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EWX Worker Node


What is a Worker Node?

Worker Node is an lightweight offchain processing unit with an ability to execute business logic in a form of NodeRed flow file.

Worker Node executing logic can actively contribute in meaningful way to range of use cases. Examples can be found here: Worker Node Usage Use Cases.

Worker Nodes functionalities and EWX blockchain connection enables transparency and verification capabilities for your system. Additionaly, thanks to its lightweight architecture, worker nodes are perfectly suitable and a good fit for applications that require decetralized execution components.

How can it be used?

Worker Node, apart from its initial set-up, is entirely controlled by Blockchain based actions. That means once your initial Worker set-up is completed no more changes would need to be applied afterwards.

Blockchain based action controlling Worker Node behaviour could be applied via Marketplace App -> which is EW built Blockchain Operator UI or directly interacting with blockchain.

For full documentation please visit Worker Node Server Official Documnetation.

High level architecture within EWX ecosystem

Below you can find a High Level Architecture to understand how worker node fit into larger EWX ecosystem. High Level Architecture

Getting started

If you would like to run Worker Node in fully managed (SaaS) or in Bring your own cloud (BYOC) mode, please refer to our Launchpad Worker Node offering. Worker Node Managed Offering Documentation can be found here: Worker Node Managed Offer

If you would like to proceed with self-deployment option, use instructions described below.

0. Prepare Worker & Operator Accounts

As blockchain-based operations and setting up Worker Node server are independent you can eaither proceed with blockchain-based preparation now, or after you are finished with Worker Node set-up.

If you would like to proceed with Blockchain-setup now go to Blockchain Account Set Up Documentation and follow the insturctions.

1. Prepare IPFS

Worker Node gets solutions Worklogic NodeRed flow files from IPFS (Inter Planetary File System). Hence, if solutions you intend to run are stored in IPFS, you need to configure proper credentials.

By default it's configured to so there is no configuration required but if you experience any issues with that you can switch to different IPFS Gateway.

In order to make it work you need to modify IPFS_URL environment variable with one of the gateways.

1.1 Infura IPFS

It's possible to use it with Infura IPFS, in order to do that provide IPFS_API_KEY and IPFS_SECRET_KEY. Change IPFS_URL to and set IPFS_CONTEXT_PATH to /api/v0/cat?arg=.

If you intend to ONLY run Solutions that have their WorkLogic stored locally, you can configure any dummy values for IPFS.

2. Download Docker Image

The Docker image is available at the following link: ewx-worker-node-server.

Run the following command to pull the image:

docker pull

3. Set Up Environment Variables

You can read more about the environment variables here.

  1. Run the following command to copy the default environment file:

    cp .env.default .env
  2. Replace <SEED> under the VOTING_WORKER_SEED key with your Worker Account Seed. Keep in mind that your Worker Account have to be different thatn Operator Account. If you havent done it already, to generate Worker Node account you can use any of the wallets mentioned in official Polkadot Docs

  3. Replace <infura_ipfs_APIKEY> & <infura_ipfs_APISECRET> with your infura API key and secret

  4. Optionally, you can change PRETTY_PRINT to true or false depending on your use case.

4. Run Docker Image

You can run the worker node with Kubernetes, Docker Compose, or natively.

Using Docker:

docker run --env-file .env --rm

Using Docker Compose:

docker compose up

Using Helm + Kubernetes:

> Make sure SEED, ipfs_APIKEY & ipfs_APISECRET are also replaced in ./helm-chart/values.yaml

helm install ewx-workers-node-service -f helm-chart/values.yaml oci://  -n ewx

5. Verify your Worker Node status

Call GET http://localhost:3002/status

Status Description
STARTED The application has started bootstrapping.
EXPOSED_HTTP The HTTP server has been exposed.
INITIALIZED_WORKER_ACCOUNT The worker account has been initialized.
PERFORMED_CHECKS Required checks have been performed.
STARTED_RED_SERVER The NodeRed server has started.
READY The application is fully ready.

6. Prepare Worker & Operator Accounts

Your Worker Set-up is Completed! From that moment most of the following, neccesary operations will need to be conducted with usage of your Operator Account against EWX. If you havent went through Blockchain set-up earlier (as a part of step 0), you can proceed to prepare Blockchain-based set-up now in order for your Worker to start running desired logic.

Please proceed to Operator Account Set Up Documentation and go through set-up instructions.

7. Verify whether your worker is properly running

  1. When you subscribe to any Solution Group using your Operator Account linked to Worker Account configured for your Worker, there is a max-24-hours period before any votes from your Worker will be accepted by EWX.
  2. After that time, your worker will start executing Solutions WorkLogic from Solutions that are in Active state in non-expired Solution Groups that your Operator Account is subscribed to.
  3. You should be able to view votes being submitted from your Worker

Keep in mind, that depending on solution WorkLogic that yor Worker is running - frequency, quantity of votes and way of interaction with EWX might significantly vary.

The best way to check whether your Worker is failing, is to monitor logs for errors & Worker Node status

Build Docker Image

To build the Docker image locally, run the following command:

docker build --tag ewx-worker-node-server:latest .

Build and Run Locally

  1. Run the following command to build the project:

    npm run build
  2. Run the project using Node.js:

    node dist/main.js

Security and scalability considerations

  1. While nothing prevents assignment of public endpoint to the Worker Node, recommended and advised use always assumes that it is securely placed in private network and use NodeRed flows with either scheduled or pull based triggers.

  2. Each worker node should have an unique Worker Account seed and always run in single replica mode. Multiple replica set-up could cause problems if used with certain applications. To ensure reliability by scallability, always configure unique Worker Account seeds for each Worker Node instance.

  3. Always treat worker seed as a secret value.


Q: Is there an alternative way to create an operator account?

A: Yes, follow these steps to manually create an operator account:

  1. Visit PolkadotJS.
  2. Select MAINNET EWX, depending on your use case.
  3. Go to PolkadotJS Extrinsics.
  4. As the operator, call the extrinsic workerNodePallet.signupWorkerNodeOperator.
  5. As the operator, call the extrinsic workerNodePallet.registerWorker, passing the address of your worker.
  6. Finally, as the operator, call the extrinsic workerNodePallet.subscribeOperatorToSolutionGroup. To obtain the group, go to Developer -> Chain state -> workerNodePallet -> solutionsGroups.

Q: How many Worker Accounts can be assigned to single Operator Account ?

A: For now, single Operator to Worker account assignment is supported. You can always disconnect previourly connected Worker Account and replace it with different one.

Q: Can I switch between Managed/Self-hosted verions of Worker Node ?

A: Yes, you can switch and move to new Worker any moment. If you dont want to tamper with blockchain-setup you just need to use the same Worker Account Seed in your new Worker. Keep in mind that old Worker Node instance should be stopped right after new one is set up.

For Full version of FAQ, please check our Official Docs

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Security Audits

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If you have a suggestion that would make this project better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".

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  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: Add some AmazingFeature') following Conventional Commits
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. See the LICENSE file for details.

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Project Link: ewx-worker-node-server

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  • TypeScript 97.8%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • Other 1.1%