Scripts for Windows 10 and macOS X to install web development tools
Absolutely NO WARRANTIES or GUARANTEES are provided.
These scripts have been developed to support my book Angular for Enterprise Applications. You can get the book on
Windows 10: Windows 10 Pro v1703+ with Powershell 7
Install Windows Terminal for the best command-line experience, then set Powershell 7 as the default option in
MacOS X: macOS Sierra v10.12.6+ with Terminal (Bash or Oh My Zsh)
Launch XCode to force installation of necessary command line utilities
Execute the following command in for you system to begin installation:
Ensure that Powershell
folder is setup in the Path variable in System Environment Variables
Install-Script -Name setup-windows-dev-env
- Installs from PowerShell Gallery.
bash <(wget -O -
- Installs from this repo on GitHub
If it irks you to run scripts automatically from the internet (and in 99% of cases it should), then you can clone this repo and install the scripts manually.
- In the folder where you've cloned this project, execute:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted; .\setup-windows-dev-env.ps1
If you're interested in developing your own scripts and publishing them, check out
- In the folder where you've cloned this project, execute:
chmod a+x
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Check out LemonMart, an Angular Grocery Store LOB App implemented with a Router-first architecture, at
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