2017 Q4 Release
FIBO publishes new content and product at the end of every calendar quarter.
The 2017Q4 release includes:
Content improvements:
Business Entities (BE)
Integrate ISO 6523 for organizations
Foundations (FND)
- Update the defintion of isIssuedBy to clarify the role of governments in issuing identity documents
- Rectify ambiguous notion of "Principal" (loan amount vs. principal member of a contract)
- Fill in product concepts needed for Loans
- Include uniqueness in Identifiers
- Integrate ISO 6523 into organizations structure
- Generalize the notion of an Arrangement
- Unify identifiers with LCC practice
- Update dates to include times without specified date
- Include lifecycle as a general concept
Financial Business and Commerce (FBC)
- Add regulatory reporting concepts
- Unify lifecycle concepts
- Fill in the Bloomberg reference
- Separate contracts from products based on contracts
Indices and Indicators (IND)
- Include FpML schemes in Reference Floating Interest Rate
Securities (SEC)
- Remove "puns" about CUSIP and Euroclear
- Fill in missing definitions and inconsistent labels
- Rectify business facing types with a more coherent type ontology
- Clean up deprecated class definitions
- Moving some things from one domain to another to improve modularity
New Features
- Improved natural language summary of model-driven semantics.
- Automated production of the glossary, making it available for work-in-progress branches.
- Renaming of the product formerly called "Data Dictionary". It was a spreadsheet version of the same
information in the glossary; now it is included as part of the Glossary product.
Visual Ontology (VOWL) Web Pages
- Included abstracts and descriptions of each ontology
New Products
Data Dictionary
A new Data Dictionary product is a set of spreadsheets that provide data models for selected "operational" classes in FIBO. The data model includes the class name, and a list of properties that are appropriate for use for that class. This data dictionary can be interpreted as a relational data model, with tables corresponding to classes and fields corresponding to properties.
Process Optimization
Reduced dependency of the production process on proprietary software.