EDURange is an NSF-funded project with the aim of building a platform for cloud-based interactive computer security exercises.
To setup the developer server to run on your machine, there are five main steps.
- Clone the repository from github
- Install the rails and ruby packages necessary to run and manage EDURange
- RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
- rails
- rubygems
- bundler
- Create local settings for aws options.
- In the config directory, copy settings.yml to settings.local.yml
- Fill in blank fields in settings.local.yml with settings obtained from a developer
- Add aws credentials to your machine's ENV variables.
- Run the server, and create a new user
Please follow each step carefully. A small error will likely result in a rails environment that simply won't work. Contact a EDURange developer if you run into problems that you can't solve after google and a few tries.
git clone
Note: If you have Ruby installed through your package manager, it will conflict with this installation. If necessary perge it first.
sudo apt-get remove --purge ruby
Follow this guide to install RVM: ( Single-user instructions recommended. This project uses Ruby 2.5.1 so use RVM to install and select the correct version of Ruby:
rvm install [ruby version number eg 2.5.1] - rvm install 2.5.1
rvm use [ruby version number eg 2.5.1] - rvm use 2.5.1
You may have to do something like: bin/bash --login
in order to set the RVM ruby version (which doens't refer to the system ruby version).
Also, install bundler (to take care of gem dependencies) and the rails framework:
Debian/Ubuntu Linux:
gem install bundler -v 1.17.2
Fedora/Red Hat Linux
gem install bundler -v 1.17.2
In the edurange-server directory, yank and update all the gem dependencies:
bundle install
Get your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_REGION from your projects AWS administrator. Add the fields to your environment variables. A common way to do this is add the line below in ~/.bashrc and then reload the environment variables by running: source ~/.bashrc
or by opening up a new terminal.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='your-access-key-id'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='you-secret-access-key'
export AWS_REGION='your-aws-region'
Now you should be all ready to start your server and create some users.
Edit the file "config/secrets.yml". Under 'development:' fill in "admin_name", "admin_email" and "admin_password". Avoid using any spaces in those fields.
Now run rake db:setup
. This will create the database and admin account.
We are using sidekiq
as an ActiveJob
backend to do things like send emails and boot/unboot scenarios in the background.
requires a redis
server on localhost
and is started via
bundle exec sidekiq
To reduce the complexity of setting up development, we may want to use an in memory ActiveJob backend like Sucker Punch or Active Job Async in development environments and sidekiq in production.
To start the developement server:
rails server
If you get a ruby version error, you might need to type 'rvm 2.2.1 [or current ruby version in Gemfile]'.
Point your web browser to localhost:3000 and you should see something like this:
Now that you have an admin user you can boot a scenario after some minor configurations.
After doing that, go ahead and navigate to the "Scenarios" tab and load a new scenario. Choose from the default scenarios available. Once the scenario is loaded you should be brought to a detail view where you can boot the scenario.
After you pull changes from the github repository, if the database was changed you'll need to rake the database:
rake db:migrate