The goal of this project was to train a GAN (borrowed from PyTorch Pix2Pix implementation) for the task of creating paintings from human-made sketches. For this purpose, the net learns to generate paintings (for example form Picasso) from their corresponding machine-extraced edges (extracted with Hollistically-Nested-Edge detection). The machine-extracted edges are proxies for human-made sketches. At test time, the network is supposed to generate paintings in the style of the painter, whose artwork was fed into the network. Therefore, someone who can draw sketches would be able to generate paintings in a specific style.
This was a university project. I've included the full report about the study see in this repository study.pdf
The network was fed with hard-edge paintings and their corresponding machine-made (by HED) sketches. The following images illustrate edges that were generated from the original image with HED (left), image synthesized from edges by the GAN (mid), original (right). The images were synthesized from samples that the adversarial network was not trained on.
For this task, I created the sketches (I tried to keep them simple and abstract as is common for the structures of hard-edge paintings) and let the network generate paintings.
This project is heavily based on code from
Python version: 2.
Code was tested with newest versions of packages (see required.txt
for list
of packages that are required).
Install Caffe-HED-version according to Make sure to add caffe to Python path, e.g. add something like following lines to bashrc, zshrc etc.:
# necessary for caffe
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/share/caffe/python:$PYTHONPATH
export CAFFE_ROOT=$HOME/.local/share/caffe
This manual is based on pictures extracted from wiki
for the artist Picasso.
Alternatives are hardpaint
and book
Main scripts have command line arguments, get help with python <python script file name> --help
This package is only necessary if images of the book are used as input for synthim, i.e. the margins and stripes of the single pages must be removed. It can also be used, if the task is to crop the margins from the sketches.
First, create edges (necessary for input, i.e. generation of closing, opening and connected components) with HED from synthim (see above).
Finally, crop margin of color and edge images and use the cropped folder for synthim:
python \
--path_color /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/book/color \
--path_edges /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/book/edges \
--path_cropped /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/book/cropped \
--nb_convert_images 5 --nb_connected_components 10000
Here, the folder cropped
contains color
and edges
. Both folders would
be used for the next steps like the other pictures (point towards these
folders if asked for --path_color
and --path_edges
python \
--path_sketch /export/home/vtschern/data/book-original-images/\
pages-valid/sketch \
--path_binary /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/book/sketch2 \
--nb_convert_images 5
This module generates edges (output) from colored images (input) with HED.
python \
--path_input /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso/color \
--path_output /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso/edges \
--path_hed /export/home/vtschern/workspace/mkdataset/configs/hed \
--nb_convert_images 5
python \
--path_color /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso/color \
--path_edges /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso/edges \
--path_dataset /export/home/vtschern/workspace/synthim/_datasets/picasso \
--nb_convert_images 5
Images can have arbitrary size, because they are downscaled and cropped to input size of the adversarial net if necessary.
Datasets are assumed to be in main directory of synthim
and named _datasets
Pretrained models can be used for testing and synthesizing. Options for
are: picasso
, book
, hardpaint
. Synthesizing can be done with
sketches are edges (i.e., no dataset is needed).
Further options can be found in the folder options
python \
--dataroot ./_datasets/picasso \
--name picasso --dataset_mode aligned --no_lsgan --niter 900
describes model name (also used as name for testing the model).--no_lsgan
chooses vanilla GAN instead of least-squares GAN
Realtime visualization of training and testing results can be enabled with
visdom server: --display_id <1, 2, ...>
. Select port for
displaying with --display-port <port number>
, otherwise 8097 is chosen.
Connect to visdom server via localhost:<port>
in web browser.
Number of iterations includes amount of iterations for decaying the learning
rate linearly to zero: --niter_decay
. Its default value is 100. Non-decaying
iterations can be added with --niter <100, 200, ...>
; default value being
- i.e., use only data from test set (data that was not used while training)
The amount of pictures synthesized is limited to 50, adapt with the option
python \
--dataroot ./_datasets/picasso \
--name picasso --dataset_mode aligned
The amount of pictures synthesized is limited to 50, adapt with the option
For example, generating images from machine-generated edges:
python \
--dataroot /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso/edges \
--name picasso
For example, generating images from human-drawn sketches:
python \
--dataroot /export/home/vtschern/workspace/_images/picasso-sketch/binary/ \
--name picasso