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Columnar analytics for PHP - a pure PHP library to read and write simple columnar files in a performant way.


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Columnar Analytics (in pure PHP)

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About the project

What does it do?

This library allows you to write and read a simple columnar file format in a performant way with a lightweight, pure PHP implementation.

Why columnar analytics in PHP?

This library started as a scratch-our-own-itch project at Envoy Media Group. We needed fast, columnar analytics that would work well with our all-PHP stack, but found PHP's support and performance for mainstream columnar formats (Parquet, ORC, etc.) to be lacking. So we rolled our own simple columnar format with its own speedy writer and reader.

How battle tested is it?

This library has been in production use as the backbone of Envoy's analytics and business intelligence since early 2022. It processes hundreds of thousands of reads and writes per day, serving both custom reports for business users and automated requests for monitoring and machine learning applications. Bug fixes, feature adds, and improvements are ongoing based on our experience using this library every day in production.


Add this library to your project using Composer:

composer require envoymediagroup/columna

File format

What file format does this library use to store data? The file extension .scf is for Simple Columnar Format, and it is simple: all the metadata about the file, its columns, and their definitions and offsets are stored on line 1 in a JSON header. The rest of the record is CSV-like data in a columnar arrangement (each column corresponding to one line in the file) using RLE compression and a Record Separator character as the RLE delimiter. There is some extra escaping applied to the strings to increase the range of valid values that can be stored and retrieved. See a sample file here.



Each columnar file is specific to one date and one metric, with any number of dimensions. For this example, we will assume a metric named clicks and three dimensions named platform_id, site_id, and url. Note that we provide the headers and values as separate inputs to the Writer; this makes sense when we are working with large data sets and want to preserve some memory by not duplicating associative string keys on every array item.

Data Types

Currently supported data types include strings, ints, floats, and bools, and a special "datetime" type. Datetimes are treated as strings except when evaluating query conditions, when they are parsed with strtotime() and compared with integer operations >, <, =, etc. Nested data is not currently supported. While it is possible to store JSON or other serializations in the string type, these values will not be unserialized by the engine and so cannot be evaluated for nested values. The column definitions include an empty value which will always be used in place of nulls in the data set, so null is never stored in the files or returned when reading a file.


Let's walk through using the Writer in the comments below:


// Import the classes we need
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\Writer;
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\Reader;
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\ColumnDefinition;

// Create or retrieve our data set
$array = [
        'clicks' => 12,
        'platform_id' => 2,
        'site_id' => 7,
        'url' => '',
        'clicks' => 31,
        'platform_id' => 2,
        'site_id' => 9,
        'url' => '',
    //... etc.

// Define our Metric and our Dimensions
// The names should match the keys in your data set
$MetricDefinition = new ColumnDefinition(
    ColumnDefinition::AXIS_TYPE_METRIC, // metric or dimension
    'clicks',                           // name (should match the keys in your data set)
    ColumnDefinition::DATA_TYPE_INT,    // data type (string, int, float, bool, datetime)
    null,                               // precision (for floats)
    0                                   // empty value (matching the specified data type)

$DimensionDefinitions = [
    new ColumnDefinition(
    new ColumnDefinition(
    new ColumnDefinition(

// Set our output path and the date for this file's data
$date = '2022-07-08';
$file_path = "/data_directory/{$date}/{$MetricDefinition->getName()}." . Reader::FILE_EXTENSION;

// Instantiate the Writer 
$Writer = new Writer();

// The Writer expects headers (string keys) separate from data (0-indexed).
//   If your data is associative like the above, you can separate it with
//   this helper function.
list($headers,$data) = $Writer->separateHeadersAndData($array);

// Write the columnar file
    // Some optional flags:
    //$do_rle_compression = true,   // Perform run-length encoding (RLE) compression
    //$do_cardinality_sort = false, // Sort data by cardinality of columns before RLE
    //$lock_output_file = true      // Acquire an exclusive lock when writing output file

Now we have a complete file at $file_path.


The regular Writer allows you to take a row-based data set and transform it into a columnar file. The CombinedWriter then allows you to take multiple existing columnar files and combine them into a new columnar file containing all the data from the provided files. This only works if the files you provide are all for the same metric, on the same date, with the same columns. You can use this to distribute the work of generating data sets and files across a large number of workers, and then use another worker to combine those results into a single large file containing all the data for that metric on that date. You can use it like so:


// Import classes
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\CombinedWriter;
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\ColumnDefinition;

// Set our arguments
$date = '2022-07-08';
$metric = 'clicks';
$partial_files = [
    //... etc.
$combined_file_path = "/data_directory/{$date}/{$metric}." . Reader::FILE_EXTENSION;

// See Writer example above for metric and dimension definitions
$MetricDefinition = new ColumnDefinition(...); 
$DimensionDefinitions = [...];

// Write the combined file from the partial files
$Writer = new CombinedWriter();
$response = $Writer->writeCombinedFile(
    // Some optional flags:
    //$lock_output_file = true      // Acquire an exclusive lock when writing output file

// If you want to remove the partial files after creating the combined file:
foreach ($partial_files as $partial_file) {

We now have a file at $combined_file_path with all the data in it from the array of $partial_files we collected.


Here's how to read a file. Note that this library contains both Reader and BundledReader classes. They both do the same thing and you can use them interchangeably, but you will see a slight performance win by using the BundledReader because it reduces the number of include()s PHP has to perform. It's a small win that can add up at scale.

Call with arguments, get array results

To call the Reader normally with arguments:


// Import the needed classes
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\BundledReader as Reader;
use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\Constraint;

// Specify our metric and date, and the corresponding file path
$metric = 'clicks';
$date = '2022-07-08';
$file_path = "/data_directory/{$date}/{$metric}." . Reader::FILE_EXTENSION;

// Set what dimensions we want to include in our results
$dimensions = [

// Define our constraints
// Constraints are ANDed within groups, ORed between groups
// This example is equivalent to the following SQL:
//   SELECT * FROM file WHERE (platform_id = 7 AND site_id in (1,3,17)) OR (url LIKE '%sale%');
$constraints = [
        (new Constraint("platform_id",Constraint::EQUALS,7))->toArray(),
        (new Constraint("site_id",Constraint::IN,[1,3,17]))->toArray(),
        (new Constraint("url",Constraint::CONTAINS,"sale"))->toArray(),

// Group the results by the dimensions we asked for (in this case, platform_id and site_id)
$do_aggregate = true;
// Don't provide extra metadata with sum/count/min/max for each grouping, just aggregate the values
$do_aggregate_meta = false;

$Reader = new Reader();

$metadata = $Reader->getMetadata(); // Metadata about the request and results; see sample below.
$data = $Reader->getResults(); // Results of the request; see sample below.

Call with JSON string workload, get JSON+CSV string results

The Reader is designed for easy use when running a large number of requests distributed over many worker processes using an RPC or messaging framework such as AWS SQS, RabbitMQ, or our own envoymediagroup/lib-rpc. For this reason, the Reader can accept a string as its input and return a string as its output. The request string is a JSON serialization of the Reader arguments. For the result string, the first line is the metadata of the response encoded as JSON, and the following lines are the result data encoded as CSV with a bit of extra escaping for more safety in encoding/decoding strings. The Response class will handle unserializing this string for you. Be sure to use this Response class to parse results, as it will handle unescaping those strings properly.

An example caller:


use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\Response;

// Craft your request
$workload_array = [
    "date" => "2022-07-08",
    "metric" => "clicks",
    "dimensions" => ["platform_id","site_id"],
    "constraints" => [
                "name" => "platform_id",
                "comparator" => ">=",
                "value" => 5,
    "do_aggregate" => true,
    "do_aggregate_meta" => false,
    "file" => "path/to/file.scf",
$workload = json_encode($workload_array);

// Transmit that workload over a network with your RPC framework of choice...
$result_string = $SomeRpcClient->request($workload);

// Unserialize the result with the Response class
$Response = new Response($result_string);

$metadata = $Response->getMetadata();
$results  = $Response->getResults();

An example worker:


use EnvoyMediaGroup\Columna\BundledReader as Reader;

$workload = $SomeRpcClient->receive();

$Reader = new Reader();
$result_string = $Reader->getResponsePayload();

// Return that result string over your RPC framework...


Metadata looks like this:

  'date' => '2022-07-08', // Date of the file
  'metric' => 'clicks',   // Name of the metric in the file
  'status' => 'success',  // 'success' if records were found, 'empty' if no records were found, 'error' on failure
  'min' => 1,   // Least metric value among the records
  'max' => 64,  // Greatest metric value among the records
  'sum' => 102, // Total metric value among the records
  'matched_row_count' => 102, // Number of records in the file that matched your constraints prior to aggregation
  'result_row_count' => 17,   // Number of records in the result set after aggregation
  'column_meta' => Array( // Description of the columns in the result set
    0 => Array(
      // MD5 is automatically prepended. Records with matching dimension values will have matching md5 hashes.
      // This is helpful if you need to aggregate multiple Reader results together.
      'definition' => Array(
        'axis_type' => 'dimension',
        'name' => 'md5',
        'data_type' => 'string',
        'empty_value' => '',
      'index' => 0, // Numerical index in each result record that corresponds to this column
    1 => Array(
      'definition' => Array(
        'axis_type' => 'metric',
        'name' => 'clicks',
        'data_type' => 'int',
        'precision' => NULL,
        'empty_value' => 0,
      'index' => 1,
    2 => Array(
      'definition' => Array(
        'axis_type' => 'dimension',
        'name' => 'platform_id',
        'data_type' => 'int',
        'precision' => NULL,
        'empty_value' => 0,
      'index' => 2,
    3 => Array(
      'definition' => Array(
        'axis_type' => 'dimension',
        'name' => 'site_id',
        'data_type' => 'int',
        'precision' => NULL,
        'empty_value' => 0,
      'index' => 3,
  'is_aggregated' => true, // Read back of whether these results are aggregated on matching dimension values.
  'aggregate_includes_meta' => false, // Read back of whether the results include metadata for each aggregate grouping.
  'host' => 'worker-1', // Result of php_uname('n'), helpful for tracing/debugging
  'ms_elapsed' => 32,   // Milliseconds it took to complete your request


Result data set looks like this. Note that you can reference the 'index' field in the 'column_meta' of the metadata to map the indexes in each record to the appropriate column names.

    0 => Array (
        0 => 'a060e57689d68664f873561a78e002d9',
        1 => 3,
        2 => 58,
        3 => 1,
    1 => Array (
        0 => 'f9f0a70e4d259b63914ccc98ed438d0e',
        1 => 16,
        2 => 54,
        3 => 1,
    2 => Array (
        0 => '166dea5e7a502516e662d389239bd2fc',
        1 => 4,
        2 => 75,
        3 => 1,
    // ... etc.


Why didn't you use library X, built-in function Y, or design pattern Z?

The short answer is performance. I kept the requirements of this library as small as possible to make the autoload very lightweight and reduce time spent include()ing files, which adds up quickly when you are optimizing for every millisecond. Many of PHP's built-in array functions actually run slower than foreaching the same array. Design patterns with more abstraction mean more classes and more weight. Keeping it simple keeps it fast.

Issues, Feature Requests

See the open issues for a full list of known issues or to submit an issue or feature request.

Of course, if you spot any egregious bugs or security holes, please create an issue and notify me right away (contact info below).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Copy .env.base to .env (required) and update any environment variables (optional)
  3. Run docker-compose up
  4. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Make changes
  6. Run docker exec -it columna composer run test to make sure the unit tests pass
  7. Run docker exec -it columna composer run bundle to create a new BundledReader.php
  8. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  9. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  10. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Creator: Ryan Marlow


Email: [email protected]


Here are some resources I've found helpful for this project.


Columnar analytics for PHP - a pure PHP library to read and write simple columnar files in a performant way.







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