An OpenUI5 library based on d3.js to create charts as responsive bindable fiori-like controls.
You can checkout a live demo here:
- docs/demo - Demo site for the library
- dist - Distribution folder that contains the library ready to use
- src - Development folder
- test - Testing framework for the library
Install openui5-d3-chart as an npm module
$ npm install openui5-d3-chart
Add the library to sap.ui5/dependencies/libs and set its path in sap.ui5/resourceRoots in your manifest.json file, as follows:
"sap.ui5": {
"dependencies": {
"libs": {
"openui5.chart": {}
"resourceRoots": {
"openui5.chart": "./FOLDER_WHERE_YOU_PLACED_THE_LIBRARY/openui5/chart/"
- Prepare data model. For examle:
this.getModel().setProperty("/data", [
{ x: 0, y: 0 },
{ x: 1, y: -1 },
{ x: 2, y: 2 },
{ x: 3, y: 3 }
- Add the following namespace declarations to the view with chart control:
- Add the following control to the view:
<chart:LineSeries items="{/data}">
<chart:Point x="{x}" y="{y}"/>
It's all!
It is very simple to use in style like other bindable controls. All that is required is to make two bindings: a set of points and a property that contains values.
If the model changes, or the window is resized, the chart will redrawn.
Dmitry Fokin
- LinkedIn:
This project is licensed under the MIT License.