ODT is no longer in active development, see #36 for more information
Webapp to track changeset discussions you're interested in
create a PostgreSQL user and database, then create the tables:
CREATE TABLE odt_changeset (
csid bigint not null,
uid bigint not null,
ts timestamp with time zone not null,
username text not null,
last_activity_ts timestamp with time zone not null,
last_activity_uid bigint not null,
tags jsonb,
CREATE TABLE odt_changeset_comment (
id text not null,
csid bigint not null,
uid bigint not null,
ts timestamp with time zone not null,
username text not null,
text text not null,
CREATE TABLE odt_changeset_note (
username text not null,
csid bigint not null,
ts timestamp with time zone,
text text not null,
isFlag bool default false
CREATE TABLE odt_user (
uid bigint not null,
username text not null,
prev_usernames text[],
isAdmin bool,
tags jsonb,
CREATE TABLE odt_user_auth (
uid bigint not null,
auth_token text not null,
CREATE TABLE odt_user_note (
uid bigint not null,
user_from text not null,
ts timestamp with time zone,
text text,
isFlag bool default false
CREATE TABLE odt_watched_changesets (
uid bigint not null,
csid bigint not null,
resolved_at timestamp with time zone,
snooze_until timestamp with time zone
CREATE TABLE odt_state (
min_state bigint default 0,
max_state bigint default 0,
update_in_progress boolean default false
insert into odt_state (min_state, max_state) values (0,0);
Add the following as env variables:
export DB_HOST=''
export DB_PORT=5432
export DB_USER='odt'
export DB_PASS='odt'
export DB_NAME='odt'
systemd service and timer for changeset importer:
Description=changeset importer
ExecStart=/home/emerson/repos/osm-discussion-tracker/.venv/bin/python3 backend/changeset_importer.py -c 20 -b 20
Description=changeset importer timer