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2022 Q3 Release

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@mereolog mereolog released this 30 Sep 09:23
· 732 commits to master since this release

Q3 2022 Release Notes

Q3 2022 Revisions Summary – This quarter focused primarily on the Derivatives (DER) domain area, as summarized below. Newly released ontologies include Exotic Options in DER and Settlement in FBC. We also integrated content that was originally in a separate Equity Forwards ontology into the Futures and Forwards ontology, and augmented the Options ontology with options trading strategies. We also updated the ISO 10383 MIC codes to include the latest ISO updates.

Business Entities (BE)

There were minor changes in BE this quarter. The primary changes involved revision/elimination of dead links and correction of certain text formatting issues.

Business Process Domain (BP)

There were no changes to the BP domain in this quarter.

Corporate Action and Events Domain (CAE)

There were no changes to the CAE domain in this quarter. Work to better integrate the corporate actions specified by GLEIF with the ISO 20022 corporate actions related to business entities is underway, and will be integrated over the coming months.

Derivatives (DER)

The majority of significant changes to FIBO in Q3 were made with respect to derivatives. We made substantial changes to and released the Exotic Options ontology, added options trading strategies to the main Options ontology, and integrated concepts that were originally in a separate Equity Forwards ontology into the Futures and Forwards ontology, since the additions were relatively small and the Futures and Forwards ontology already included most of the imports required to do so. The DER team plans to continue integration of the two remaining DER provisional ontologies, namely Credit Default Swaps and Derivatives Master Agreements, focused primarily on CDS, next quarter.

Financial Business and Commerce (FBC)

In Q3 we focused primarily on revisions needed for certain derivatives ontologies, including revising and releasing the Settlement ontology. We also revised the ISO 10383 Market Identifier Codes (MIC) to incorporate the latest changes published by ISO as of 12 September 2022. We also revised/eliminated dead links, addressed some minor text formatting issues and added an owl:sameAs link between two municipalities in the Business Centers Individuals ontology (Alma-ata and Almaty, which refer to the same place but are both referenced in the ISO MIC codes).

Foundations (FND)

There were minor changes in FND this quarter, involving revision/elimination of dead links and correction of certain text formatting issues. FIBO users should be aware that we will begin to replace some FIBO FND concepts and in a few cases ontologies with content from the new OMG Commons Ontology Library, which was published as a beta release in June 2022 over the next few quarters, deprecating the original content in FIBO for at least a couple of quarters as we work towards complete integration of that material.

Indicators and Indices (IND)

There were minor changes in IND this quarter, involving revision/elimination of dead links and correction of certain text formatting issues.

Loans (LOAN)

There were no changes to the LOAN domain in this quarter. FIBO users should anticipate seeing increasing coverage of the Interagency Loan Data Reporting fields and ACTUS cash flow related properties of loans in general over the coming months to support planned ABS and MBS work.

Market Data Domain (MD)

There were no changes to the MD domain in this quarter.

Securities (SEC)

There were minor changes in SEC this quarter, involving revision/elimination of dead links and correction of certain text formatting issues. The development team is continuing to review provisional SEC/Debt ontologies, however, and will be working primarily on ABS and MBS over the coming months.

Hygiene Tests

There were no changes to hygiene test in this quarter.

See also