Create a CMSSW area with the right version. Copy content of ntuwrite into src and compile.
After modifying the cfg with the right files and GT
cmsRun ntuwrite/
Output (ntu.root by default) is produced in the current folder.
Create a CMSSW area with the right version. Copy content of nturead into src and compile. Create a file with all the paths of all the ntu files (from previous step) with an y in front E.g.
$ cat ntu.list
y path/to/ntu1.root
y path/to/ntu2.root
y path/to/ntu3.root
Then run
pdTreeAnalyze ntu.list his.root -v outputFile second.root -v histoMode RECREATE
You can also add -n nEvents
and -s nSkip
to the command to limit the events you are running on
Create two folders called plotSvt
and plotPsi2S
(no, the macros won't do it).
You should have two different files from the ntuple analysis (second.root), place them in two folders called _base e _mkFit (basename was meant to be used when you have multiple comparison, e.g. noPU and PU)
root -l -q -b drawSvtVars.C -- '"<basename>"'
root -l -q -b drawPsi2SVars.C -- '"<basename>"'
If your comparison is not mkFit vs no mkFit you probably need to change the labels inside the macro. Sorry for the mess