Download and install the Globus Search client
make install
creates a virtual environment in .venv/
subdirectory, installs globus-sdk
and all necessary Python modules the search-client depends on, so there is no need to set up
a virtual environment prior installing the search-client. The search-client also takes care
of getting an OAuth2 access token with an appropriate scope for the Globus Search.
To generate files with GIngest records, run
The script will generate one GMetaList
per file with 100 GIngest
records in each in gingest/
(The script generates a separate file for 100 GIngest
records to avoid ConnectionError
the requests module may raise
when a large file is sent in the POST request, psf/requests#2422).
You can print the records using cat
and Python json tool, for example:
cat gingest/GTEx_v7_gingest_0_100.json | python -mjson.tool
To ingest all metadata to a search index, run
search-client --index <UUID_of_the_index> ingest gingest/*
To query the index, run for example:
search-client --index <UUID_of_the_index> query '{"q":"never smoker"}'