The procedure is for the ALR3206T but is compatible with other products.
Open the Satelline Saterm application of the attached compressed folder “Satelline_SaTerm_4_0_0”
In the Mode menu, select Open Terminal:
Locate the COM port of the ALR3206T (in normal mode) and complete the settings with:
- COM port
- Baud rate: 9600
- Handshake: None
- Parity: None
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bits: 1
- View: ASCII
- Miscellaneous: “Local echo” and “CR->CR/LF”
Test the communication with the ALR3206T by sending "0 IDN RD" or "0 VOLT1 WR 1" or "0 TEST" . If the power supply returns the correct character string or "0 ERR", the communication is operational.