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Bayesian network analysis with Genie

Fernando Rodriguez Sanchez edited this page Aug 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Results from LCM, uk-DB, MPMM, and GLSL have a direct Bayesian network representation. For this reason, we have provided Genie models of these results to allow their in-depth analysis. The corresponding models are located in the "clustering_results" directory.

GeNIe Modeler is a graphical user interface (GUI) to SMILE Engine and allows for interactive model building and learning. It is written for the Windows environment but can be also used on macOS and Linux under Wine. It has been thoroughly tested in the field since 1998, has received a wide acceptance within both academia and industry, and has thousands of users world-wide. For more information, you can read its documentation.

Once GeNIE has been installed, opening the model would result in the following.

alt text

Probabilistic queries can be easily done on Genie (see sections 5.7 and 6.2.4 on the manual). However, a some knowledge of Bayesian networks is required.