Embedded Student Hackathon
Teams of 2 to 4 people implement an Embedded System of any Shape and Form for 48 hours. Each team is provided with two development platforms, required lab equipment, sensors and an additional budget for desired hardware. Also, some catering will be provided. Event starts on May 24th at 13:00, teams are allowed to work on their projects until 13:00 on May 26th, which should be followed by a 5 minute presentation of the developed content. Jury includes a student, a professor and an industry representative
- Nucleo STM32F303RET6 64 pins Development board
ARM MBED enabled, Arduino Uno V3 extention
- Xilinx Virtex ® - 5 LX50T FPGA (BGA encapsulation, 1136 pin)
Two high-speed VHDC interface, Four 8 pin connector, Multiple USB2.0 interface, HDMI video interface, Audio interface (line in, line out, microphones, headphones)
- 2 Sensor Kits
- LEDs
- Transistors
- Resistros
- Shift Registers
- Multimeters
- Osciloscopes
- Power Supplies
- Logic Analizers
- Soldering Irons
- Cables & Tools
Each team will have a budget of 50€ to order additional hardware that you like. provide us with the list of Hardware that you want and we will buy it for you. We can order from reichelt.com, conrad.com, farnell.com and rs-online.com. Make sure your hardware is available and can be delivered in time.
Friday (24th)
Start of EMECSthon1pm-2pm
Kick off Presentation2pm
Get familiar with all the equipment and toolsXpm
Optional PresentationXpm
Optional Sleep
Saturday (25th)
Optional Sleep
Sunday (26th)
Enjoy your finished project12pm
Jury deliberation3pm
Gala with prizes4pm
Final speech
You can decide to either use a STM32 Nucleo Board or a FPGA for your project. We will provide you with general eletronic components (resistors, leds, capacitors...), two sets of sensors, as well as lab equipment (multimeters, solder stations ...).
Each group will get a budget of 50€ to order additional hardware. You should think a bit about your project before the event. We can order from reichelt.com, conrad.com, farnell.com and rs-online.com. Make sure your hardware is available and can be delivered in time. Please send us your wishlist until friday if possible.
Please, contact one of the organisers for more details about the case with you exact Hardware.
Yes, of course.
Yes, please.
We will start at 13:00 24th of May. Meeting point is building 12 5th floor.
Of course, you are free to work or rest as you please. :)
Of course they will be there