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fenkod committed Jul 23, 2014
0 parents commit 66ae0ca
Showing 1 changed file with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions Resume_Fenko.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
% Stylish Curriculum Vitae
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (18/7/12)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Stefano (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
% The main font used in this template, Adobe Garamond Pro, does not
% come with Windows by default. You will need to download it in
% order to get an output as in the preview PDF. Otherwise, change this
% font to one that does come with Windows or comment out the font line
% to use the default LaTeX font.

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2332 N Hamilton Ave \#1B {\large\textperiodcentered} Chicago, IL {\large\textperiodcentered} 60647\\ % Your mailing address
{\Large\Letter} [email protected] \ {\Large\Telefon} (312) 342-6897 % Your email address and phone number



\begin{center} % Center everything in the document


{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=20.0}\fontsize{24}{24}\selectfont\scshape David Fenko} % Your name at the top

%\vspace{0.15cm} % Extra whitespace after the large name at the top




Client-side manager with 10 years of experience between the software and services industries. Problem solver adept at identifying the various components of an issue to lead to an equitable solution for all involved parties. Quick study, capable of picking up new concepts easily and putting them into practice.\\



\section{Work Experience}

\gray \textbf{Oct 2008 -- Present} & \textbf{Backstop Solutions Group} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
\textbf{Support Manager} & Manager responsible for timely, accurate support of several SaaS software platforms catering to the alternative asset industry.\\
Jul 2010 -- Present & \vspace{-6mm}
\item Led a team of up to 10 individuals.
\item Fostered a culture of individual and team development.
\item Provided coaching for individuals under my supervision.
\item Produced and utilized metrics to judge the team's effectiveness.
\item Developed policies and procedures to improve customer support.
\item Worked with other teams to improve the organization and product.
\item Integrated support processes for a new platform after acquiring a competitor's software.
\textbf{Senior Support Analyst} & Provided a point of escalation while supporting several SaaS software platforms catering to the alternative asset industry.\\
Jan 2010 -- Jul 2010 & \vspace{-6mm}
\item Handled escalated client support issues.
\item Investigated complex client issues using SQL and Splunk.
\item Provided workflow solutions for clients while logging detailed bug reports.
\item Monitored system performance.
\item Produced project plans based on client reported issues.
\item Redeveloped hiring process for Level 1 Client Service Representatives.
\item Trained and coached Level I support representatives.
\textbf{Support Representative} & Front line application support for a SaaS company catering to the alternative asset industry.\\
Oct 2008 -- Jan 2010 & \vspace{-6mm}
\item Documented and monitored Support requests to provide prompt accurate solutions.
\item Reproduced and routed incoming development issues.
\item Participated in regression testing software prior to release.
\item Asked questions to ascertain client needs and allow for further investigation.
\item Helped train new company employees.

\gray \textbf{Apr 2007 -- Oct 2008} & \textbf{Artisan Wine Cellar} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
\textbf{Cafe Manager} & Managed the coffee operations for a European-style cafe. \\
& \vspace{-6mm}
\item Provided a friendly and efficient customer experience.
\item Kept track of stocking levels to improve ordering process.
\item Developed a program to drive repeat business.
\item Helped improve business by 50\% during core hours.
\item Installed shared wireless network for customers and staff.
\item Responsible for identifying and acquiring new products to sell.
\item Coordinated catering opportunities, inclusive of pricing, scheduling, staffing, and execution.

\gray \textbf{Dec 2005 -- Oct 2006} & \textbf{Moonstruck Chocolate Cafe} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
\textbf{Assistant Manager} & Responsible for non-peak hour management duties for a cafe in a high traffic location. \\
& \vspace{-6mm}
\item Led a team of up to 4 individuals.
\item Maintained the cleanliness and appearance of the cafe.
\item Kept a balanced register and safe.

\gray \textbf{Jan 2005 -- Dec 2005} & \textbf{National Railroad Passenger Corp. (Amtrak)} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
\textbf{Lead Service Attendant} & Oversaw the food service operations for Amtrak long-haul trains, including cafe and meal cars.\\
& \vspace{-6mm}
\item Led a team of up to 11 individuals.
\item Handled large sums of cash and stock.
\item Kept detailed records of meals served and stock levels.
\item Balanced the books each trip to ensure accurate records.
\item Provided customer communication during delays.



\section{Computer Skills}

%\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Beginner & Adobe Photoshop, Javascript, JQuery, Ruby on Rails 3, R, \LaTeX \\
Intermediate & Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows \& Office, HTML, CSS, SQL, \\
& Splunk, Scrum, Agile Methodology, Computer Hardware \& Support\\




\gray \textbf{Nov 2011 -- Mar 2012} & \textbf{American Intercontinental University Online}\\
\gray & \textbf{Business Administration} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
& 37.5 Credits Completed


\gray \textbf{Aug 2003 -- May 2004} & \textbf{Illinois Institute of Technology}\\
\gray \textbf{Aug 2000 -- Aug 2001} & \textbf{Business Administration} \hfill \textbf{Chicago, IL}\\
& 67 Credits Completed




Sabermetrics {\large\textperiodcentered} Fantasy Sports {\large\textperiodcentered} Cooking {\large\textperiodcentered} Recipe Development {\large\textperiodcentered} Homebrewing {\large\textperiodcentered} Writing




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