Releases: developers-hub-org/unity-realtime-networking-client
Releases · developers-hub-org/unity-realtime-networking-client
- Added more attributes to character and equipment class
- Fixed miner bugs
- Added option to manage characters and equipment
- Fixed miner bugs
- Upgraded to Unity 2023.1.19f1
- Added methods in Tools for compressing string to string
- Added account data being passed in authentication
- Added game data and result being passed to Netcode
- Fixed the issue with getting player data
- Fixed a lot of bugs
- Added option for matchmaking
- Added party management
- Added friends list management
- Added Netcode for GameObjects multiple server instance management
- Fixed miner bugs
- Added room management and object synchronization
- Added SQLite database
- Removed send and receive all data types except packet
- Fixed miner bugs
- Added new methods in the tools script for data serialization and compression
- Fixed issue where disconnect event was not being called from the main thread