Project based on High Performance Graph Analytics
• A Python library consisting of 2 parallel graph algorithms - ’Kmeans’ and ’embedding algorithm using deepwalk’ by utilizing GPU
• Achieved a speed increase of upto 30x compared to the traditional kmeans.
• Implemented the frontend using Python programming language written to support running backend CUDA kernel which is coded in C++ to perform the parallelization task
*Cluster visualization and Clustering modularity scores are calculated for partitions created by parallel running k-means
*Applications are discussed and Performance is evaluated to compare with traditional k-means algorithms
Steps to run on env
- srun -p gpu -A general --gpus-per-node 1 --pty bash
- module avail deeplearning
- module load deeplearning
Run main file python
Run visualization.ipynb file jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute visualization.ipynb --output visualization.ipynb