released this
16 Dec 22:17
#31 "System wide font settings."
#38 "A simple code to enable RibbonTabControl react to touch manipulation"
Ribbon, RibbonTitleBar and RibbonStatusBar now use SystemFonts.MenuFont* as font settings
Bug fixes
#23 "Drop support for ancient .NET 3.5"
#24 "RibbonTitleBar.MeasureOverride should not return the constraint parameter value"
#25 "Press Alt key without Backstage raises ArgumentNullException"
#28 "Height and FontSize of MenuItem"
#30 "Line break in _minimizeButtonScreenTipText"
#33 "Fix Issue #24 : measureoverride"
#35 "Quick Access Toolbar IsChecked never correctly set"
#36 "Fix size of group box controls with large font."
#39 "Application menu button has wrong height"
#40 "Simplified Chinese translation may be wrong"
#41 "Fix issue #30 - Line break in _minimizeButtonScreenTipText"
#42 "Set correct height on backstage and application menu button"
#43 "Added delay in ClosePopupOnMouseDown feature"
#44 "Little Bug in Office2013 style"
You can’t perform that action at this time.