Table of Contents
This project is a comprehensive Multi-User Task Management API designed to demonstrate backend development skills and proficiency. The API supports user management with role-based access control, allowing both regular users and admins to manage tasks efficiently. The project is built with the following:
- NestJS
- PassportJS
- TypeORM
- Mailgun
- NestJS-OpenAPI
- Json Web Tokens(JWT)
- WebSockets
- Class Validator
- Relational Database(Postgres)
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
This is a list of things you will need to use the software and how I got to work on this project
- Node 20.16.0
- NestJS 10.1.16
- Postgres
- Clone the repo
- create db in local postgres
- create a .env file in root folder, copy and replace everything in .env.example and fill in with your credentials
- run migrations with npm run migration:run
- run application with npm run start:dev
- use http://localhost:5000/api/ to test endpoint with swagger
Edwin Edjokpa
WhatsApp : 08137016881