Little helper command line tool that list arguments received in a easy to inspect way.
curl -O ''
Set executable permission:
chmod +x listargs
Verify it's working:
./listargs "arg1" "arg with spaces" "
Optionally copy to your path:
sudo cp -v listargs /usr/local/bin
Try these:
listargs "arg1" "arg with spaces" "two spaces"
You should a nice colored output showing the exact arguments received and how the arguments were split.
Listargs is also useful to see invisible characters like tabs and spaces in the start and end of arguments:
listargs "arg with spaces" "two spaces" and$'\t'tab " startendspace "
If you pipe it to a command, it should show escape characters instead of colors:
listargs "arg with spaces" "two spaces" and$'\t'tab " startendspace " | cat
Enable compact mode:
LA_COMPACT=1 listargs "two spaces" with$'\t'tab " start-end-space "
Set compact mode for all subsequent commands:
export LA_COMPACT=1
listargs "arg1" "arg with spaces" "two spaces"
listargs "three spaces" with$'\t'tab " start-end-space "
listargs non-escaped spaces are ignored by shell