This is a web-based multi-vendor application where users can register, log in, and manage their own sub-users. The application also features a web crawling capability that fetches information from specified URLs. It uses Spring Boot as the backend framework, MySQL for data storage, and a frontend built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
User registration and login functionality.
Ability for users to create and manage their own sub-users.
Displays a list of all users within the application.
Web crawling feature to extract and display information from a given URL.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Backend: Spring Boot (Java), Postman (for API testing)
Database: MySQL
Setup Instructions:
Clone the repository.
Set up a MySQL database and configure the connection in the file.
Install Maven to build the project and run the backend server.
Open the frontend files in a web browser to access the interface.
Use Postman to test the API endpoints for user management and web crawling.
This project demonstrates the integration of a user management system with a practical crawling feature, offering a powerful yet simple multi-vendor platform.