This web application consists of APIs which perform all the fundamental CRUD operations with user validation at every step.
The application includes session UUIDs to ensure secure and authenticated interactions.
- Administrator Role: Manages the entire application.
- Customer Management: Only registered admins with a valid session token can add, update, or delete customers from the main database.
- Access Control: Admins can access the details of different customers and their trip bookings.
- User Registration and Login: Customers can register with the application and log in to obtain a valid session token.
- Trip Management: Customers can view available buses, packages, hotels, and book trips.
- Profile Management: Only logged-in users can access their trip history, update their profile, and utilize other features.
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate
- Maven
- Login, Logout Module
- Packages Module
- Booking Module
- TicketDetails Module
- Route Module
- Travels Module
- Bus Module
- Hotel Module
- Report Module
- Feedback Module