Devteds Episode #8 source code
Run multiple versions of MySQL databases and PostgreSQL with Docker using Docker Compose. Test multiple options of connecting to the databases running in containers.
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- macOS 10.12.3
- Docker 17.06.2-ce
- Docker Compose 1.14.0
- MySQL Workbench 6.3
mkdir ~/projs
cd ~/projs
git clone db-on-docker
cd db-on-docker
mkdir data
docker-compose up
# on new terminal tab
cd ~/projs/db-on-docker
docker-compose ps
- Test connection w/ database client on host OS using host OS ports
- Test with PHP based adminer tool that run on container - http://localhost:8080
- Test with databse clients within running containers. Examples below
docker-compose exec mysql-dev mysql -uroot -ppassword blogapp
docker-compose exec mysql-legacy mysql -uroot -ppassword legacyapp
docker-compose exec pgdb psql -U root -W blogapp
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker-compose rm -f
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