e-learning web application made using Java 8, Spring Boot, MySql and Materialize
To start the application locally with the default profile (dev) run this command at the /ez-learning folder
./mvnw spring-boot:run
This application started as an academic project in August 2019, developed for the Business Applications Development II course at Isil, Lima, Perú.
It's an e-learning platform where you can explore courses, teachers, and register to take as many courses as you like.
Uses Thymeleaf as the template engine for the Frontend, which was styled using Materialize.
The backend is developed in Java 8, using Spring Boot with Spring MVC, Spring JPA and Spring Security dependencies.
It has 2 application profiles, one for development and one for production. The dev profile uses an in memory H2 Database, while the production one uses MySql. Both of them use Sql versioning with Flyway.
The web application is hosted in Heroku, while the MySql database is hosted in a AWS RDS instance.
Reach out to me at:
- My personal page : donnatto.com
- My Blog : blog.donnatto.com
- LinkedIn : linkedin.com/in/donnatto
- Instagram : @donnatto_
- Email : [email protected]