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updated email function to be more flexible
  • Loading branch information
collinschwantes authored May 24, 2023
2 parents 548ef2a + d467ace commit d707a28
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Showing 6 changed files with 110 additions and 31 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: containerTemplateUtils
Title: Provides utility functions to the container-template repository
c(person(given = "Collin",
family = "Schwantes",
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ export(aws_s3_download)
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions R/utils-make-urls.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#' Make urls for EHA secure
#' Create urls for items stored on EHA secure sites
#'@param url_domain String. Resource name on eha secure
#'@param remote_path String. What is the path to the resource on remote site. For
#' AWS this will be the item key.
#' @return string. URL for resource
#' @export
#' @examples
make_eha_secure_url <- function(url_domain = Sys.getenv("URL_PREFIX"),
out_url <- sprintf("%s/%s",url_domain,remote_path)

76 changes: 56 additions & 20 deletions R/utils-send-email.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#' @return Invisible. Update email sent to list of recipients in `to`
#' @export send_email_update

send_email_update <- function(to,
from = "[email protected]",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,14 +111,11 @@ send_email_update <- function(to,
#' message.
#' @param from The email address of the sender.
#' @param attach Logical. Should reports be attached to email? Default is
#' FALSE. If TRUE, all HTML reports found in *"outputs"* folder will be
#' attached to email.
#' FALSE. If TRUE, specify local files using the attachment_paths argument.
#' @param test Logical. Is this an email alert for testing automation reports?
#' Default is FALSE. If TRUE, subject includes test and upload path will include
#' the current git branch in the file path (e.g.
#' @param project_name String. Name of the project to use in email subject and body text.
#' @param pattern String. Regex pattern to select specific files in path.
#' @param target Targets object. List of file paths.
#' @param use_hyperlinks Logical. If TRUE, a hyperlink using the file name or custom text is provided instead of the
#' the full url of the report.
#' @param hyperlinks_text String. NULL, hyperlink will be Current_ReportBasename
Expand All @@ -126,23 +124,66 @@ send_email_update <- function(to,
#' @param additional_body_text String. Any additional text to be included in the body.
#' This text is added to the end of the email body. You can use markdown to format
#' the text.
#' @param hyperlinks_url String. Url to used in the hyperlink or as raw text to
#' link to file.
#' @param attachment_paths String. Local file paths to be attachemed to the email.
#' @seealso `browseVignettes("blastula")`
#' @return Invisible. Update email sent to list of recipients in `to`
#' @export send_email_update_tar
#' @example
#' \dontrun{
#' upload_keys <- containerTemplateUtils::aws_s3_upload(path = "R/",
#' key = "test-upload-function2/test/upload_empty_string/",
#' error = TRUE,
#' prefix = create_git_prefix(),
#' bucket =Sys.getenv("AWS_BUCKET"))
#' keys <- purrr::map_chr(upload_keys,~.x$key)
#' urls <- make_eha_secure_url(remote_path = keys)
#' #### test email
#' send_email_update_tar(to = "[email protected]",
#' from = "[email protected]",
#' project_name = "test_utils",
#' use_hyperlinks = TRUE,
#' hyperlinks_text = basename(keys),
#' hyperlinks_url = urls,
#' attach = FALSE,
#' test = TRUE
#' )
#' ### test email with attachments
#' send_email_update_tar(to = "[email protected]",
#' from = "[email protected]",
#' project_name = "test_utils_attachments",
#' use_hyperlinks = TRUE,
#' hyperlinks_text = basename(keys),
#' hyperlinks_url = urls,
#' attach = TRUE,
#' test = TRUE,
#' attachment_paths = list.files("R/",
#' full.names = TRUE)
#' }

send_email_update_tar <- function(to,
from = "",
from = "",
use_hyperlinks = FALSE,
hyperlinks_text = NULL,
hyperlinks_url = NULL,
attach = FALSE,
test = FALSE,
additional_body_text = "",
pattern= "\\.html") {
additional_body_text = "") {
## Set SMTP server credentials
email_credentials <- blastula::creds_envvar(
user = from,
Expand All @@ -154,44 +195,39 @@ send_email_update_tar <- function(to,
## Create human readable data and time
readable_date_time <- blastula::add_readable_time()

## List out reports found in target object
reports <- target[grepl(pattern = pattern,x = target)]

## Create links to HTML reports and create email ----

# hyperlink text

hl_text <- sprintf("Current %s",basename(reports))
hl_text <- "Hyperlink"

hl_text <- hyperlinks_text

test_warning<- ""
report_links <- hyperlinks_url

if (test) {
test_warning <- "**TEST** "
# generate test report links
report_links <- sprintf("%s/%s/outputs/%s\n",
basename(reports) )
} else {
report_links <- paste0(
Sys.getenv("URL_PREFIX"), "/", basename(reports), "\n"

report_links <- sprintf("[%s](%s)",hl_text,report_links )


subject <- glue::glue(
"{test_warning}{project_name} Automated Reports for ", {readable_date_time}

report_links_collapse <- glue::glue_collapse(report_links,sep = ", ",last = " and ")

n_reports <- length(report_links)

body <- cli::pluralize(
"{test_warning}Please find {n_reports} report{?s} attached.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,7 +255,7 @@ send_email_update_tar <- function(to,

## Add attachements
if (attach) {
for (i in reports) {
for (i in attachment_paths) {
email <- email |>
blastula::add_attachment(file = i)
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions man/make_eha_secure_url.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions man/send_email_update_tar.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

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