- Network: Collaboration network between authors in Astro Physics category.
- Community detection with 2 different methods and comparison
- Communities represent authors that are working on similar topics
1. Louvain community detection (community library)
- Complexity: O(n*log2n)
- Optimization of modularity.
- First small communities are found, then each small community is grouped into one node and the first step is repeated
2. Clauset-Newman-Moore greedy modularity maximization (networkx library)
- Complexity: O(mnlog(n)).
- Modularity maximization method.
- Begins with each node in its own community and joins the pair of communities that most increases modularity until no such pair exists.
Single nodes that are not connected to the network (separate components of size 1) are removed! For plotting custom interactive Dash application (NetHi) will be used that removes edges so that communities can be easily observed (plotting edges worsens visibility of communities)!
- Modularity
- Coverage (ratio of the number of intra-community edges to the total number of edges in the graph)
- Average community size
Network properties:
1. Louvain community detection
- Number of communities detected: 326
- Size of largest community: 1983
- Size of smallest community: 1
- Modularity of partition: 0.626461
- Coverage: 0.692 -Average community size: 177
- Communities that have more than average nodes: 22
2. Clauset-Newman-Moore greedy modularity maximization
- Number of communities detected: 440
- Size of largest community: 4910
- Size of smallest community: 1
- Modularity of partition: 0.49595
- Coverage: 0.782
- Average community size: 84
- Communities that have more than average nodes: 11
- Greedy modularity maximization took a lot more time to compute communities (number of edges slows down the execution).
- Based on visualizations and average community size we can conclude that Louvain created more larger communities (average size 177), while greedy algorithm produced more communities in total (average size 84).
- Louvain gave far better modularity (0.626 in comparison to 0.495), while greedy algorithm gave better coverage (0.782 in comparison to 0.692).