If you want to disable automatic setup of your metastore backend
database, set the metastore_database
parameter to undef:
class { 'cdh::hive::master':
metastore_database => undef,
class { 'cdh::oozie': }
The following will install and run oozie-server, as well as create a MySQL
database for it to use. A MySQL database is the only currently supported
automatically installable backend database. Alternatively, you may set
database => undef
to avoid setting up MySQL and then configure your own
Oozie database manually.
class { 'cdh::oozie::server:
jdbc_password -> $secret_password,
To install hue server, simply:
class { 'cdh::hue':
secret_key => 'ii7nnoCGtP0wjub6nqnRfQx93YUV3iWG', # your secret key here.
hive_server_host => 'hive.example.com',
There are many more parameters to the cdh::hue
class. See the class
documentation in manifests/hue.pp.
If you include cdh::hive
or cdh::oozie
classes on this node,
Hue will be configured to run its Hive and Oozie apps.