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My simulation of a Roulette Casino's profit, run in Python 3.10

Installing Dependencies

I use Python 3.10 for this program.

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: [-h] -sm STARTER_MONEY [-b BET_SIZE] [-r ROUNDS] [-s SESSIONS] [-t {random,safe,dangerous}]

A monte carlo simulation of a roulette

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -sm STARTER_MONEY, --starter_money STARTER_MONEY
                        the money player will have initially
  -b BET_SIZE, --bet_size BET_SIZE
                        The amount of bet player will place
  -r ROUNDS, --rounds ROUNDS
                        How many rounds of bettings of each session
  -s SESSIONS, --sessions SESSIONS
                        How many sessions the simulation will run
  -t {random,safe,dangerous}, --tendency {random,safe,dangerous}
                        Tendency of player of betting choice

My conclusion

from the simulation itself, the loss is usually more than the win but I have a bad way to count how much they win and how much they lose and I need to repair this in the future. but the logic behind the game itself is more or less correct, if anyone saw the flaws please tell me in the repo.


Source: Bet Odds Tabel (Wikipedia)