We will use the UrbanSound8K dataset to train our network. It is
available for free here <https://urbansounddataset.weebly.com/>
_ and contains
10 audio classes with over 8000 audio samples! Once you have downloaded
the compressed dataset, extract it to your current working directory.
First, we will look at the csv file that provides information about the
individual sound files. pandas
allows us to open the csv file and
use .iloc()
to access the data within it.
The 10 audio classes in the UrbanSound8K dataset are air_conditioner, car_horn, children_playing, dog_bark, drilling, enginge_idling, gun_shot, jackhammer, siren, and street_music. Let’s play a couple files and see what they sound like. The first file is street music and the second is an air conditioner.
Now that we know the format of the csv file entries, we can construct
our dataset. We will create a rapper class for our dataset using
that will handle loading the files and
performing some formatting steps. The UrbanSound8K dataset is separated
into 10 folders. We will use the data from 9 of these folders to train
our network and then use the 10th folder to test the network. The rapper
class will store the file names, labels, and folder numbers of the audio
files in the inputted folder list when initialized. The actual loading
and formatting steps will happen in the access function __getitem__
In __getitem__
, we use torchaudio.load()
to convert the wav
files to tensors. torchaudio.load()
returns a tuple containing the
newly created tensor along with the sampling frequency of the audio file
(44.1kHz for UrbanSound8K). The dataset uses two channels for audio so
we will use torchaudio.transforms.DownmixMono()
(not available in the latest version of torchaudio
) to convert the audio
data to one channel. Next, we need to format the audio data. The network
we will make takes an input size of 32,000, while most of the audio
files have well over 100,000 samples. The UrbanSound8K audio is sampled
at 44.1kHz, so 32,000 samples only covers around 700 milliseconds. By
downsampling the audio to aproximately 8kHz, we can represent 4 seconds
with the 32,000 samples. This downsampling is achieved by taking every
fifth sample of the original audio tensor. Not every audio tensor is
long enough to handle the downsampling so these tensors will need to be
padded with zeros. The minimum length that won’t require padding is
160,000 samples.
For this task we want to closely reproduce the achitectures described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.00087.pdf. You task is to read extensively the paper and reproduce the achitectures M3, M5, M11 and M18. The M34-res is a bonus. While attempting to reproduce the architectures endeavour to read through the common pitfalls to get it right.
We will use the same optimization technique used in the paper, an Adam
optimizer with weight decay set to 0.0001. At first, we will train with
a learning rate of 0.01, but we will use a scheduler
to decrease it
to 0.001 during training.
You can define a training function that will feed our training data into the model and perform the backward pass and optimization steps. You can also make one for testing the networks accuracy and set the model to eval()
mode and then run inference on the test dataset. Calling eval()
sets the training variable in all modules in the network to false. Certain layers like batch normalization and dropout layers behave differently during training so this step is crucial for getting correct results.
Finally, we can train and test the network. Train the network for as many epochs as time allows you. The network will be tested after each epoch to see how the accuracy varies during the training.
If trained on 9 folders, the network should be about 40% accurate by the end of the training process for the least possible epochs. Training on less folders will result in a lower overall accuracy. Greater accuracies can be achieved using deeper CNNs at the expense of a larger memory footprint.
For more advanced audio applications, such as speech recognition, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are commonly used. There are also other data preprocessing methods, such as finding the mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), that can reduce the size of the dataset.