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Merge pull request #20 from ecohealthalliance/feature/aws_s3_download
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Feature/aws s3 download
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collinschwantes authored May 18, 2023
2 parents d30463b + 6f85793 commit c661a6a
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: containerTemplateUtils
Title: Provides utility functions to the container-template repository
c(person(given = "Collin",
family = "Schwantes",
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
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184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions R/utils-aws-download.R
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#' download files or folders to AWS
#' Providing a key that is a folder and path that is a folder will result in
#' the whole folder being copied to the path location. If you supply "" to key,
#' the whole bucket will be downloaded. Use \code{copy_s3_dir_structure} to copy the
#' bucket "directory" structure.
#' @param path String. Path to download location. Could be a folder or specific file(s)
#' @param bucket The name of the bucket to be downloaded from
#' @param key The key or name for the file or folder to be download from the bucket.
#' Should end with "/" for folders. Use "" to download whole bucket.
#' @param check Whether to check if the exact file already exists in the download location
#' and skip downloading. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param error Whether error out if the file is missing, folder is empty, or
#' system environment variables are missing. Otherwise a message will print
#' but an empty list will be returned.
#' @param copy_s3_dir_structure Logical. Should the structure of the S3 bucket
#' be recreated as sub directories to the path argument?
#' @return A list, each element having the key, etag (hash), and path of downloaded
#' files
#' @export aws_s3_download
aws_s3_download <- function(path, bucket, key, copy_s3_dir_structure = FALSE,
check = TRUE, error = FALSE) {

# check env vars
if (any(Sys.getenv(c("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "AWS_REGION")) == "")) {
msg <- paste(
variables must all be set to download to AWS, probably in the .env file"
if (error) {
} else {

# check the key provided

key_check <- check_for_file_extension(key)

# check if key is mix of files and folders
# if NOT all files and any files

check_for_mixed_path_types(check_vec = key_check,
param_checked = "key",
error = error)

svc <- paws::s3()

# expand folders to base files
key <- svc$list_objects_v2(Bucket = bucket, Prefix = key)$Contents |>
purrr::map(~ .x$Key) |>

key_check <- check_for_file_extension(key)

# re check for fold/file mixed keys
check_for_mixed_path_types(check_vec = key_check, param_checked = "key",error = error)


# if there is a more than one file, mapply over the paths to make it
# a single download

if (length(key) > 1 & all(key_check)) {

# if path is file names, should have same length as key; if dir, should
# have length 1

path_check <- check_for_file_extension(path)

## if you supplied a key for a folder and directory, copy structure
## from s3 to local folder
if(length(path_check) == 1 & !all(path_check)){
path <- sprintf("%s/%s",path,key)
path_check <- check_for_file_extension(path)

stopifnot( (all(path_check) & length(path) == length(key)) |
(!path_check & length(path) == 1))

out <- mapply(aws_s3_download,
path = path,
key = key,
MoreArgs = list(bucket = bucket,
check = check,
error = error),
return(Reduce(c, unname(out), list()))


# single path workflow

# if the file exists and the dir does not,

out <- list(aws_s3_download_single(path, key, bucket, check, svc))


aws_s3_download_single <- function(path, key, bucket,
check = TRUE, svc = paws::s3()) {

# path and key should be length 1

if(length(path) != 1){
stop("path should be a vector of length 1")

if(length(key) != 1){
stop("key should be a vector of length 1")

# check if the dir exists
dir_name <- dirname(path)
} else {
dir_name <- path

dir.create(dir_name,recursive = TRUE)

# check if path has a file name
# create file name from key
path <- sprintf("%s/%s",path,basename(key))

if (check) {
local_hash <- paste0('"', tools::md5sum(path), '"')
s3_obj <- svc$list_objects_v2(Bucket = bucket, Prefix = key)$Contents |>
purrr::keep(~ .x$Key == key) |>

if (!is.null(s3_obj) && s3_obj$ETag == local_hash) {

return(list(key = s3_obj$Key, etag = s3_obj$ETag, path = path))

resp <- svc$download_file(
Filename = path,
Bucket = bucket,
Key = key
return(list(key = key,path = path, etag = resp$ETag))

check_for_file_extension <- function(path){
file_name <- basename(path)
check <- grepl(".+\\.[[:alnum:]]+$",file_name)

check_for_mixed_path_types <- function(check_vec,param_checked,error ){
if(!all(check_vec) & any(check_vec)){
msg <- sprintf("%s variable is a mix of files and folders in aws. Please
provide files or folders. Error may also be triggered by unconventional
folder or file naming conventions e.g. folder/sub.folder/file.ext or
folder/Bucket_test (file with no extension) ",
if (error) {
} else {
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions man/aws_s3_download.Rd

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